971 entries found.
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Al-Nassar, S. (Suzan) | ACO-NSGAII: A Novel Metaheuristics for Bi-Objective Electric Vehicle Routing Problems | |
Baumgart, A. (Aleksandra) | Exploring Differences in ACMG Pathogenic Variants Among Diverse Populations through Comparative Analysis | |
Bhatt, S. (Shubham) | Unlocking Human-Like Speech: Enhancing TTS with Predicted Prosodic labels from text | |
Bijl, T. (Thijmen) | Strategies for Effective Course Recommendations with Transformers - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Blankestijn, M. (Max) | Solving Incrementally Harder Instances with Incremental Property Directed Reachability | |
Bliek, S. van der (Sophie) | Assessing the Interpretability of Word-Based Authorship Verification Methods for Forensic Applications | |
Boel, M. (Marc) | Online Mutation Strategy Selection in Differential Evolution through Deep Reinforcement Learning | |
Bonello, S. (Samuel) | Network Anonymization as an Optimization Problem - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Bouwman, K. (Koen) | Solving multi-agent reinforcements learning problems using Differential Evolution | |
Breukel, W. (Wytze) | A camera based Safety Assist System for bicycles | |
Burg, K. van der (Koen) | NAARA: Leveraging Large Language Models to Mitigate Digital Distractions and Enhance Focus through Intelligent Messaging Response | |
Buurman, W. den (Wout) | Embracing AI in Education: Assessing the Acceptance and Potential of ChatGPT for Student Assistants in Computer Science Education | |
Carton, C. (Casper) | Performance Evaluation of CNN’s Used for Image Registration on Serial Section Images | |
Chan, G. (Gerlise) | AutoCD: Automated Machine Learning for Causal Discovery Algorithms - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Cui, R. (Rouqiong) | Engaging Female Learners: A Game-Based Approach to Teaching Data Structures and Algorithms | |
Darabi, L. (Leila) | Medical Question Answering for Persian | |
Descals Carbonell, V. (Vicent) | Identifying Cell Cycle Phase Using DNA Staining in Time-Lapse Microscopy | |
Dijk, L. van (Leoni) | Transferring Knowledge from Common to Rare Diseases via a Genetic Algorithm | |
Dinu, C. (Catalin-Viorel) | An Adaptive Re-evaluation Method for Evolution Strategy under Additive Noise | |
Dofferhoff, R. (Rens) | Exhaustive Performance Exploration of Instruction Ordering on OOO-Processors | |
Drougkas, G. (Georgios) | Multimodal Machine Learning for Language/Speech Markers Identification in Mental Health | |
Dunlea, A. (Aaron) | Brand Recognition in the Textile Waste Stream | |
During, J. (Joël) | Consistency Regularization for Test-time Prompt Tuning | |
Egmond, D. van (Diego) | Fairness-Aware Edge Blocking for Influence Minimization | |
Elswijk, M. van (Michel) | StratoNet, a Deep Learning Approach to High Content Screening Feature Extraction | |
Evrenoglou, P.I. (Peli) | Quantum-Inspired Games: Gameplay in Quantum Tetris | |
Fan, S. (Shuang) | Big Five Personality Trait Prediction from Text Using Language Technologies | |
Gans, J.S. (Jesse Simon) | Combining AI Art and Blockchain for Decentralized Collaboration, Enhancing Provenance, Scarcity, and Authenticity | |
Gao, B. (Bowei) | Logistics Anomaly Detection | |
Groot, J. de (Jurren) | RNADock: A Geometric Deep Learning System for RNA-Ligand Docking - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Gurbuz, D.O. (Dervis Onur) | Cross-provider Serverless Trigger Benchmarking | |
Hashim, S. (Samy) | Automated City-Planning via Dynamic RL in Micropolis | |
Havenaar, B.D. (Benjamin) | Electrogan: Towards High Fidelity Electronic Music Generation with Stylegan2 | |
He, M. (Manlu) | DPD (DePression Detection) Net: A Deep Neural Network for Multimodal Depression Detection | |
Hendrikse, S.C.F. (Sophie) | Relationship-Specific and Relationship-Independent Behavioural Adaptivity in Affiliation and Bonding: a Multi-Adaptive Dynamical Systems Approach | |
Jain, P. (Priyansh) | Data Augmentation for Training Audio Classifiers | |
Jatelnicki, F. (Filip) | Uncovering Community Structures in Dark Web Forums Using Natural Language Processing and Network Analysis | |
Jong, L. de (Lucas) | Leveraging Uncertainty for Improved Model Performance: Optimizing Generative Models through Hyperparameter Optimization | |
Kareem, J. (Jasmin) | Per-instance Algorithm Selection for MIP-based Neural Network Verification | |
Khan, R. (Raashid) | Optimizing Realism & Interaction in Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays: A Study of Virtual-Physical Object Relationships Using Projection Mapping Methods | |
Kluiver, S. (Sem) | Zero-shot Strategies and Cosine Similarity in Selectical: a Technology Assisted Review System | |
Knol, R. (Romme) | Sequential Model-Based Optimisation using Symbolic Regression | |
Kogia, V. (Vasiliki) | f-AnoGAN with Transformers and Vector Quantisation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Head CTs | |
Kok, G. (Gareth) | Systematic Comparison of Few-Shot Learners in Remote Sensing Image Recognition Tasks | |
Kooij, E. van der (Emilia) | Upward Economic Mobility in a Longitudinal Population-Scale Social Network - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Kroes, B. (Brandon) | DAS-BR: a Tool for Heterogeneous and Distributed Blender Renders | |
Laanen, R. (Rodi) | Concept Drift Detection Using the Distance to the Decision Boundary | |
Lachmansingh, E. (Evani) | Deep Q-learning for Matching Comprehensively Typed Red Blood Cell Units | |
Li, L. (Leon) | Video Game Dialogue Summarization Using Natural Language Processing | |
Ma, R. (Ruilin) | HyperDrive: Hyperband with Gaussian Process for Efficient SCA Model Tuning | |
Maliappis, T. (Thomas) | Group Detection from Spatiotemporal data using Social Context | |
Mallya, E. (Ektha) | Analyzing Narratives in the Social Housing Domain Using Large Language Models - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Marchiori Dias, J.C. (Julio Cesar) | Improving the Estimation of Age at Onset for Huntington’s Disease through the Use of Machine Learning Models with the Enroll-HD Data | |
Morales Rojas, N.M. (Nathalia) | Travelling Salesman Problem solved using Deep Reinforcement Learning via alternative Attention Mechanisms and Enhanced Context Embedding | |
Morisse, J. (Juri) | Analyzing and Simplifying Contrastive Reinforcement Learning | |
Mouratis, A. (Antonis) | Measuring anonymity on labeled networks | |
Mourits, R. (Rob) | Optimizing the Use of Recuperative Braking by Trams | |
Nebreda Bernal, Ó. (Óscar) | Deep Learning for Improving Probabilistic Forecasts of Precipitation Extremes - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Nieuwenhuijzen, M. van den (Matt) | Selecting Pre-trained Models for Transfer Learning with Data-centric Meta-features | |
Nouweland, L. van den (Luuk) | Quantum Checkers: the Development and Analysis of a Quantum Combinatorial Game | |
Oberkofler, T.F. (Tobias) | On Adaptive Multi-Modal Trajectory Prediction | |
Palou I Tort, M. (Mireia) | Filling Gaps in Huntington’s Disease Understanding with Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge Graphs and LLMs | |
Paraskeva, A. (Andreas) | Resource-constrained Neural Architecture Search on DistilBERT for the Task of Question-answering | |
Pirée, L. (Lulof) | A Coalgebraic Modal Logic for Cellular Automata | |
Planas Lisbona, M. (Mireia) | Domain Generalization for robust Large Vessel Occlusion detection - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Pleunes, J. (Jelle) | Quantum-inspired Hackenbush | |
Ponse, K. (Koen) | The XAI-Economist: Explainable Reinforcement Learning in RL-Assisted Policy Generation | |
Prabhakar, P. (Priya) | Aorta Segmentation and its Geometric Analysis | |
Putten, S. van der (Stephan) | Towards a Testbed for Evaluating Microservice Architecture Performance | |
Redelaar, F. (Felicia) | Attributed Question Answering for the Dutch Law Using Retrieval Augmented Large Language Models | |
Reijtenbach, R. (Rob) | Dataset Creation for Visual Entailment using Generative AI | |
Remmerswaal, F. (Floyd) | Validation & Simulation of Software-Defined Network Specifications in Probabilistic NetKAT | |
Ren, S. (Shuaizhen) | Exploring fault injection attacks against embedded neural networks | |
Rooij, J. de (Justin) | Evaluation of Visual and Vibro-Tactile Feedback Modalities on Interaction With a Virtual Cockpit | |
