590 entries found.
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Adelaar, B. (Branco) | The Greeting Problem - How to Have People Greet One Another in a Rectangular Room | |
Adwan, A. (Amr) | Impact of Hyperparameters on Model Performance in Split Learning | |
Akker, T. van den (Tristan) | Using Trains for Ice Block Puzzles | |
Baarsen, S.T.A.N. van (Stan) | Using Binary Decision Diagrams for Exploring Graph State Orbits | |
Bakker, M. (Michaël) | Creating Agents for the Card Game Rikken | |
Baron, B.R. (Björn Roy) | Exception Handling Support for the Cranelift Code Generator | |
Beerens, P. (Pjotr) | Families of Defining Polynomials of Finite Fields through Prime Power Torsion on Elliptic Curves | |
Bergsma, T. (Teun) | Monte Carlo Methods for the Board Game Patchwork | |
Biervliet, D. (Darryn) | Reinforcement Learning with Partitioned Quantum Circuits | |
Boon, M. (Milan) de | Teacher Experiences on the New Digital Literacy Learning Trajectory in Primary School Education | |
Bron, K. (Koen) | Collaborative Web-Based Tool Support for IAMA Assessments on Public Sector Algorithms | |
Brouwer, I. (Ivor) | Quantum Game Development Using Unitary | |
Collenburg, S. van (Sven) | Automated Machine Learning for Sea Ice Concentration Charting | |
Combé, M. (Martijn) | Extending Mixed-Scale Dense CNNS for Classification | |
Dam, S. van (Sven) | A Flexible, Template-Driven Generation Framework for Model-Driven Engineering | |
Deursen, A. van (Aník) | The Role of Instruction Method in an Educational Game | |
Deutz, F. (Fenna) | Implementing a Storage Solution Sacilitating Future Analysis of ADTs Generated by the ADT Web App | |
Dongen, M. van (Maxime) | The Teaching Methods and Strategies of Programming Education within High Schools in The Netherlands | |
Drenth, O. (Ole) | Generating Abdominal CT Scan Data for Pancreatic Cancer Detection Using Latent Diffusion | |
Duivenvoorde, W. (Walt) | Simulating Differential Equations using Hybrid Digital-Analog Computers | |
Fazlija, R. (Reshit) | Development of User-Friendly Interfaces In a Technical Tool Used To Create Attack Defense Trees for Non-Technical Users | |
Frericks, M. (Martijn) | Optimizing the Energy Efficiency of the Nvidia Jetson | |
Griffioen, D. (Daan) | TimeSync: Deepfake Detection with Temporal Lip Sync | |
Groeneweg, T. (Thijs) | Adapting the CoThought Pipeline for Training a BabyLM on Dutch Data | |
Halevy, G. (Giovanni) | Transferring Video Captioning Models from Human to Animal Data | |
Hebinck, J. (Jayme) | ADT Create: Determination of Equivalence and Satisfiability of Attack-Defense Trees | |
Hermans, I.F. (Iskandar Faisal) | Soft Skills in Computer Science | |
Heslenfeld, N. (Niels) | Solving and Generating Fobidoshi Puzzles | |
Hofstra, T. (Tobias) | Developing an Auto-Tunable GEMM Kernel that Utilizes Tensor Cores | |
Honig, S. (Sander) | On Frogs and Swings: Analyzing Gender Differences in Language Use of Children by Examining the Focus of a Gender-Predicting BERT Model | |
Hoogd, P. de (Pieter) | an Effective User Experience for Prototype Generation in Model Driven Engineering | |
Hulsebosch, H. (Hugo) | An Exploration of C2 Server Fingerprinting Capabilities with Probed HTTP Data | |
Janssen, M. (Maxim) | Optimally Weighted Machine Learning Model Ensembles using Quadratic Optimization in Python | |
Jong, C. (Casper) de | Can the Waves of the Sea Speak to Us? | |
Jong, T. (Tim) de | Optimizing RISC-V Binaries Using LLVM-based Same-Architecture Binary Translation | |
Kiele, R. (Rutger) | Hartenjagen met Monte Carlo Tree Search | |
Klaver, A. (Arie) | LLM Personalization Using Summarization: A Robotic Fitness Coach Case Study | |
Koene, E. (Esther) | Determining game values of Hackenbush with Monte Carlo Tree Search | |
Kroon, M. (Margriet) | Enhancing Computational Learning and Enthusiasm in Scouts through Unplugged Activities | |
Kuiper, D. (Daniel) | Automating Dynamic Analysis of Python Proof of Concept Exploits | |
Leito, R. (Roderick) | Integration of the EQ5D PROM Questionnaire Into a Natural and Unobtrusive Conversation Using a RASA-driven Chatbot | |
Nehoray, M. (Mai) | AI-Driven Creativity: The Power of Dual-Agent Systems | |
Noteborn, D. (David) | Creating a language to describe Turing machines On creating a Towards Turing machine compiler | |
Ooijen, I. van (Imke) | Optimizing AES for RISC-V Cores | |
Opdam, C. (Chika) | Automatic Action Detection in Cell Imaging | |
Roestenburg, M. (Melvin) | Optimal Graph-State Preparation for Quantum Computers with SAT-Solvers | |
Roos, R. (Renz) | Ice Skater Detection Using Computer Vision | |
Rooskens, T. (Thomas) | Comparing a Realistic Player for the Game The Great Dalmuti Against a Model Player with Superhuman Capabilities | |
Saint-Genez, A. (Arnaud) | Reinforcement Learning in Inventory Management: Addressing Finite Shelf Life and Lead Time in Infinite Horizon Problems | |
Selles, L.H. (Lars) | Privacy-preserving Explainable AI in the Active Security Model | |
