Bachelor Informatica

The following thesis was written by a student in the 2023-2024 class of the Bachelor Informatica programme at Leiden University.

Thesis details

TitleOn Frogs and Swings: Analyzing Gender Differences in Language Use of Children by Examining the Focus of a Gender-Predicting BERT Model
StudentHonig, S. (Sander)
ProgrammeBachelor Informatica
SupervisorsDuijn, dr. M.J. (Max) van
Wijnholds, dr. G. (Gijs)
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Citation details

Honig, S. (Sander), On Frogs and Swings: Analyzing Gender Differences in Language Use of Children by Examining the Focus of a Gender-Predicting BERT Model, Thesis Bachelor Informatica, LIACS, Leiden University, 2024.