Rooij, M. de (Michael) | Video-Based Tracking of a Speed Skater in the Corner | |
Ruigrok, L. (Lars) | Polarity Marking Dutch Parse Trees | |
Ruiz Munné, E. (Eduard) | An innovative synergy between Evolutionary and Deep Learning Methods for Multi-Objective Deformable Image Registration | |
Sai, N. (Nan) | Optimizing the Linear Interpolation of Sparse and Dense Retrieval Models | |
Schaap, A. (Anthonie) | Towards Fairness in Machine Learning: Balancing Racially Imbalanced Datasets through Data Augmentation, GANs, and Fairness Metrics | |
Schaap, L. (Lennard) | Benchmarking Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Demand Response in Urban Energy Systems | |
Schamhart, M. (Milou) | Large-scale Analysis of Multilingual Financial News with LLMs | |
Schmelczer, A. (András) | GreatAI: an Easy-to-Adopt Framework for Robust End-to-End AI Deployments | |
Schröder, S. (Sietse) | Overfitting in Combined Algorithm Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization | |
Schuckert, L. (Lilli) | Sampling protein sequence space to map global distributions of protein structure | |
Shahane, A.A. (Ananta Anil) | A Corridor Model Evolutionary Algorithm for Fast Converging Green Vehicle Routing Problem - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Shavit, H. (Hadar) | Algorithm Selection for SAT Using Graph Neural Networks | |
Shi, C. (Chenyu) | Effects of Observable Choices in the Performance of Variational Quantum Generative Models - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Shi, X. (Xudong) | Safe, Fast and Elegant Communication in Rust | |
Soni, S. (Swati) | Gender and cultural bias in text-based emotion assessment: A critical analysis within Affective Computing using Large Language Models | |
Spek, C. (Corné) | Auto-Verify: A framework for portfolio-based neural network verification | |
Staicu, C. (Carla) | Exploring digital photography for dental shade matching - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Starkenburg, B. (Berend) | Working Towards Category Theoretic Semantics for Separation Logic | |
Steffens, B. (Benjamin) | Generating Art using Genetic Programming | |
Sun, Q. (Qinshan) | Application of Multimodal Optimization Metaheuristics to Training of Artificial Neural Networks | |
Sundar, S. (Srishankar) | MLDep: A Testbed for Performance Exploration of Machine Learning Inference Serving | |
Tiling, L. (Leonard) | Segmenting and Analysing 3D Images of FUCCI-reporter Induced Breast Cancer Nuclei Spheroids with Deep Learning Models | |
Tomassen, F. (Floris) | LLM-Based Data Generation techniques for end-to-end models of grammatical error correction applied to Dutch Care Text | |
Tumkur Rameshchandra, R. (Ramya) | Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods to Understand the Social and Psychological Effects of Prescription Opioids | |
Vijfwinkel. D. (Daan) | Modeling the Effects of Matrix Metalloproteinase on Stressed Extracellular Matrix and its Dysregulation in Psoriasis Patients | |
Voogt, M.A. (Mick) | Reducing Evaluation Time for a Multiobjective Energy System Sizing Problem using Dynamic Simulation Time | |
Vos, T. (Timo) | A Data-Centric Approach to Log Anomaly Detection - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Wang, W. (Weiji) | Forecasting Stone Loss Percentage on Dutch Highways with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models | |
Wang, Y. (Yuhang) | Labels Are Not All You Need: Evaluating Unsupervised Node Embedding Quality with Internal Strategies - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Weber, R. (Rianne) | Generating Full-Contrast T1ce MRI Images from Simulated Low-Dose T1 Images Using a Neural Field-Based Generative Model to Reduce Gadolinium Dose | |
Wei, B. (Bohan) | Exploring the Application of the BLIP-2 Model on Soccer Video Data | |
Wensveen, R. (Roos) | Solving, Generating and Classifying Hitori | |
Wiersma, M. (Marten) | Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Ferry Navigation | |
Wooning, S.P. (Sander) | Unveiling Adaptive Optics Imaging Patterns in Control and Retinitis Pigmentosa Participants: a Data Driven Approach - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Wu, B. (Bingxuan) | Early Design Stage Power Consumption Estimation of VLSI Circuits | |
Wu, J. (Jie) | Improving QA for low-resource languages with language alignment | |
Xia, T. (Tian) | Near-term Forecasting for Changes in the Demand for AI Skills in Jobs: A Machine Learning Approach - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Xu, Z. (Ziyi) | CLSEAVE: A Method for Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning in Visual Entailment | |
Yuan, Y. (Yuang) | Ensemble Methods of Malicious Domain Detection using Whois Features and DNS Data Analysis | |
Zhang, S. (Shaoxuan) | Anonymity in Temporal Networks | |
Zhang, Y. (Yuchi) | The Relationship between Compensation and Work Duration | |
Zhao, C. (Chao) | Enhancing Personalized Academic Search with Query Expansion: A Real-World Data Approach Using Large Language Models - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Zhou, L. (Lingling) | Tree Transformer’s Disambiguation Ability of Prepositional Phrase Attachment and Garden Path Effects | |
Zwart, M. van der (Michael) | R2N-Tab: a hybrid model for binary tabular data | |
Zwart, R. (Rosa) | Foundational Ontologies to Improve the Explainability of Explainable AI Algorithms | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Aarnoutse M.F.A. | Automatic Pass Detection in Soccer Tracking Data | |
Aioanei, Bogdan | Network-aware vs. network-agnostic flight delay propagation in airport network | |
Alwer, Saleh | Graph Neural Networks for Modelling Chess | |
Arnesto Sitorus, Brian | Natural Language Processing Methods for Supporting Indonesian Fact Checkers | |
Arya Patel, Sudarshna | Reinforcement Learning based optimization/control of production for a single reservoir system | |
Barreiro Clemente, Diego | Predicting care plan goals using a knowledge graph-based recommender system | |
Bax, M. | A Machine Learning Approach to Identify Potential Biomarkers for Neuromuscular Diseases Using a Device That Simulates Regular Daily Upper Limb Activity | |
Bolt, Julia | An approach to describing the semantics of Hedy, a gradual programming language for education | |
Bozcal, Ertugrul | Predicting Treatment Response for a Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) Patient Based on the 3D Medical Imaging | |
Broughton, N. (Nathan) | Exploring the Relationship Between Behaviour and Health: A Comparative Analyses of Time Series Prediction Models and Feature Explainability Techniques - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Burgh, Rogier van den | Rhythm Climber, using rhythm on pcg for climber | |
Cathalina, Julius | Designing Diverse and Synthesizable Molecules using Multi-Objective Generative Flow Networks guided by Retrosynthetic Accessibility | |
Chen, LanGe | ‘I Feel You’: Enhancing conversational agents with empathy | |
Chen, Wei | A Dual-Technique Approach: Shapelet and TimeGAN for Counterfactual Eplenations of Univariate Time Series | |
Collu, J. (Jonathan) | On the efficiency and robustness of structured world models combined with pre-learned object-centric representations - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Corsel, William | Exploiting Temporal Context for Tiny Object Detection - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Cremers, Karolis | Structured review on Huntington's disease hypothesis | |
Dellaert, Jasper | Analysing the inductive biases of equivariant quan- tum circuits | |
Delzenne, Mees | A research platform for autonomous navigation of pedestrian spaces | |
Deng, Zhe | Meal Delivery Routing with Crowd-sourced Vehicles | |
Ding, Bosong | understanding MAML Through Its Loss Landscape | |
Dofferhoff, Rens | Exhaustive Performance Exploration of Instruction Ordering on 000-Processors | |
Epure, Irina-Mona | Increasing Visual Tracking Algorithm Robustness to the Challenges of Agricultural Datasets | |
Fargose, Kenneth | Transfer Learning in Time-Series Forecasting | |
Gao, Yaqiong | Cross-Modal Food Retrieval with Vision-Language Pre-training | |
Gmelig Meyling, Thomas | Enginetron: realtime car exhaust note synthesis using on-board diagnostics through Text-to-Speech networks | |
Hajiaghapour, Kamand | A Deeper Dive into the Relations Between Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Disease using Subgroup Set Discovery and a Smartphone-Based Dataset | |