Serraris, A. (Alexander) | Assessing Corporate Communication Alignment with Stated Goals Using Large Language Models | |
Shreef, B. (Barmad) | Illuminating the EC-Bestiary: Conceptual Analysis and Benchmarking of the Invasive Weed Optimization Algorithm | |
Smulders, S. (Samuel) | Automated Feature Selection for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Internal Evaluation Strategies | |
Son, T. (Tijn) van | Evaluating Whale Optimization Algorithm: Mathematical Rigor, Reproducibility and Performance | |
Spoel, I. van der (Ivar) | Illuminating the EC-bestiary: Conceptual Analysis and Benchmarking of the Coyote Optimization Algorithm | |
Sprangers, H. (Huib) | A Type System for Machine Learning Pipelines | |
Staal, R. (Robin) | Decoding the Code-breaking Game of Symble | |
Veraar, M. (Max) | A Quantum-Inspired Algorithm for Galaxy Classification | |
Verwaal, T. (Thomas) | Analysing the Maximum and Minimum Scores in Azul and the Orders in Which They can be Achieved | |
Visser, M. (Max) | Using Image Captioning Model for Event and Object Recognition in Football Images | |
Wierenga, R. (Rick) | Optimizing Automated, Low-Volume Liquid Transfers | |
Willemsens, L. (Lucas) | Utilising Use Case Models For Multi-actor Prototype Generation | |
Wit, N. de (Niels) | Power Leakage of AES Implementations | |
Zuurmond, L. (Lucas) | Probably Approximately Correct Automata Extraction from Neural Networks | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Aalst, B. van (Bas) | Ultrasound Indoor Positioning System for Localization of a Moving Object | |
Abhelakh, Z. (Zoë) | Uncovering Influential Artists and Musical Communities in an Artist Co-Follower Network | |
Azzegarh, O. (Oualid) | A Concurrent Visual Programming Language | |
Baronner, T. (Thomas) | Finite accessibility of Higher-Dimensional Automata and unbounded parallelism of their languages [IW] | |
Beek, R. van der (Rutger) | Monocular Depth Estimation Neural Networks: a Comprehensive Analysis | |
Berg, J. van den (Joren) | Expanding Side-Channel Data Sets Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks | |
Berg, P. van den (Perri) | Exploring Optimal Strategies for Dice of Doom | |
Bingen, Z.A. (Zahir) | Verification of Combinational and Sequential Circuits in LEAN3 | |
Boere, S. (Stijn) | Bootstrapping Speech Synthesis Training | |
Boogaard, D. van den (Daniel) | Solving Rullo, A Mathematical Puzzle | |
Bot, A.J. (Anthony) | Performance of Reinforcement Learning Agents within Gameworlds of Differing Coarsnesses | |
Broch, G. (Gijs) | Deep and Shallow Features for Image Classification | |
Broek, A. van den (Amber) | Hex Circles Winning Strategies for Variants of Hex using Pure Monte-Carlo [IW] | |
Capelle, J. van (Jelle) | Detecting Phase Transitions using Forward-Forward Neural Networks | |
Ende, D. van den (Dirck) | Towards a Compiler for Partial Differential Equations for Analog Computers [IW] | |
Feijen, R. (Romke) | Counting Winning Hands in Rummikub | |
Goemans, L. (Luca) | Scalability of Music Genre Classification Algorithms | |
Gravesteijn, J. (Joris) | On the vulnerability of open-source eFPGAs to malicious attacks based on power-hammering designs | |
Halsema, M.S. (Martijn) | Demystifying the Raven Roost Metaheuristic | |
Hayat, A.A. (Aras Aslam) | An aggregrative approach to time series classification | |
Hegeman, M. (Meili) | Generating Pipes puzzles using maze-generating algorithms | |
Hepkema, S. (Sven) | Enabling Collaboration in a Model Design Environment | |
Hermans, I.F. (Skandar) | Soft Skills in Computer Science | |
Hu, Y. (Yvo) | Measuring functional volume of a general programming language based on framework code | |
Isleyen, Y. (Yunus) | A cross-case analysis of the integration of computational thinking in the English subject | |
Jol, C. (Casper) | How to Solve and Generate Marupeke Puzzles | |
Jonkman, L. (Leonie) | Gender stereotypes: an analysis of Python programming books for children in the Netherlands | |
Klaassen, H.J.R. (Rutger) | Using sentiment analysis on tweets for predicting cryptocurrency price movements: A case study | |
Kling, A. (Alano) | Automatically Deriving Sorting Algorithms in tUPL | |
Kompier, M. (Mark) | High-resolution SRCNN Hyperparameter Optimisation | |
Kooistra, S. (Sara) | Achieving the Maximal Score in Azul | |
Lawson, D. (Dominique) | Formalizing the Van Kampen Theorem for Directed Topology [IW] | |
Lim, X.N. (Nuan) | Parallel code generation using SIMD on multi-core CPUs | |
Liu, J. (Jingwen) | Evaluating the Zero-shot Performance of Three Transformer Models in Reddit Posts | |
Martens, C. (Christian) | Ground State approximation with Product States using Graph Theory | |
Massa, R. (Rajeck) | Implementation and Evaluation of a Detection Tool for Data Hiding Techniques in EXT4 File Systems | |
Meza Orellana, S.G. (Stephan) | ADTLang: A Declarative Language to Describe Attack Defense Trees | |
Mohalaia, M. (Marwa) | Implementing a User Interface for Attack-Defense Tree WebApp Using Human-Computer Interaction Principles | |