Havenaar, B.D. | Electrogan: Towards High Fidelity Electronic Music Generation with Stylegan2 | |
Horokhovskyi, I. (Ivan) | Jarvis: A cloud-based multi-purpose data quality library - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Houwing, Krijn | 3D preoperative to intraoperative registration of lymph node locations in robotic prostate cancer surgery | |
Hu, Wenqian | A Hybrid Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows | |
Ieronymaki, D. (Dimitrios) | Text guided face forgery detection | |
Ieronymaki, M. (Maria) | Comparative Analysis of Generative Adversarial Networks for High-Quality Image Generation of Clean and Defective Syringes | |
Işlak, Ismigül | Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning of Osteosarcoma Tissue using Imaging Mass Cytometry | |
Jain, Priyansh | Data Augmentation for training Audio Classifiers | |
Kafetzaki, Marianna | Carbon Footprint Information Extraction from Businessses Annual Reports | |
Kousathana, Eirini | Opinionated content summarization with Transformer Architectures | |
Laskaris, Georgios | Comparison between tensor networks and quantum machine learning on binary classification task | |
Lei, Yiqin | Detecting the switch time for informed one-shot dynamic algorithm selection using the area under the ECDF curve | |
Leng, H. | Multi-objective Optimization of Takeaway Order Allocation based on NSGA-II Algorithm | |
Li, Yingjie | Application of Automated Machine Learning Pipeline for the Classification of Volcanic Time Series Data | |
Liang, Yuan | Style Matters: Evaluation on Communication Styles of a Restaurant Robot | |
Lin, Yuan | A Reinforment Learning-based Hierarchical Method for Route Planning | |
Linden, Nick van der | Rumour Detection for Dutch Twitter | |
Lommen, Yven | Temporal design choices for feature engineering from dynamic networks | |
Lu, Y. (Yijie) | Unveiling Patterns of Gun Violence in Europe: Topic Discovery and Analysis using Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Lyu, Donghang | Res-Swin: Effective Combination of ResNet and Swin Transformer for LDCT Denoising | |
Mahdavi, R. (Rana) | A NLP-Based Solution for Estimating the Seniority Level of Jobs Using Job Postings - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Majellaro, R. (Riccardo) | Disentangling Shape and Texture Dimensions in Object-Centric Representations - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Menyhért, M. (Márton) | Social connectedness of geographical areas in a population-scale network - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Meulen, Frederick van der | Augmenting existing activity recognition classifiers for inactivity detection of the elderly | |
Meurs, Thijs van | Automating the medical claims coding process; a medical NLP study using naive and state-of-the-art techniques and methods - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Michels, Ricardo | The geographical distribution of Covid (mis)information on Twitter | |
Middelkoop, Richard | Investigating the application of genetic algorithms to design parameterised quantum to mitigate barren plateau problems | |
Mone, Antonio | Weight Agnostic Neural Networks on Atari Games | |
Mor-Puigventós, Pol | Human-guided Rule List Learning for Length of Stay Classification | |
Muizelaar, Hielke | Exploring Dutch BERT models extracting lifestyle characteristics from medical text | |
Noordover, Kevin | Player tracking in water polo | |
Pal, T. | TCNA: Analysing patterns in time series using TCN and Self-Attention | |
Papada, Konstantina | Investigating the epoch size and feature engineering for Automated Machine Learning in EEG data analysis | |
Peng, Tao | Centrality-based NSGA-II method for optimal sensor placement in water distribution networks | |
Pohl, Leonardo | FESD: A Fault Estimation Pipeline for Human Pose Estimation | |
Prins, Jelmer | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Micro Battles in StarCraft 2 | |
Prins, Vincent | Dungeons & Firearms: AI-Directing Action Intensity of Procedural Levels | |
Reep, C. (Carmen) | Automated drug repurposing workflow for rare diseases | |
Remmerswaal, Mick | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Profiled Side-Channel Attacks Applying Proximal Policy Optimization for Point Of Interest Selection | |
Sanchez Olivarez, Emilio | An emperical analysis of transfer learning for link prediction in real-world network | |
Savva, Andreas | Hybrid CNN Partitioning On Edge Devices And Its Effects On Energy, Memory and Inference Latency | |
Schmelczer, A. | GreatAI: An easy-to-adopt framework for robust end-to-end AI deployments | |
Schonenberg, Jerry | Multi Dynamics and Q-Learning with Shared State Representation for Battery Dispatch Optimisation | |
Shahane, A.A. (Ananta) | A Corridor Model Evolutionary Algorithm for Fast Converging Green Vehicle Routing Problem - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Simons, Thijs | The Training of Neural Networks that can Train Neural Networks | |
Sluis, V. van der (Vincent) | Deep Learning for Embryo Selection in In Vitro Fertilization | |
Smit, Taz | A study into human interaction with dysfunctional social behavior in robots | |
Šterberová, Adéla | Semi-Supervised Iterative Learning on hiPSC-CMs Cardiotoxicity Images | |
Stokman, Wouter | Multivariate Time Series Classification in Radial Drilling Applications | |
Sun, Feiyang | Explenation of XAI clustering methods on Android malware family catergorization | |
Tajalizadehkhoob, Omid | FlaSH: Lightning Prediction Using GOES-16 Satellite Images | |
Toussaint, G. | Content-agnostic cascade-wise ranking of Fake News on Online Social Media | |
Tsiftsi, Katerina | The effect of robot errors on children in the context of education | |
van der Staaij, Arthur | Terrain-Adaptive PCGML in Minecraft | |
van Schendel, Bob | One ring break model to rule them all? | |
Vanmosuinck, Ernest | Subpopulations with adaptive population size and search space partition in Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy | |
Venkatesh, Vinutha | A study on Speech Enhancement using ResUNet: Evaluating the Influence of Noise Types on Quality Assessment | |
Wang, Jialiang | Automatic speech recognition for the low-resource language Frisian using Conformer and pre-trained Whisper | |
Wang, Ruilin | Investigating De-identification Methodologies in Dutch Medical Texts: A Replication Study of Deduce and Deidentify | |
Wang, Runda | A Multilingual Solution for Mental Health Evaluation with Full Context Components | |
Wibisono, A. (Arvindeva) | Music Album Review Rating Prediction Using Transformers | |
Wibisono, Arvindeva | Music Album Review Rating Prediction Using Transformers | |
Witte, Niels | FishEcoModeler: A performant, simple to use and extensible open source framwork for simulating fish populations in complex 3D enviroments | |
Woerdings, Virgil | Network-driven analysis of evolving populations in genetic algorithms | |
Xie, Xinyue | Anonymization Algorithms for Privacy-Sensitive Networks | |
Yang, Zihui | Improve Answer Retrieval in the Legal Domain with Structured Inputs for Cross-Encoder Re-rankers | |
Yin, H. (Haoran) | Landscape Analysis of CEC’ 2022 Basic Benchmark Problems - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Zakkas, Pavlos | Abstractive Summarization for Large Collections of Scientific Articles | |
Zhang, Ziwei | Deep Learning for Visual Query Tasks Based on Spatio-Temporal Graph | |
Zhu, Yuxuan | Data-driven Nozzle Failures Detection and Classification - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Akshat, A. | Mining Physical Activity Behaviours in Older Adults | |
Ansari, A. | Analyzing the stress produced in Computer Science students during exams and the effects of gender stereotypes | |
Apostolou, V. | Effects of symmetry breaking in the performance and the design of Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm (QAOA). | |
Bergman, P. | Data mining paper meta-data: a novel model for large scale paper meta-data research | |
Bhat, A. | Feature Extraction using Deep Learning for Breast Cancer Histopathology - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Blom, M. | AMOOSE: A Domain Specific Language for the Astrophysical Multipurpose Software Environment | |
Bors, P. | Topology-aware Network Feature Selection in Link Prediction | |
Bozik, M. | Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis on Dutch Patient Experience Survey Data | |
Casara, M. | Simulation study of Uncertainty Quantification on classification tasks using Empirical Bayesian Deep Neural Network | |
Congleton, C. | [Tracing Political Positioning] | |
Dijkstra, E. | Adaptive Reinforcement Learning for Human-AI collaboration | |
Dimitrov, T. | Parkinson’s Disease Pull Test Proxy Model Development using Daily Life Activities | |
Dincu, Andreea | Machine Learning on diagnostic imaging data of systemic sclerosis patients based on lower-dimensional image representations | |
Domela Nieuwenhuis Nyegaard, D. | A Genetic Algorithm Parameter Control Method using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Offshore Wind Farm Maintenance Planning | |
Fang, Z. | A GNN-Based Method for Group Detection from Spatio-Temporal Data | |
Gavandi, T. | Image Segmentation on the Skin Diseases | |
Groot, M. de | Modelling Startup Growth and Spending by using Markov Decision Processes | |
Gunn, J. | Brain Age Prediction using Machine learning Techniques applied to Resting State EEG data, with Clinical Validation Results - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Haitink, M. | Bayesian Online Change Point Detection: an application to sports and e-sports data | |
Hasenoot, J. | The Performance of Distributed Applications: A Traffic Shaping Perspective | |
Heath, C. | Natural Language Processing for lifestyle recognition in discharge summaries | |
Hertogh, M. | Hypervisor Isolation | |
Hou, Y. | Stance Detection on Twitter for COVID-19 Misinformation | |
Huang, Q. | Multi-surrogate Assisted Efficient Global Optimization: A Positional Study on Discrete Problems | |
IJpelaar, M. | Investigating End-to-End Arrow-based operations in Apache Spark | |
Jonckheere, L. de | Real-time monophonic pitch estimation for guitar driven sound synthesis | |
Kalmes, Marcel | Alignment of Facial Images from Infrared and RGB video data | |
Kleijn, K. | Automation of Crack Assessment in Masonry Facades using Deep Learning | |
Kleingeld, D. | [GovFS, a scalable control plane using groups of metadata nodes] | |
Kok, R. | A Cell-Based Model of Angiogenesis Suggests That Vascular Stabilisation Can Result From Flow-Based Inhibition of Chemotaxis | |
Kolettis, M. | Multi-modal Emotion Recognition | |
Koole, M. | The automatic labelling of medical entities in Dutch endoscopy reports | |
Koschny, J. (Julius) | Synchronous Hackenbush | |
Li, H. | Standardizing Nature-inspired Algorithms — a unified framework UNIOA for seven swarm-based algorithms | |
Likhi, T. | Effects of the power distance index on multicultural software engineering teams | |
Liu, C. | Pattern Mining Enabled Scanner Event-based Quantitative Analysis of Lithography Scanner Productivity Performance | |
Luo, Y. | Application of deep learning in lead optimization for improving activity of drug molecules | |
Mirzoyan, R. | Quantification of Parkinson’s disease symptoms during activities of daily living using accelerometrybased wearable sensors | |
Mkrtchyan, W. | A Pilot Study on the Effects of Oblique Strategies on Creativity and Divergent Thinking using an Intervaled Alternative Uses Task | |
Moradi, A. | Federated Learning: literature review and hyperparameter importance. | |
Narendra, S. | SNet : An Attention Mechanism Based Deep Neural Network For URL Classification | |
Neuteboom, V. | AutoML for creating hybrid Earth science models | |
Nolden, L. | Scanning Latin poetry with machine learning | |
Oudshoorn, S. | Exploring the Predictability of Bacterial Vaginosis in Reproductive Age Women using Longitudinal Vaginal Microbe Abundance and pH Data | |
Õunmaa, M. | Analyzing AI players on different Ticket to Ride variants | |
Palma, A. | Learning perturbation responses in high-throughput morphological assays through deep generative models - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Perdomo Quinteiro, P. | DMD Drug Repurposing using Knowledge Graphs and eXplainable AI | |
Plug, R. | Methods for Federated Data Analysis | |
Pophare, N. | Building a Portfolio of Optimization Algorithms for Good Anytime Performance via Automated Algorithm Configuration | |
Poslavsky, V. | Classifying skills in high-profile skill taxonomies, using Sentence-BERT embeddings - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Prehn, E. | Investigating Deep Learning of DFT Functionals for the 1D Hubbard Model in the NISQ Era | |
Remmerswaal, M. | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Profiled Side Channel Attacks – Applying Proximal Policy Optimization for Point of Interest Selection | |
Rohit Nekkanti, V. | Applying Rainbow DQN to FlappyBirds and exploring its transfer sensitivty to PCG parameter changes | |
Rooij, L. van | Explainable AI for ship design analysis with AIS and static ship data | |
Schlender, T. | The Bigger Fish A comparison of state-of-the-art QSAR models on low resourced Aquatic Toxicity Regression Tasks | |
Snelleman, T. | Coronary Artery Extraction using Geometrical Deep Learning on Medical Imaging Data | |
Tetteroo, J. | Automated machine learning for COVID-19 forecasting | |
Vasanth, N. | VocalFlows: A co-creative AI to suggest vocal flows | |
Vink, J. | Fusing spaceborne radar, lidar and spectrometry data using semi-supervised deep learning to create a high resolution canopy structure dataset | |
Vink, T. | Classification of bank transactions into multi-class, nonuniformly distributed ledger accounts | |
Visser, L. | Near-term quantum algorithms for regression, overfitting analysis and regularization | |
Vos, L. | Automatically testing libraries symbolically | |
Voskuil, K. | Pre-training World Models to efficiently learn related tasks | |
Waal, R. van der | Evaluating and Quantifying Biped Locomotion Naturalness in neural nets trained with Kinect motion data | |
Wasala, J. | AutoSR-RS: an AutoML Approach to Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing | |
Wijngaarden, E. van | Whisper to Speech Conversion Conditioned on Predicted Pitch Contours - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Yadav, P. | Action Recognition of Livestock with multi object tracking using Computer Vision and Deep learning - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Yiu, W. | Cell Trajectory studies - Exploring new cell trajectory tracking algorithms with neutrophil cells | |
Zande, E. van der | dynSLAM: Robust 2D Lidar SLAM in Dynamic Environments | |
Zhang, X. | Deep learning for stance detection in the news domain | |
Zhao, M. | [Integrating transcriptomic sequencing data at single-cell/nucleus level reveals cellular heterogeneity in FSHD] | |
Zoete, B. de | Measuring Community Social Capital through the Structure of a Population-scale Social Network | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Abukari, Marcus | Classifying general practitioner notes using support vector machines and pre-trained language models | |
Aldabergenov, Olzhas | Broad Language Support for Automatic Translation Insight Extractors of Complex Language Patterns | |
Alvarez Rodriguez, Sebastiaan | Generic, End-to-end Computation Offloading between Processing and Storage Systems | |
Arp, Laurens | A Markov Reward Process-Based Approach to Spatial Interpolation | |
Barbouch, Mohamed | Integration of BERT and WordNet for improving Natural Language Understanding | |
Beelen, Anouk | Image analysis of cell interactions and modeling of oxygen consumption - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Boks, Rick | Dynamic Configuration of Operators and Parameters in Differential Evolution through Combined Fitness and Diversity-Driven Adaptation Methods | |
Bovo, Francesco | Clinical Temporal Relation Extraction: Towards a Patient’s Timeline Creation | |
Chander, Ankita | Human Activity Recognition under Free-Living Conditions using Smartphone Accelerometers | |
Chen, Jingsen | Modern Machine Learning for Anti-Money Laundering | |
Chen, Xin | Automatic Segmentation of Recordings for Text-to-Speech Model Training | |
Covrig, Bogdan-Ionel | 3D Visualization of Convolutional Neural Networks in real-time and time | |
Dekker, Loes | Formal Semantics of ALCH | |
Dekkers, Cas | Designing Information Visualizations for Generating Business Value in Agile Software Development | |
Dias Cirilio, Alexandre | Uncovering epigenetic drivers of cardiometabolic traits through histone and DNA methylation quantitative trait loci integration | |
Dong, Siyuan | Learning Transferable Architectures for Image Denoising | |