Mulders, W.M. (Wouter) | Het Handelsreizigersprobleem opgelost met behulp van reinforcement learning [IW] | |
Nasrat, O. (Omid) | Hedy: De implementatie van een syntax highlighter | |
Nielen, N. van (Nick) | Visualizing, Analysing and Constructing L-systems from Arborized 3D Models using a Web Application | |
Oei, J. (Jimmy) | Automated Dynamic Analysis of Java Exploit Proof-of-Concepts | |
Oppenhuis, K. (Koen) | Variants of Monte Carlo Tree Search in the Game ColorShapeLinks | |
Reijalt, P. (Petter) | Effect of Initial Sampling on Short-term Behaviour of Differential Evolution | |
Remmelzwaal, B. (Bart) | Using simulated training data in deep learning networks | |
Ruigrok, L. (Lars) | Benchmarking Lightweight Cryptography for TLS | |
Schaik, C. van (Camiel) | CompAI: A user-friendly software tool to support the CapAI procedure for AI Act conformity assessment. | |
Schuitemaker, R. (Ruben) | Quantum Money from Knots [IW] | |
Simpeh, J. (Jeremiah) | A New Way of Learning English: Integration of Computational Thinking Through Digital Storytelling | |
Skulj, T. (Toni) | Implementing skipping faulty code for the Hedy programming language | |
Slangen, F. (Femke) | Strategies for the Deck Building Game Dominion | |
Steennis, C. (Christian) | Identifying the phase change of the Ising model using a Spiking Neural Network | |
Tatman, A. S. (Andrew) | Formal Specification and Analysis of OpenJDK’s BitSet Class | |
Tseng, R. (Rayden) | Comparing human opinions to GPT-3.5 generated opinions on Dutch news articles | |
Vermeulen, S.C. (Sam) | Self-Monitoring Automated Algorithm Configuration | |
Vertegaal, L. (Lieke) | Vecs2Pauli - An Algorithm for Finding Stabilizers and Transformations of Quantum States | |
Wong, K.M. (Kah Ming) | Efficacy and Characteristics of Search Algorithms in Quantum Tic-Tac-Toe | |
Wuhrer, J. (Jakob) | Extending methods for approximate determinization of weighted automata to other semirings [IW] | |
Zee, Q. (Quinten) | Development of Computational Thinking Curricula in Primary Schools | |
Zeidi, S.S. (Seyed) | Synergizing UML Class Modeling and Natural Language to Code Conversion: A GPT-3.5-powered Approach for Seamless Software Design and Implementation | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Al-nassar, S. (Suzan) | The Discovery of Underlying Topics within Coronavirus-Related Articles | |
Allison, L. (Lucas) | Proxy Caching in Accenture’s Employee Evolution Tree Project | |
Bergman, O.T.C. (Oscar) | CHAD-net: Continuous Human Action Detection in RGB video | |
Blom, T. (Thomas) | Learning Signal-Meaning Mappings in an Emergent Communication System using Neural Networks | |
Buurman, D. (Dennis) | Threat Intelligence Feed For Mobile Applications | |
Dijke, J. (Job) van | Extracting Characteristics of Emotions from Audio | |
Dirker, K. (Kenneth) | Monitoring Wildlife of the Oostvaardersplassen through Trap-camera and Computer Vision | |
Doting, R. (Rutger) | Minority Report at the Border: An Ethical Analysis of the iBorderCtrl-project | |
Hamdi, A. (Akram) | Fault Analysis for a New MsC Course using the ChipWhisperer | |
Heertum, V. (Vincent) van | Clustering Financial Transactions on Inference-Accelerator Hardware | |
Hertogh, G. (Guus) | Low-Depth QAOA and RQAOA for Max-Cut on Irregular Graphs | |
Holtrop, S. (Sjors) | Linker-Directive Based File System in Userspace: Introducing LDP FUSE | |
Houten, E. (Eva) van | How many Stars Does it Take to Form a Binary? Automating Analysis of Binary Formation during Core Collapse | |
Jong, T. (Tessa) de | The Classification of Integration Aspects Regarding Systems in Healthcare Organizations | |
Keulemans, J. (Jelle) | Automatically Detecting when Participants Want Help from their Facial Expressions in an Online Quiz | |
Kientz, L. (Lily) | Neural Networks for Auto Battlers | |
Klaver, M. (Marten) | Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Freecell | |
Koning, M. (Michael) de | Extraction, Transformation, Linking and Loading of Cultural Heritage Data | |
Kooij, E. (Emilia) van der | Investigating Teachers’ Perceptions on Student Programming Difficulties Related to Variables and Teachers’ Strategies to Help Students | |
Laan, K. (Kyran) van der | A Computer Program that Plays the Card Game Tysiąc | |
Laanen, R. (Rodi) | Classification of Pre-defined Movement Patterns: A Comparison between GNSS and UWB Technology. | |
Lenstra, X. (Xander) | A Program for Analysing Combinatorial and Synchronized Games [IW] | |
Li, L. (Leon) | Changes in Steam Genre Tags after Covid-19 | |
Lie, K. (Kwan) | How to Win in Checkers? | |
Marosvölgyi, C. (Charlotte) | Parsons Problems in Hedy | |
Mourits, R. (Rob) | Solving and Generating the Nurimeizu puzzle | |
Nouweland, L. (Luuk) van den | Automating the Process of Defining the Aesthetic Quality of an Image in a Numerical Way | |
Opdam, T. (Tim) | Numeric Subgroup Discovery by MDL-Optimal Histograms | |
Özbay, A.E. (Ali Esat) | An Interactive Program Visualisation Tool for Hedy | |