Drogtrop, Jimmy | Predicting Successful Sequences in Soccer using Boosted LSTM Networks | |
Gogou, Evangelia | A Clinical Prognostic Decision Support System for the Prediction of the Prognosis of Patients with Endometrial Cancer | |
Guo, Zhenyu | When can BERT beat SVM? Replication of four text classification papers and fine-tuning RobBERT on Dutch language datasets | |
Hanse, Gideon | Efficiently solving Expensive Multi-Objective Black-Box Optimization Problems using Optimally Weighted Ensembles of Surrogate Models | |
Helmonds, Joep | Detecting energy grid anomalies using convolutional neural networks | |
Hubai, Zsolt | Comparison of Speaker Verification Models using Smartphone Recordings Collected in Healthy Human Subjects | |
Huijben, Marcel | Parallel Code Generation on the GPU | |
Huisman, Mike | Revisiting Learned Optimizers in Few-Shot Settings | |
Jin, Keyan | Predicting Stock Price Movement with Multi-source Information | |
Jong, Rachel de | Measuring Structural Anonymity in Complex Networks | |
König, Oliver | Few-shot transformers | |
Kulkarni, Atish | Graph pattern mining for blockchain networks | |
Li, Jicheng | Feature Extraction from Spectrums for Speech Emotion Recognition | |
Li, Yichao | Semi-Supervised Consistency Training for Image Segmentation in 3D CT Scans | |
Li, Yijia | Image segmentation using regression models, fuzzy c-means clustering, and deep learning methods | |
Liang, Yan | Automated Machine Learning of Customer-Specific Gaussian Mixture Models for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection | |
Liang, Yan | Automated Machine Learning of Customer-Specific Gaussian Mixture Models for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection | |
Liebens, Anne | Feature Reduction Methods for Cyber Attack Detection | |
Lin, Mei-Chen | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Traffic Light Control | |
Lubben, Jelle | Automatic ship plume detection using Convolutional Neural Network | |
Maagdenberg, Helle van den | Exploring Practical Identifiability in Target-Mediated Drug Disposition Models | |
Mandloi, Tushar | FAIRification of genetic data and comparison of breast cancer and normal samples within families | |
Matar, Mona | Measuring architectural change and maintainability in networks of evolving software | |
Meer, Oscar van der | AlphaGo-like inverse RNA folding algorithms | |
Meij, Yangjie | Empirical Study of Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Selection Methods for Evolution Strategy in High Dimension | |
Ottervanger, Giles | MultiETSC: Automated Machine Learning for Early Time Series Classification | |
Ouwerkerk, Jasper | Predicting Disease Progression in Huntington’s Disease | |
Palacios Salinas, Nelly | Automated Machine Learning for Satellite Data: Integrating remote sensing pre-trained models into AutoML systems | |
Peters, Orson | Quantum speedups for Monte Carlo Tree Search | |
Piaskowski, Bartosz | Benchmarking for Efficient Global Optimization Algorithms on Mixed-Integer Problems - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Rook, Jeroen | Caching in Model Counters: A Journey through Space and Time | |
Santamaria Hernandez, Pedro | Automated Regression Pipeline for Time-Series problems with Real-World applications | |
Schillemans, Jan | Multi-aspect monitoring of machine learning models in operation | |
Schröder, Dominik | Dynamic Algorithm Selection for Continuous Black-box Optimization | |
Skevofylax, Pavlos | Hindsight Policy Gradient Interpolation | |
Staalduinen van, Jan | Classifying Breast Cancer Tissue using Imaging Mass Cytometry and Graph Neural Networks | |
Sun, Jiakun | Automatic Named Entity Recognition for ASR output in the Political Domain | |
Suryadikara, Rayan | False News Classification and Dissemination Analysis: The 2019 Indonesian Presidential Election | |
Swenne, Martijn | New Decision Diagram-based Techniques for the Simulation of Quantum Computations | |
Tang, Shangyi | Identification of Scratch projects’ Similarity using Clustering Algorithms | |
Trajanoska, Marija | Design and analysis of high-throughput defect inspection algorithms for the semiconductor industry - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Vlasakker, Rintse van de | Operational Semantics of GHOPFL | |
Voetter, Robin | Parallel Lexing, Parsing and Semantic Analysis on the GPU | |
Vries, Joery de | Hierarchical Multistep and Q(λ) | |
Walen, Ruben | Intersegmental RNA-RNA interactions in influenza A virus genomes: a bioinformatics perspective | |
Wang, Chen | Using ensemble models with structural information in social media to aid rumour stance classification | |
Wang, Jianing | Count-Based Exploration for Multi-Agent Learning | |
Xie, Shixuan | Exploring the presence and effect of treatment selection bias for localized prostate cancer data from Netherlands Cancer Registry | |
Xiong, Yuxin | Adversarial Detection and Defense in Deep learning | |
Yu, Hainan | Multi-Agent Cooperation and Information Exchange in Partially Observable Games | |
Zandbelt, Rik | Tracking long track ice skaters in the bend | |
Zeng, Shutong | Locating multiple local minima in the “optical lens deign problem” - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Zhao, Xueyu | The effect of robot role and reading comprehension on children's learning outcomes | |
Zhao, Yuxuan | Would Rather be More than Less: On-Demand Container Resizing | |
Zwanenburg, Ewout | Diagnosis and Prognosis of Induction Motors and Bearing using Fast Fourier Transform and Machine Learning Techniques | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Adrichem, Adam van | Binary classification and t-SNE for cancer datasets | |
Aktau, Aliya | Designing a FAIR Data point for Digital Health in Kazakhstan | |
Bastiaan, Alban | An Exploration of Multiple Unsupervised Algorithms in a Financial Auditing Context | |
Beljaards, Laurens | Multi-Task Learning for Joint Image Registration and Segmentation in Adaptive Radiotherapy - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Bernatavičius, Andrius | RLIF: Reinforcement learning-based RNA design tool | |
Bijl, Yannick | Estimating Cell Type Abundance of Heterogeneous Gene Expression Data using DOGS (Deconvolution of Gene Signatures) - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Boekhout, H. (Hanjo) | Exploring Scientific Mobility in Co-authorship Networks using Multilayer Temporal Motifs | |
Bouland, Gerard | Linking genetic variants to proteomics in Gyrus Temporalis Medialis shows disrupted correlation and expression patterns between individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and non-demented controls | |
Buwalda, Niek | A network-driven understanding of user interaction in topical online communities | |
Cames van Batenburg, Diederik | VNTR prediction on sequence characteristics using long-read annotation and validation by short-read pileup | |
Chios, Ioannis | Investigating the Explainability Potentials of the Deep Relevance Matching Model | |
Etoeharnowo, Teddy | A Random Forest Approach for Dealing with Missingness: a Case Study in Primary Care Data | |
Fokkinga, Daniël | Programming a Stochastic Constraint Optimisation Algorithm, by Optimisation | |
Hu, Yuting | Named Entity Recognition on Chinese Biomedical Patents using Pre-trained Language Models | |
Jonkman, Jacob | The effects of music listening on program comprehension | |
Khairullah, Mohamed Zehni | On the Potential of Feature-based Algorithm Selection for Pseudo-Boolean Problems | |
Kyziridis, G. (Georgios) | Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for the Train Unit Shunting Problem | |
Leeftink, Wouter | Classifying sequences of football play using boosted LSTMs | |
Lou, Yitan | A GE Benchmark and an automated GE comparison system | |
Louwe, Anneloes | Utilizing unstructured information from Electronic Medical Records for the prediction of stroke | |
Martens, Joost | Detecting Fragmentation in the Secured Money Market using Fairness-Aware Machine Learning - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Mazhar, Heba | Detecting Critical Driving Events using Messy Smartphone Sensor Data | |
Müller-Brockhausen, Matthias | Comparing AI approaches for Tetris Link | |
Nobel, Jacob de | Investigating the Behaviour of the CMA-ES through Time Series Analysis | |
Papathanasiou, Nik | Sequence Prediction Under Multiple Constraints | |
Perk, Mats | From whole-tissue measurements to cell composition and functionality identification in mouse leg muscle - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Roos, Dennis | Protocol Link Nets: A Flexible Method for Composing Petri Nets | |
Santiago Rojo, Juan de | Exhaust Gas Temperature modeling, a symbolic regression approach | |
Schmidt, Zachary | Esports Match Result Prediction for a Decision Support System in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive | |
Spaink, Hermes | Identifying a Novel Class of Cancer Dependencies: Paralog Genes Interacting with Common Essentials | |
Tan, Mingkang | Streamlining Computational Workflow of Dual CRISPR Screen Library Design and Screen Analysis | |
Tsiaousis, Michail | Learning Context for Weakly-Supervised Action Detection using Graph Convolutional Networks | |
Vermetten, Diederick | Integrating Algorithm Selection and Configuration: A Proof of Concept for the Modular CMA-ES | |
Verweij, Geerten | Faster Community Detection Without Loss of Quality: Parallelizing the Leiden Algorithm | |
Veth, Olga | Using machine learning to identify brain patterns related to autistic traits | |
Wageningen, Simon van | Quantifying Network Complexity: An Evaluation of Measures | |
Wang, Dapeng | First Steps towards Hybrid Quantum-Classical Optimization | |
Wang, Mingkang | Evaluating and Optimizing Electric Bicycle Designs by Coupling Machine Learning and Evolutionary Strategy | |
Wijnbergen, Daniël | Comparison of expression deconvolution methods | |
Wu, Jichen | Evolutionary Isolation Forest for Interactive Anomaly Detection | |
Xu, Hanyun | Bioinformatics analysis of whole genome and whole exome sequences in sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Yang, Zhao | Historical Information for Enhancing Q-learning in Maze Navigation Tasks | |
Zandvliet, Jos | Adapting IC3 for Combinatorial Two-Player Games | |
Zhu, Min | Developing a computational framework to identify muscle-specific gene expression modules in RNA-seq data | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Berg, Jelle van den | Using Al to predict ICU patient mortality | |
Boom, Bernard van den | Supervised Outlier Detection in Financial Regulatory Data | |
Bortolussi, Francesco | Improving Automatic Document Classification by Studying the Effects of Transfer Learning and Reinforcement Learning on Deep Learning Models | |
Bosch, Nick van den | Social Network Analysis of Criminal Contact Networks | |
Brand, Sebastiaan | Waiting Time in Quantum Repeater Chains | |
Chakravadhanula, Lalithasushma | A statistical approach to classification of mechanistic computational models of Parkinson’s Disease | |
Dijk, Stef van | Solving Othello using BDDs | |
Dimitriadis, Petros | Predicting Graft Survival in Kidney Transplantation using Neural Networks and Semantic Modelling | |
Edixhoven, L. (Luc) | Checkerboard Patterns and Binary Decision Diagrams for the Game 2048 | |
Engelen, Jesper van | Semi-supervised Ensemble Learning | |
Guo, Xin | A New Approach Towards the Combined Algorithm Selection and Hyper-parameter Optimization Problem | |
Hader, Mounir | Bayesian Optimization for Automatic Configuration of Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification | |
Hal, Roy van | Embedding geographical locations using triplet loss networks | |
Hijmans, Bart | Constructing Monitors for Reo Circuits | |
Hopman, Lars | Ensemble community detection in real-world networks | |
Huibers, J. (Jarno) | Strategies for Restricted Nim | |
Huybers, Richard | A Parallel Relation-Based Algorithm for Symbolic Bisimulation Minimization | |
Kanhai, Soeradj | Reach and content of Dutch junk news on Facebook | |
Lamers, Christiaan | Skippy: Automated configuration of CNNs with skip connections | |
Lan, Jacob | Critical Water Infrastructure Sensor Placement Optimization | |
Latenko, Alexander | Encoding Fair Representations | |
Liu, Jihui | Analysis and Improvement of Document Classification based on Word2vec and TF-IDF | |
Mardirosian, Sevak | Quantum-enhanced Supervised Learning with Variational Quantum Circuits | |
Meeuwsen, Juliëtte | Stimulating the Adoption of A/B Testing in a Large‐Scale Agile Environment | |
Nibbeling, Joost | Multiple Node Immunization of Complex Networks | |
Okai, Jeremiah | Building Robust Prediction Models for Activity Recognition and Energy Expenditure from Raw Accelerometer Data using Gated Recurrent Units and Long Short Term Memory Neural Networks | |
Özer, Muhammet | Prediction of overtopping volume of waves approaching a crest using a sequence of frames | |
Papagiannis, Andreas | Sonification for RNA Secondary Structure | |
Parsania, Mina | Performance Evaluation of Transcript-level RNA-Seq Aligners ‘HISAT vs STAR’ | |
Peters, L.J. (Bert) | Deep Mammography: Applying Deep Learning to Whole Mammogram Classification | |
Post, Martijn | Tax data and reinforcement learning - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Ramesar, Prashand | Risk score propagation algorithms for domain-domain networks | |
Ramgolam, Renuka | Data Visualization Without Privacy Violation | |
Spek, Thierry van der | Pavement Distress Classification in 3D Pavement Measurements using Convolutional Neural Networks | |
Verhoef, Wilco | Convolutional Neural Networks for Automatic Classification of Radar Signals in Time Domain: Learning the Micro-Doppler Signature of Human Gait - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Vreumingen, Dyon van | Quantum-assisted machine learning and optimisation in an industrial context | |
Werff, Chivany van der | Pattern Recognition in Fungal Metagenomics Repositories | |
Xu, Yuanmin | Formal Analysis and Improvement of the PKMv3 and 5G AKA Protocols | |
Zhang, Rui | Modelling Fish Occurrence in the Dutch Wadden Sea by using Bayesian Network Structure Learning Algorithm | |
Zhang, Xiaoling | Process extraction from biorefinery texts | |
Zhang, Yuqi | Combining spectral and texture features for aquatic plant species classification. A comparison of remote sensing data | |
Zwaan, Dennis van der | A Data Structure Optimizing Compiler for tUPL | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Assal, W. (Wadie) | Deep Learning for Emotional Analysis | |
Barbanson B.A. (Buys) de | Tracing Scar-lineages and Collapsing Read Error | |
Bismpikos, N. (Nikolaos) | Estimating Tool Damage and Remaining Useful Life of a CNC Milling Cutter by Applying Time-Frequency Analysis, Machine Learning and Evolutionary Optimization | |
Carbajo Martinez, M. (Manuel) | Aneuploid Chromosome Copy Number Estimation with Dynamic Coverage Analysis: Steps towards Improved Short Read Aneuploid Assembly | |
Dijke, N.T. (Niels) ten | Convolutional Neural Networks for Regulatory Genomics | |
Griffioen, K.T. | 3D Reconstruction Techniques to Aid Biological Research | |
Heuvel, J. (Jeroen) van den | Finding Business Processes in Computer Usage Data using Frequent Sequence Mining | |
Hommelberg, A.G.M. (Anne) | Using the Forelem Framework to Express and Optimize K-means Clustering | |
Latour, A.L.D. (Anna) | Incremental Algorithms for Solving Stochastic Constraint Optimisation Problems with Probabilistic Logic Programming | |
Liang, C. (Chao) | Classification of Wood from Wood Anatomy using Deep Learning | |
Liu, Y. (Yazhou) | RNNs of Heart Rate Modeling as a Function of Body Movement | |
Lucchesse, R. (Roberto) | Analyzing the Resilience of Board Interlock Networks Under Imperfect Data | |
Mokveld, T.O. (Tom) | Improving Sequence Alignment through Population Graph Inference | |
Nieboer, M.M. (Marleen) | Reconstructing the Subclonal Evolution of Tumors from Targeted Sequencing Data | |
Ozir, J.K.F. (Jordi) | Adaptive Recombination Weighting Schemes Applied to the CMA-ES | |
Parag, R.M. (Raymond) | Sequential Recognition and Scoring of Archery Shots | |
Parschiakos, S. (Stylianos) | Comparing Sensor Networks for Activity Recognition | |
Partodikromo, E. | A Metalearning Approach to the Chip Production Scheduling Problem | |
Rijn, F.W. (Frank) van | Learning to Play Hearthstone using Machine Learning | |
Sevastakis, D. (Dimitrios) | Gene Prediction using Unsupervised Deep Networks | |
Spierenburg, M.J. (Manuel) | Virtual Machine for Secure Embedded Systems | |
Strien, B.E. (Bart) van | Deriving Highly Efficient Implementations of Parallel PageRank | |
Treurniet, F.P. (Florian) | Transposition Driven Scheduling: Back to the Future? A Study on Vectorization and Shared CPU Programming | |