Ram, J. (Jochem) | Sim-to-Real Autonomous Driving in CARLA using Image Translation and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient | |
Raziuddin, S. (Shabnam) | The ProgRamifications on Society, where COMPAS Guides us | |
Reurink, A. (Andries) | On Graphene Twisted Edge Break Junction Tunneling Experiments | |
Rooij, J. (Justin) de | Learning a NAO Robot to Balance Using Reinforcement Learning | |
Rooij, M. (Michael) de | Handling of Abstraction by Children using the Hedy Programming Language | |
Rooijakkers, L. (Lieuwe) | Evaluating AutoML Methods on Hybrid Inversion of PROSAIL RTM on Landsat-7 Data for AGB Estimation | |
Rossum, N. (Nina) van | The Search for Low-code Development Platforms that Support Serious Games | |
Schaap, A. (Anthonie) | Programmeren voor Blinde en Zwaar Slechtziende Leerlingen | |
Schaap, L. (Lennard) | Formalised Semantics of Lustre | |
Schreurs, L.J. (Luc) | Investigating Grammatical Evolution’s Ability to Reconstruct Mathematical Functions | |
Soulimani, O. (Oussama) | Evaluating Android Malware Detection Explanation | |
Stoffels, L. (Luca) | Autolayout of UML Diagrams using Metaheuristic Algorithms and Natural Computing | |
Vink, E. (Elze) de | Solving Breakthrough Using Binary Decision Diagrams and Retrograde Analysis | |
Voorham, J. (Jack) | Impact of Flow Anonymization on Cyberattack Detection in IoT | |
Vries, G. (Guido) de | Detection of Indirect Gender Bias in Job Vacancy Texts | |
Wensveen, R. (Roos) | Probing Sequences for Nonograms | |
Wetten, F. (Fien) van | Representing the State Space of the Domino Cube in Graph Using BDDs | |
Wheeler, M. (Michael) | Detecting Sarcomere Structures in Cardiomyocytes | |
Zeeuw, M. (Matthijs) de | Explainable AI in Multi-Objective Design Optimization | |
Zhang, M.Y. (Min Yi) | Teaching of Variables in Programming MOOCs: An Exploratory Study | |
Zwart, M. (Michael) van der | A Library for BDDs and SDDs | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Arntzenius, R. (Robert) | Agents for the Strategy Game Onitama | |
Aygün, T. (Tayfun) | Optimizing Monte Carlo Agents for the Game Katarenga | |
Bax, P. (Pim) | Can a rule-based algorithm accurately correct whitespace errors? | |
Boel, M. (Marc) | Energy expenditure estimation for wheelchair users using activity type classification | |
Bolt, J. (Julia) | Blind leren programmeren: Een studie naar de Computational Practices van kinderen met een visuele beperking bij het programmeren van muziek in Sonic Pi | |
Bouter, D. (David) | Knowing the difference between news and opinion An explorative research project into classifying news and opinion | |
Burgh, R. (Rogier) van den | Bomb-r-cover Expanding the difficulties of Bomberman | |
Burghoorn, G. (Gijs) | Exploration of the ChipWhisperer Lite ARM board for education on Side-Channel Power Analysis | |
Ebing, W. (Wouter) | Analysing Classification Of Episodes From Electronic Health Records With The Use Of Text Mining | |
Egmond, D. (Diego) van | Efficient conversion between vtrees | |
Heath, C. (Cheyenne) | Depression prediction using twitter data: Comparing LIWC and Bag-of-Words features | |
Honert, N. (Nils) van der | Benchmarking default implementations of pseudorandom number generators in commonly used programming languages. | |
Honig, B. (Bram) | A Network-based Approach for Ship-type Modelling | |
Huang, A. (Andrew) | Segmentation based Image Retrieval using Low level image features | |
Jong, A. (Aron) de | An Analysis of the Cooperative Card Game The Crew [IW] | |
Kolenbrander, M. (Marcel) | The Design of a Modular Game Platform for the QuantumRules! Lab | |
Krebbers, S. (Said) | Monte Carlo Tree Search for Dots-and-Boxes | |
Maas, K. (Kalvin) | Full-Body Action Recognition from Monocular RGB-Video: A multi-stage approach using OpenPose and RNNs | |
Malkoç, M. (Melda) | Prestatietest Ontwikkeling voor de Evaluatie van Python Vaardigheden van Middelbare Scholieren voor het Vak Nederlands | |
Moison, O. (Okke) | Scratch of Scottie Go!: een vergelijking tussen twee manieren om te leren programmeren | |
Mol, T. (Thomas) de | Synchronized Cherries [IW] | |
Moser, D. (Dennis) | Optimization algorithms for solving incremental box placement problems. | |
Nadif, A. (Amine) | Computational thinking integreren in de schoolvak Engels: verhaal vertellen via programmeren in Scratch | |
Nieuwenhuizen, D. (David) | The Effect of Monte Carlo Tree Search on Modern Board Game Elements | |
Ottevanger, L. (Laura) | Continuing levels of the programming language Hedy | |
Peet, L. (Louise) van der | More than a one-time heist Identifying the current state of Android CPU cryptojacking | |
Planken, D. (Daan) | Reducing the required number of qubits for a quantum algorithm for topological data analysis | |
Poelsma, J. (Julian) | Optimizing a Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm using machine learning | |
Prins, V. (Vincent) | Using Heterogeneous Primordial Particle Systems to Analyse Life-like Behaviour. | |
Reijtenbach, R. (Rob) | Determining the Success Rate for the Game of Solitaire | |