Versteeg, A.A.B. | Integrating the Microbiome and Metabolome using Dataming and Network Analysis Approaches | |
Wang, Y. (Yali) | A New Approach to Target Region Based Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms | |
Witte, B. (Boyd) | Algorithms for Detecting and Analyzing Multiplex Motifs in Large-scale Corporate Networks | |
Yuan, Y. (Yuan) | Medical Entity Recognition from Patient Forum Data | |
Zuure, N.B. (Niek) | An Automated Pipeline for Face Recognition and Classification of Affect | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Burgh, B. (Benjamin) van der | Entity Resolution in Unstructured Data | |
Croes, X.Y. (Xander) | Tree Search Methods for Diplomacy Agents | |
Drunen, W.M. (Matthijs) van | Legacy Applications on General-Purpose GPU Platforms using Optimized Libraries | |
Enyinnaya, R.C. (Richard) | A Topic-based Sentiment Analysis Approach to Conversation Recommendation | |
Georgiou, T. (Theodoros) | Unsupervised Segmentation and Texture Visualization of 3D Medical Images using Textural Features | |
Heiningen, P. (Pascal) van | Comparative Study of Metamodels for Simulation-based Optimization. How Expensive is your lunch? | |
Helwerda, L.S. (Leon) | Mobile Radio Tomography: Autonomous Vehicle Planning for Dynamic Sensor Positions | |
Kalmeijer, J.G. (Jan) | Visualizing Features Learned by Convolutional Neural Networks | |
Kappé, T.W.J. (Tobias) | Logic for Soft Component Automata | |
Kavvadias, A. (Alexandros) | Grover's Quantum Search Algorithm | |
Kleyn, F. (Floris) | Mining and Visualizing Sequential Healthcare Data | |
Kondyli, A. | Interactive Evolutionary Computing on the Design of Car Shapes | |
Liu, K. (Kaihua) | Exploratory Data Analysis on Multivariate Data | |
Meij, T. (Tim) van der | Mobile Radio Tomography: Reconstructing and Visualizing Objects in Wireless Networks with Dynamically Positioned Sensors | |
Mirtar, M. | Mining Population Movement Patterns from Cellphone Data During Natural Disasters | |
Mohorko, D. (Dennis) | Specifying and Analyzing Paradigm Diagrams through UML Diagrams | |
Nes, M.W. (Matthijs) van de | Developing Efficient Concurrent C Application Programs using Reo | |
Platanias, P. (Pavlos) | DDoS Detection using Time-series Analysis | |
Rijn, S.J. (Sander) van | Evolving the Structure of Evolution Strategies using a Genetic Algorithm | |
Vietor, J. (Jaron) | A Formal Representation and Calculation Method for Generic Petri nets | |
Vos, M.S. (Michiel) | Retrograde Analysis and Proof Number Search Applied to Jungle Checkers | |
Zeegers, M.T. (Mathe) | Theoretical Properties of 2048 | |
Zhang, Y. | An Automated System for 3D Zebrafish Larvae Reconstruction Based on the Extended Probabilistic Model | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Badal, A.R.D. (Anjali) | Analyse en ICT-Ondersteuning van Communicatie-Driven Processen | |
Batenburg, K.J. (Joost) | An Evolutionary Algorithm for Discrete Tomography | |
Booij, I. (Ilja) de | Design and Implementation of Safety and Extensibility in the Corral | |
Bruijn, W.J. (Willem Jan) de | Applying High Speed Active Networking Applied to Network Management | |
Chen, H.Q. | Equity Premium Prediction and Investment Strategy Searching with Genetic Programming | |
Cheung, K.H.E. (Kok Hing) | Business Modelling with Testbed and UML | |
Choenni, A.R.S. (Amar) | COMTEC Web Bestaand Systeem Toegankelijk Maken via Internet | |
Dmitrieva, J. (Julia) | Het Toepassen van het TD (lambda) Algoritme op het Spel Vier-op-een-rij | |
Grutter, G.H. (Gert Hans) | Evolution Strategies and the Spacing of Airplanes in Final Approach Airspace | |
Haverkorn van Rijsewijk, J.W. (Jeroen) | Evolution of Game Strategies using Genetic Programming | |
Jansen, R.L. (Slinger) | Mobile Dining Philosophers and Paradigm | |
Kampenhout, N. (Niels) van | Systematic Specification and Verification of Coordination: Towards Patterns for Paradigm Models | |
Koning, P.J. (Peter) | Neurale Netwerken voor Baggerschepen | |
Li, H. | Predicting Job Start Times on Clusters | |
Linden, M. (Mark) ter | Using Computational Grids for Earth Observation Data Processing | |
Plas, A. (Andre) van der | Combining WebDAV with CVS, An Exercise in Refactoring | |
Raikin, S. (Shlomo) | Hardware Implementation of the Sequence Alignment and the Blast Algorithms | |
Rampartaap, D. (Djankidevi) | Conversatie Ondersteuning met Behulp van het Language Action Perspective | |
Sun, Y. | Neural Networks for Emotion Classification | |
Tijms, A.C. (Arjan) | An Initial Step Towards a Job Hosting System Design and Implementation of an Intuitive and easy Model for Specifying Filters for Branching Data-sets | |
Verburgt, A.J. (Alexander) | An Unwaypointed Data Structure for Tactical Movement | |
Visser, J.V. | Bot Hosting System | |
Wiering, M. (Martijn) | Dynamics in Compaan: A Case Study | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Arts, A. (Arthur) | Requirements Analysis & Implementatie van Applicatie voor het van Beheer Projectsites | |
Baan, A. (Arno) | Prototype LOFAR using Evolutionary Algorithms in Scheduling Engine | |
Burg, M. (Mathijs) van der | Genetic Algorithms for Nonograms | |
Burg, R.S. (Rogier) van der | Calculating Supports for Itemsets using a Neural Network | |
Chabab, M. (Mohammed) | Behaviour and Communication in SOCCA and the UML | |
Doezie, E.J. (Eric) | Adaptive Routing in an Active Network | |
Jacob, J.F. (Joost) | A Scriptable Planner: Using Phyton as a Problem Definition Language | |
Jansen, E. | Vervormingsanalyse in de Linker Hartkamer met HARP, Een Validatie aan de Hand van Synthetische Data | |
Krul, T.W.J.P. (Timo) | A Scalable Platform for Internet Topology Discovery and Visualization | |
Meel, R.E.K. (Ronald) van der | UML Modellering van Onderwijsprocessen | |
Niaki. R. (Reza) | GRIP (GIS-based Routing System for Exceptional Transports) | |
Poeran, A.S. (Amar) | Visualisatie van een Semantisch Netwerk | |
Rest, J.H.C. (Jeroen) van | Video Indexing and Retrieval using Signatures | |
Rosengarten, G.H. (Gijs) | Random Creatie van Plaatjes ter Ondersteuning van het Creatieve Process | |
Samsonova, E. (Elena) | Helix: An Artificial Life System Modelling DNA | |
Vaart, M. (Martijn) van der | Distributed Gameplaying using Genetic Programming | |
Wiering, M.J. (Martijn) | Dynamics in Compaan, A Case Study | |
Wieske, U.G.R. (Urso) | Modelling Escher Viewer Software | |
Wijk, H.J. (Henk Jan) van der | Gedistribueerde Architecturen en het ‘Mobil Channel Model' | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Sakkee, C.C. (Carlo) | Cover: de eindspeldatabanken | |
Beek, V.J. (Vincent) | Ontwikkeling van een Beheersysteem bij Geotronics Network Services | |
Berends, M.J. (Martel) | Attribuutselectie als Basis voor Datamining | |
Egas, M. (Rinie) | Benchmarking of Visual Query Algorithms | |
Elia, D. (Danny) | Population dynamics with and without communication in AEGIS | |
Hardijzer, F. (Frans) AND Niesen, E.L.H. (Bert) | 4e Generatie Systeemontwikkeling. Onderzoek naar een Geschikte Documentatie Methodiek voor Akzo Nobel Information Services | |
Kleverlaan, L.N.J. (Rens) | Het Proces Data Warehousing | |
Kruiswijk, B. (Bas) | Aggreagaties en Dynamische Modellen | |
La Riviere, I. (Inge) | Multimedia Databases. A Literature Study: Store and Retrieval Methods | |
M.E. Vink | Het oplossen van combinatorische problemen met evolutionaire algoritmen | |
Neuteboom, E.A. (Edzko) | Begripvorming van Klantgedrag met Behulp van Neurale Netwerken | |
Op ‘t Landt, F. (Fleur) | Stock Price Prediction | |
Out, M. (Maurits) | Kostenschatting voor het Wegbeheer met Behulp van Neurale Netwerken | |
Plugge, Y. (Yvonne) | Application of a Genetic Algorithm in Feature Selection | |
R.A. van der Stelt | Perspective frame extrapolation | |
Ron, A. (Arnon) AND Bruin, D.J. (Durk Jan) | Vertikale Ontkoppeling van Informatie-Systemen | |
Schuitema, E.J. (Ezra) | Towards a SOCCA environment: a meta class diagram for SOCCA and use cases for the environment | |
Spierenburg, J.A. (Joost) | Dimension Reduction of Images using Neural Networks | |
Spruit, C. (Carla) | Blackboard Systems in SOCCA | |
Thijssen, B. (Bjorn) | Adaptive Genetic Algorithms with Multiple Subpopulations and Multiple Parents | |
Weg, M. (Marco) van der | Prediction of the water level during storm situations using neural networks | |
Wentzler, D. (Davy) | A Postgres95 Database for a visual search demo on Internet, configures around the Leiden 19th Century Portrait Database | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Bavinck, P.L. (Peter) | Automatic Comparison and Evaluation of Similarities in Images | |