Remmerswaal, F. (Floyd) | Can a human-computer hybrid outperform the LTM tiling algorithm? | |
Schendel, B. (Bob) van | Qualitative data from quantitative seed oxygen measurements | |
Schwarze, Y. (Yenebeb) | The Voice Within the Neural Network | |
Sevingil, C. (Cem) | A Comparison of Breadth-First Search Implementations for Real-World Networks on a Modern GPU | |
Smit, T. (Thera) | Creating a Framework for Sublevels in Hedy | |
Spek, C. (Corne) | Analyzing the Code Coverage of Android Apps using the Exerciser Monkey | |
Staaij, A. (Arthur) van der | Composing instrumentation tools for Android apps | |
Starkenburg, B. (Berend) van | Interest Point Detectors and Descriptors: an Evaluation | |
Talsma, M. (Marit) | Quantum topological data analysis on near-term devices | |
Vink, T. (Thomas) | Identifying anomalous trajectories from bird tracking data sets. | |
Vrins, M. (Michiel) | Querying Frequent Itemsets in the Browser | |
Zwaag, J. (Job) van der | Finding a Way Through the Changing Maze of Labyrinth | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Avoird, S. (Stan) van der | Prediction and Technical Analysis of the Bitcoin Crypto Currency Using Machine Learning | |
Bak, R. (Romke) | Finding Shortest Paths in Parallel | |
Blom, M. (Miguel) | Hybrid Classical-Quantum Speedups for the Random k-SAT Problem using Smaller Quantum Computers | |
Bors, P.P. (Philippe) | Analysis of Nonsimple Nonograms | |
Bouwman, K. (Koen) | Q-learning with Parameterized Quantum Circuits: Design, Implementation and Benchmarking | |
Coret, T. (Thomas) | The Effect of Social Reward on Swarm Robots in a Foraging Task | |
Corsel, C.W. (Christof) | YOLO-based Obstacle Avoidance for Drones | |
Doesburg, M. (Max) | Optimization of the Reconstruction of Zebrafish on the LLSC Using the VAST Microscope | |
Donkers, J. (Jeroen) | Real-time Melody Harmonization in an Improvisational Context | |
Driessen, W.A.M. (Wampie) | How Example Set Size Influences the Effectiveness of the AFL Fuzzer | |
Ende, D. (Dyon) van der | Scraping Scratch: A Dataset of Comments and their Sentiment | |
Gramsbergen, D.S. (Danielle) | Subcoinductive Types [IW] | |
IJpelaar, M. (Mariska) | An Initial Exploration of the Importance of Program Instruction Order for Dynamically Scheduled Processors | |
Keizer, A. (Alex) | Coalgebras of Session Types: Defining a Syntax Independent Framework | |
Kluiver, S. (Sem) | Solving and Generating Ice Block Puzzles | |
Marchand, Y. (Yannik) | Towards Parallel Generation of DFS Orders Using Verifiers | |
Meijhuis, M.J. (Mark) | Using Machine Learning to Predict Price Trends in Foreign Exchange Rates | |
Mkrtchyan, W.K. (Wahagn) | Systems of Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Skyline Queries | |
Otten, D.D. (Daniel) | Type Theory: W-types and Bisimulation [IW] | |
Plas, N. (Niek) van der | Classifying Citizen Complaints using Pre-trained Language Models | |
Polen, T. (Tim) van | GPS Referencing and Data Storage Manipulation | |
Poot, T. (Tim) | Deep Text Matching in E-Commerce | |
Rooij, L (Lucas). van | Predicting the Characteristics of Successful Cyclists in Multi-week Races | |
Schep, D. (David) | Fusion Approaches for Monocular Depth Estimation | |
Schonenberg, J. (Jerry) | Differential Siamese Network for the Avoidance of Moving Obstacles | |
Schous, V. (Vera) | Understanding and Discussing Weaknesses in Deep Neural Networks | |
Simons, T. (Thijs) | Training Optimization in Professional Road Cycling through Time Series Prediction and Quantification | |
Singh, H. (Hargurjit) | Setting Up a FAIR Data Point in LIACS | |
Snelleman, T. (Thijs) | Strategic Gambling in DiminishingBridge | |
Stee, J. (Jesper) van | Creating an AI for the Rhytm Game osu! | |
Stokman, W. (Wouter) | Obstacle Detection and Avoidance Using Image Processing on Embedded Systems | |
Tettelaar, K. (Kean) | Towards Multi-objective Bayesian Global Optimization for Space Missions | |
Tubergen, J. (Jeroen) van | Assessing the Fitness of Web-applications within the Context of Mobile Phones, on Performing Spatially Distributed, Co-located, Collaborative, Audio-related Activities | |
Verschuur, L. (Luit) | The Impact of the Naturalness of a Robot’s Voice on Human-Robot-Interaction | |
Wanjun Xu, C. (Cassie) | Efficient Parallel Cycle Detection | |
Wassenaar, G. (Guido) | Empirical Performance Evaluation of the Linkage Tree Genetic Algorithm | |
Wink, T. (Thomas) | OpenML-Connect: A C++ Connection Library for OpenML | |
Zoete, B. (Bart) de | Improving Twitter Stream Filtering using Pseudo-Relevance Feedback | |
Zweeden, J. (Joos) van | Detecting Facial Features in Infrared Imagery | |
Zwetsloot, M. (Marnix) | Predicting the Outcome of the Card Game Klaverjas | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Alvarez Rodriguez, S.F. (Sebastiaan) | Static Security Analysis Methods in Android Systems: a Comparison | |
Bergman, P. (Patrick) | Scalable Architecture for Event Management Systems | |
Blankestijn, M.A.N. (Max) | Polyomino Packing using a Tetris-like Ruleset | |
Blok, J. H. (Jaap) | Multi-valued Decision Variables and Redundant Coding in Evolutionary Algorithms | |
Boks, R.M. (Rick) | Performance Comparison of Configurable Particle Swarm and Differential Evolution Algorithms | |
Bouman, J.Q. (Jeffrey) | Recovering from Controllers Failures in Software Defined Networks | |
Campmans, A.J. (Tony) | (In)effciënte Bewijsstrategieën | |
Colli, M.M. (Mitchel) | Dynamic Real-time Videostream Stitching Using Multiple Uncalibrated Cameras | |
Deering, G. (Galen) | Applications of Monte Carlo on the Board Game Six | |
Delzenne, M.J. (Mees) | Optimizing the Citra Emulator by Decompiling Shader Machine Code | |
Dofferhoff, R.M.J. (Rens) | A Performance Evaluation of Platform-Independent Methods to Search for Hidden Instructions on RISC Processors | |
Domela Nieuwenhuis. D.O. (Damian) | Improving Public Speaking Performance by Facial Emotion, Body Language and Speech Recognition based Feedback | |
Dubbeldam, S. (Stef) | Using Program Animation to resolve misconceptions in K-12 students. | |
Flesher-Clark, A.C. (Alec) | 3D Hand Pose Estimation on a Robotic Platform | |
Göebel, M.A. (Michael) | Developing and Verifying Methods to Search for Hidden Instructions on RISC Processors | |
Graaf, S. (Sylvester) de | Cracking the Mastermind Code | |
Hamer, V. (Vincent) den | Hiding in Plain Sight: How Location affects Memory Error Detectability by Fuzzers | |
Huijben, M. (Marcel) | Efficiently combining compiler-based zero-day defenses | |
Jonckheere, L.S. (Luc) de | Efficiently Generating the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets | |
Jong, R.G. (Rachel) de | Comparing Two Algorithms for Finding Maximal Matchings in Bipartite Graphs | |
Kannangara, A.R. (Aaron) | Comparing Strategic Agents for Dominance | |
Maan, G.C. (Gijsbert) | Hardware Acceleration of Matrix Multiplication | |
Merckens, T. (Tim) | A Further Look into Mouse Mazes | |
Meyer, S (Samuel) | Psychology-Inspired Memory Sampling in a Deep Q Network | |
Neuteboom, V.O. (Victor) | Personalized Modeling of Training Load and Physical Capacity of an Elite Rower | |
Nolden, L.S.J. (Luuk) | Finding Seneca in Seneca | |
Peters, O.R.L. (Orson) | Image Compression with Neural Networks | |
Plug R.B.F. (Ruud) | ECG Anomaly Detection Using Long Short-Term Memory based Recurrent Neural Networks | |
Poslavsky, V.J.A. (Victor) | System for Analysing Off-the-ball Performance of Individual Football Players using Spatiotemporal Tracking Data | |
Sinnige, J.A. (Jelle) | GPS Referencing and Data Storage Manipulation | |
Strating, M.W. (Martijn) | Analysis of Submissions of the Dutch Olympiad for Informatics with a Special Focus on Heuristics | |
Swenne, M.M. (Marijn) | Solving SAT on Noisy Quantum Computers | |
Tijssen, L. (Lars) | Analyzing Offensive Player- and Team Performance in Soccer Using Position Data | |
Turkenburg, R.T.C. (Ruben) | Greibach Normal Form for Weighted Context-Free Grammars [IW] | |
Varkevisser, F.E. (Florian) | Using Monte Carlo Tree Search to Play Cops & Robbers | |
Vlasakker, R.A. (Rintse) van de | Bomb-cover Een verzamelingenoverdekkings-probleem in de Bombermanwereld | |
Voetter, R.F. (Robin) | Volumetric Ray Tracing with Vulkan | |
Weijer, W. (Wessel) de | A Decision Procedure for Weighted Automata Equivalence [IW] | |
Zande, E.R. (Elgar) van der | Examining out of Bounds Defense Systems' Performance against Independent CVEs | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Beinema, E. (Emiel) | Energy Efficiency across Programming Languages Revisited | |
Browne, R. (Rose) | Analyzing the Behaviour of Players in Soccer Prior to a Shot on Target. | |
Burggraaf, F (Florijn) | Predicting Scientific Impact | |
Damhuis, L.P. (Laurens) | Using the Rectified Linear Unit Activation Function in Neural networks for Clobber | |
Dijk, M. (Marco) van | Agents for Kuhhandel | |
Dijkhuizen, T. (Tom) van | OpenPhoneMap Het Bereik van Mobiele Zendmasten op de Kaart Gezet | |
Drogtrop, J. (Jimmy) | Comparing Different Agents in the Game of Risk | |
Gopal, N.A.A. (Ashwini) | Analyzing and Classifying Borderline Personality Disorder using Datamining Paradigms | |
Haddou, N.A. (Naoufal) | Learning Bayesian Networks for Causal Discovery from Medical Data | |
Janssen, E. (Egon) | The Leprechaun Hatting Problem | |
Kleijn, K. (Kelvin) | Solving and Constructing Kamaji Puzzles | |
Lubben, J. (Jelle) | Applying a Mixed-integer Evoutionary Strategy for the Configuration and Parameterization of a CMA-ES | |
Noordover, K. (Kevin) | Analysis and Viualisation of Spatio-Temporal Hockey Data | |
Numan, N. (Nels) | A comparative Performance Analysis of Feature Description Algorithms Implemented in Open CV | |
Paul, V (Valerie) | Predicting the Discharge Date of Patients using Classification Techniques | |
Renso, C. (Caio) | Multiobjective Optimization of Power Grid Resilience to Random and Targeted Attacks | |
Rijn, V. (Vincent) van | Quantifying Fuzzer Performance on Spatial and Temporal Memory Errors | |