Beek, M.H. (Maurice) ter | Teams in grammar systems | |
Belt, J.A. (Jacques) van den | SOCCA Modelling Case Study | |
Bloem, R. (Roderick) | Attribute Grammars and Monadic Second Order Logic | |
Bouma, K. (Klaas) | Een Communicatie-Architectuur voor het Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat | |
Claas, W.J. (Willem) | Leren met Terugkoppeling, Het Gemiddeld Generaliserend Vermogen van Feed-forward Netwerken | |
Dassen, J.H.M. (Ray) | Molecular Computation and Splicing Systems | |
E. Bosma | Conflict reduction and decision making process | |
E. van Dis | Het vergelijken van restauratie algoritmen voor de verbetering van 3D CLSM beelden | |
Flier, H.C. (Hessel) van der | Generic ISDN analysis tool, GINA object oriented software design | |
Graaf, A. (Arie) de | LeVis, Lexical Scanning for Visual Languages | |
Hauw, K. (Koen) van der | Evaluating and Improving Steady State Evolutionary Algorithms on Constraint Satisfaction Problems | |
J. Suijker | Inside the IBM Digital Library | |
Lausberg, Y. (Yuri) | A Content-based Image Search Engine in Cyberspace | |
M. Haas | Scene-break detection and recognition | |
M. Heus | Towards measurable process models, a construction based on SOCCA, GQM, SWA and HIT | |
M. Mak | Interfacing Heterogeneous Databases with a Formal Specification of the Attribute Mappings | |
M.H.J. van der Burg | KISS modellering bij ICT, de invoering van een objectgeorienteerde ontwikkelingsmethode | |
Meijboom, L. (Leejanne) | Generalizations of Mazurkiewicz Traces | |
Nadema, D.M. (Doutie) | Heuristic Genetic Algorithm for the Knapsack Problem | |
Nieuwenhuizen, A.W.J.G.M. (Lex) van den | Gestructureerd Testen van Objectgeorienteerd Ontworpen Systemen | |
R. Hoogenboom | Human face detection and recognition | |
R. Roodenburg | Toepassing van een object-georienteerde methode voor het herontwerpen van informatiesystemen | |
S. van der Burg | Authorisatie, beveiliging en gebruik van een (query) database gemodelleerd met SOCCA | |
S.F. da Silva | Go and Genetic Programming: Playing Go with Filter Functions | |
Tauritz, D.R. (Daniel) | Adaptive Information Filtering as a means to overcome Information Overload | |
Vermeulen, J.T. (Jeroen) | Viability of a Parsing Algorithm for Context-Sensitive Graph Grammars | |
Vugt, N. (Nike) van | Generalized Context-Free Grammars | |
Zon, J. (Jeroen) van der | Evolutionary Change, The Evolution of Change Management | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Bierman, V.J. (Vincent) | Graphical Scanning of Diagrams, a Spatial Relations Analyzer | |
Boer, R. den AND Rooij, G. de | CT and MRI volume matching | |
Bos, K.A. (Arjen) | Cover: The World in One Game | |
Deijl, E.A.P. (Eric) van der AND Kanbier, G. (Gerco) | The Cache Visualisation Tool | |
Demmenie, P. (Pamela) | Forward Modelling of Resistivity Logs using Neural Networks | |
Guijt, H. (hans) AND Dratner, C. (Christof) | Image normalization for visual search methods in digital image databases | |
Habets, N.P.J. (Nick) | Automated message processing | |
Hoogmoed, M. | Driehoeksbeleggingen vanuit polygonen | |
Jongepier, L. (Linda) | Petri Net Talen | |
Knoops, N. (Nico) | Algoritmen voor het Maken van Roosters | |
Koeckhoven, V.P.J. (Vincent) | O.O.7. Een Nieuwe object Georienteerde Methode voor het Maken van Procesbeschrijving van Zuivelproduktiesystemen | |
Kruijt, H. (Huib) | Two Petri net semantics for CCS | |
Lambooy, R. (Roberto) | CALM, a Different Approach: Evolution in and Experimenting with CALM Architectures | |
Meinesz, P.K. | From a primitive relational data structure to a feature-based data structure | |
Meltzer, M.C. (Matthijs) | Genetische Algoritmen voor Combinatorische Problemen | |
Nigten, R. (Richard) | Templates for Nuclear Medicine Image Display | |
Noordhuis, J. | Gondel, Een Generiek Ontwerp voor Netwerk Data Elementen | |
Oltmans, K.J. (Kees Jan) | Geographic information systems | |
Pit, L.J. (Laurens Jan) | Parallel Genetic Algorithms | |
Praag, T.W. (Thomas) van | De adembeweging en persoonlijkheid | |
Reutelingsperger, R. (Roger) | OMA, een Objectgeorienteerde Multimediale Associator | |
Rijnbeek, M. (Mark) | Modelling a software process using SOCCA | |
Silakhori, N. (Nasser) | Ontwerp en Implementatie van een Hybrid Query Tool (HQTool) | |
Sman, P. (Peter) van der | Het Effect van Vertragingen voor Treinreizigers: Het RVM-model | |
Stappers, B.H. (Ben) | Quality Systems in the IT Sector with the Specification of Coordinated and Cooperative Activities (SOCCA) | |
Steenhuis, M. (Maarten) | Reflections on Functional Modelling in SOCCA | |
Wiemer, M. (Mariette) | Optimalisatie met een Genetisch Algoritme van een Genetisch Algoritme om Neurale Netwerken te Ontwerpen | |
Willemsen, R.F. (Richard) | TEMPO and SOCCA: Concepts, modelling and comparison | |
Wulms, A.P. (Alex) | Adaptive Software Process Modelling with SOCCA and PARADIGM | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Baas, S. (Simon) AND Jong, H. (Hans) de | Meteorological Visualization using VIS-5D | |
Bevelander, R. (Robert) | Service Creatie in een Open Service Architecture | |
Bijleveld, N. (Nicole) | Verbetering van de uitvoering van serienummerbewaking, lifetimebewaking, opslagbewaking | |
Boer, B.G. (Bart) de | Artificial autonomous agents and learning systems | |
Boer, B.G. (Bart) de | An autonomous robot learning basic behaviours | |
Boer, B.G. (Bart) de | Classifier systems: a useful approach to machine learning? | |
Boode, A.H. (Ton) | On Modelling a Basic Call | |
Borst, M.V. (Marko) | Local Structure Optimization in Evolutionary Generated Neural Network Architectures | |
Bouknecht, G.N. (Gerrit) | Trace-monoiden en het Doorsnedeprobleem | |
Boven, G.J. (Gert Jan) | Voorwaarden voor Flexibele Management Informatievoorziening in het Academisch Ziekenhuis Rotterdam | |
Brandts-Overduin, C.C. (Carine) | Overerving van Dynamisch Gedrag | |
Buuren, T. (Thomas) van | Level of detail visualisation for 3D real-time visual systems | |
Chich, C.H. (Chi-Hsiang) | Toepassing van Software Architectuur | |
Costers, A. (Annemarie) | Richtlinien fuer Entwurf von EIS-Anwendungen im Bankbereich | |
Elzakker, T. (Thomas) van | Integrating Method Objects into the Object-Oriented Life Cycle Approach | |
Enk, E. (Eveline) van | Effectiviteit van systeemontwerp | |
Gelsema, T. (Tjalling) | Petrinetsemantiek van Mobiele Processen | |
Hage, J. (Jurriaan) | ARL and PR2, Reversible Languages | |
Höppener, J.J. (Joris) | The Merlin Process Transactions, specified with Socca | |
Horick, R.A.S. van | Simulatie en logistiek | |
Jak, P. (Paul) | Modeling Levels of Detail in visual databases | |
Lachaud, J.O. (Jacques-Olivier) | Segmentation d'images tri dimensionelles par bulle deformable | |
Lim A Po, S.J. (Sandra) | Gebruikersparticipatie bij het ontwerpen van informatiesystemen | |
Lu, Y. (Yu) | Analyse van bloedstroming in de hersenen | |
Meinds, K. | Gemini Redesign | |
Otersen, M. (Matthias) | An architectural approach to the development of information systems | |
Ouwehand, B. (Ben) | Het Afbeelden van Transaction Based Programma's op Multiprocessorsystemen | |
Paalder, A.E. | A C++ Implementation of a Parser for Visual Languages based on Relational Grammars | |
Purwanto, S. (Silwanus) | Beveiligingsplan ter Bescherming van Geautomatiseerde Gegevens | |
Ravensberg, J. (Jan) | Capturing the Aspects of Software Engineering: A Case Study of the 3D-Model | |
Reyden, J. (Joppe) van der | Businessplanning SARA met betrekking tot internet; ontwikkeling en realisatieplanning van een ondernemersvisie | |
Schee, L. van der | Virtual Environments for Geographical Information Systems | |
Schelvis, W.A.M. (Wilbert) | The Decidability of the Boundedness of Functions on Hypergraph Generating Tree Grammars | |
Sung, M. (Mony) | DDSystem, a data base development tool | |
Vliet, R. (Rudy) van | Drie Varianten van het A*-algoritme | |
Voet, S. (Saskia) van der | Onderzoek werkplek automatisering, Lotis Notes | |
Vries, E.F. de AND Kumara, G.P. | Operations on JPEG images | |
Vroomen, O. (Otto) de | Migratie van een gesloten Wang VS systeem naar een open Unix omgeving | |
Wessels Boer, C. (Christien) | Analysing information retrieval structures for research information, a contribution to the Merger Project | |
Wulms, A. (Alex) | On the dynamic behaviour of back propagation networks | |