Ronde, S.J.P.M. (Sander) | Detecting Anomalies with Recurrent Neural Networks | |
Rook, J. (Jeroen) | Characteristics of Dangerous Passes in Soccer at Women’s EURO 2017 | |
Scholman, R. (Renzo) | Autonomous Navigation of the Spherical Robot BB-8 | |
Smeding, T.J. (Tom) | Fast Large-Integer Matrix Multiplication [IW] | |
Smeyers, M. (Maarten) | A Browser-Based Graphical Editor for Reo Networks | |
Smits, T. (Taco) | Robots with Vectors | |
Spelier, P. (Pim) | The Complexity of Root-Finding in Orders [IW] | |
Steffens, B. (Benjamin) | Dynamic Reductions for More Efficient Software Verification | |
Taleb, R. (Rafi) | The Effect of Activation Functions and Network Configurations on the Performance of Handwritten Character Recognition | |
Tetteroo, J. (Jaco) | Sentiment Mining on Chinese Product Reviews | |
Verhoef, D. (Davey) | Determining Good Tactics for a Football Game using Raw Positional Data | |
Vermeulen, W.D. (Wouter) | Toward a Massive Multiplayer Framework | |
Voogt, M.A. (Mick) | Optimization of Metagenomics Analysis using Distributed Computing on LLSC | |
Vos, L. (Levi) | Quantifying the Performance of Fuzzers in the Detection of Security Threats | |
Wester, M. (Martijn) | Depth First Search Characterizations | |
Zwanenburg, E. (Ewout) | Analyzing and Classifying Borderline Personality Disorder using Datamining Paradigms | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Vermetten, D. (Diederick) | Position Detection Optimization in the Context of Sensor Based Location Systems | |
Baasdam R.W.H. (Renzo) | Numerics and Continuation for Reaction-Diffusion Equations | |
Beljaards, L. (Laurens) | AI Agents for the Abstract Strategy Game Tak | |
Bolster, Y. (Yorick) | Automatically finding the best blocking size for matrix multiplication | |
Borst, R.C.P. (Robbin) | Robust self-balancing robot mimicking | |
Brandt, O. (Oscar) | Comparing Algorithms: Calculating the Minimal Coverability Set of Petri Nets | |
Buwalda, N. (Niek) | Open Source Systems for Dialogue Systems | |
Cames van Batenburg D.F. J. | Identificaton of Transposable Element Insertion into the enod40 RNA | |
Castelein, K.J.B. (Koen) | Determinization for Monte Carlo Tree Search n the Card Game Tichu | |
Dekkers, C.H.J. (Cas) | Creating Models of Interaction for a Video Wall | |
Dijk, S.J. (Stef) van | Solving Puzzles Using Cellular Automata | |
Draijer W.J.W. (Wilco) | Integrating, Structuring and Visualising Cancer Data | |
Etoeharnowo, T. (Teddy) | Neural Networks for Clobber | |
Fokkinga, D.B. (Daniel) | Towards Learning Software Models: making documentation easier | |
Hal, R.M. (Roy) van | Finish Photo Analysis for Athletics Track Events using Computer Vision Techniques | |
Heijungs, S. (Simon) | Tape-quantifying Turing Machines in the Arithmetical Hierarchy | |
Hoogenboom, C. (Cedric) | Using Probabilities to Enhance Monte Carlo Search in the Dutch Card Game Klaverjas | |
Jansen, B.A. (Bernardus) | The state of Bufferbloat in the Netherlands | |
Jonkman, J.L. (Jacob) | Interacting with BigEye: Using Gesture-Based Input Methods to control Applications on a Videowall | |
Kesteloo, M.E. (Mitchell) | Using Convolutional Autoencoders to Detect Anomalies in Sewer Images | |
Khalass, N. (Nouri) | Metaprogramming in Modern Programming Languages | |
Klijn, M. (Michel) | A Perfect Information Scrabble Game | |
Martens, J.R.M. (Joost) | ETA: A Modular Approach to Analyzing Time Series Data | |
Meerkerk, R. (Ruben) | Design, Analysis, and Optimization of an Embedded Processor | |
Meeuwsen, J. (Juliette) | Design and Implementation of 3D reconstruction from axial views on the Leiden Life Science Cluster | |
Muinck Keizer, D. (David) de | A Control Flow Graph Generator for Java Code | |
Muusse, I.J. (Ivo) | An Algorithm for Balancing a Binary Search Tree | |
Oedayrajsingh Varma, V. (Vinay) | A Survey of Classical Public-key Cryptography and Post-quantum Lattice-based Cryptography | |
Oost, K. (Kevin) | Analysing Data to Predict Processing Times of Vessels and Barges in Liquid Bulk Terminals | |
Out, N.F. (Nils) | A Monte Carlo Strategy for the Game of Hive | |
Peters, L.J. (Bert) | Utilizing a Tuple-Based Optimization Framework for Graph Algorithms | |
Putman, K. (Koen) | Implementing an Interface for Virtual Input Devices into the MGSim Simulator | |
Riet, J.C.A. (Jasper) van | Anomaly Detection with Deep Belief Networks | |
Ruijter, F.E.C. (Floris) | Symbolic Regression of Implicit Functions | |
Schipper, L. (Lisette) de | Compact descriptors for (near) duplicate image detection | |
Soelaksana, E. (Erik) | Analyzing Privacy Awareness of Twitter Users Through Their Given Location Precision | |
Spaendonck, M. (Michiel) van | Aspects of Tectonic | |
Suanet, L. (Lars) | Finding Anomalies in Sequential Data using Local Outlier Factor | |
Teunisse, J. (Joris) | Agents for the Card Game of Hearts | |
Verweij, G.J.W. (Geerten) | Comparison of the Effectiveness of Shared Memory Optimizations for Stencil Computations on NVIDIA GPU Architectures | |
Waal, P.R. (Ruben) van der | A Study of Different Approaches for Improving the Stitching of Spherical Panoramas | |
Zaeem, S.A.F. (Sinan) | Diverse Subgroup Discovery for Big Data | |
Zandvliet, J.J.M. (Jos) | Vectorized Sparse Matrix Kernels using Hybrid Data Layouts | |
Zwitser, l. (Liam) | Quantum Computing | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Bannenberg, L. (Lou) | Checking for Compatibility in Team Automata | |
Bavdaz, A. (Alenka) | Comparing Markov Chain and Recurrent Neural Network Algorithms for Text Generation | |
Boom, B. (Bernard) van den | Dutchism Detector | |
Bosch, N.F.A. (Nick) van den | A Comparison of Hashing Algorithms | |
Chow, K.L. (Kin Lok) | Multiobjective Pattern Mining in Bitcoin Data and Genetic Landscapes | |
Duba, D. (Dico) | Retting PIPE: Extending the Petri Net tool PIPE 5 | |
Edixhoven, L. (Luc) | Attacking the n-Puzzle Using SAT Solvers | |
Faas, M. (Micky) | Sparse Voxel Mip-Maps: Versatile Lossy Compression of Volumetric Data | |
Gent, D. (Daan) van | Graph Isomorphism in Quasi-polynomial Time [IW] | |
Huibers, J. (Jarno) | AI Agents for the Card Game Love Letter | |
Huybers, R. (Richard) | Mario (of hoe je een Programmeerwedstrijd kunt Winnen) | |
Koschny, J. (Julius) | Design and Analysis of a Controller for the iRobot Create | |
Lamers, C. (Christiaan) | Quantum Cryptography | |
Latenko, A. (Alexander) | Explorative Study on Hierarchical Temporal Memory | |
Louwe, A. (Anneloes) | Constructing Petri Net Models from Biological Literature using Structured Annotation | |
Nibbeling, J. (Joost) | Implementation of A Parallel Back Substitution Solver on GPUs | |
Oostdam, J. (Jasper) | Design and Simulation of an Embedded Controller for the iRobot Create robot by Integrating ROS in Gazebo | |
Persoon, R. (Ricardo) | Design and Implementation of Website Backup as a Service | |
Post, M. (Martijn) | Mythbusting Data Mining Urban Legends through Large Scale Experimentation | |
Roos, D. (Dennis) | Transformation of Membrane Systems | |
Ruijter, S. (Sander) | Dynamically Evolving L-system Generated Plant Visualizations | |
Staalduinen, J.H. (Jan) van | Gathering and Managing Spatiotemporal Data | |
Veen, S. (Simone) van | Anomaly Detection in Cybersecurity | |
Visser, T. (Timothy) | Workforce Survey Data Analysis: Potentials and Pitfalls | |
Vreumingen, D. (Dion) van | Real Time Force Field Simulation for Stm Controlled Molecular Electronics Experiments using Cuda gpu Programming | |
Werf, U.M. (Ulbo) van der | Describing Heaps using Kleene algebra with Tests | |
Werff, C.R.A. (Chivany) van der | Tetris Strategies in a Multiplayer Environment | |
Woerden, W. (Wessel) van | The Closest Vector Problem in Cyclotomic Lattices [IW] | |
Wubben, S.J. (Sander) | Predicting the Risk of Overload in Overcommitted Server Clusters | |
Zwaan, D. (Dennis) van der | Developing an Integrated Environment for OPT Image Reconstruction | |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Berge, M. (Michiel) van den | An Algorithm for Morphing Audio | |
Bergh, M.J.H. (Mark) van den | Hanabi: A Co-operative Game of Fireworks [IW] | |
Boekhout, H. (Hanjo) | Combining Graph Mining and Deep Learning in Molecular Activity Prediction | |
Bos, R. (Ralph) | Compact Decision Trees for Dou Shou Qi Tablebases | |
Buitelaar, R. (Ruben) | Combined Neural Networks for Movie Recommendation | |
Burger, J. (Jelco) | Context Free Guarded Languages: A System for Determining Guarded Strings | |
Cammel, S. (Simone) | Predicting the Outcome of the Game Othello | |
Dekker, V. (Victor) | A Difficulty Measure for Light Up Puzzles | |
Es, D. (David) van | Deploying Phenotype Analysis on LLSC | |
Haddou, S. (Sarah) | Using Outcome Weights in Monte-Carlo Tree Search for Multiplayer 3D Hex | |
Kanhai, S. (Soeradj) | Mining a Scientific Conference | |
Klaver, S. (Simon) | Analysing Electron Tomography with IMOD on the LLSC | |
Kortsmit, M. (Marieke) | Strategies for Klondike Solitaire [IW] | |
Marsdon, B. (Bob) | A Generalized Hough Transform for the Recognition of Cars in Images [IW] | |
McGlinn, T. (Tama) | Analysing the Difficulty of Mazes using a Web Application | |
Partodikromo, E. (Elisa) | Datamining the Peptide Sequenome | |
Post, M. (Mark) | Analysis and Visualisation of Data of an Outdoor Sports Mobile Application | |
Rooijen, A.L. (Arthur) van | TBA | |
Schade, D. (Derek) | Image Similarity Using Color Histograms | |
Scholtes, S. (Sem) | Integrating Data Modeling with Data Analysis in Taverna Workflows | |
Sener, H. (Huseyin) | Building an Administrative System in a Scientific Workflow System | |
Stevenson, C. (Claire) | Learning Software Design: Is Abstraction Ability Key? | |
Stout, P. (Patric) | Ontology Viewer: Van Proof-of-Concept naar Layered Software | |
Strien, B. (Bart) van | Exploring Scheduling Alternatives for a Computer Vision Application on Embedded MPSoCs | |
Veenman, C. (Christian) | A Framework for Cross-Platform Dynamically Loaded Libraries | |
Zabel, T. (Terry) | Video Rating and Sorting with a Genuine Approach | |