Bachelor Informatica

The following thesis was written by a student in the 2008 class of the Bachelor Informatica programme at Leiden University.

Thesis details

TitleLightning Engine: Ray Tracing with KD-trees
StudentEelzak, C. (Cedric) AND Casteren, M. (Maarten) van AND Cornelisse, C. (Cor)
ProgrammeBachelor Informatica
SupervisorsHuijsmans, dr. D.P. (Nies)
Kok, prof.dr. J.N. (Joost)

Citation details

Eelzak, C. (Cedric) AND Casteren, M. (Maarten) van AND Cornelisse, C. (Cor), Lightning Engine: Ray Tracing with KD-trees, Thesis Bachelor Informatica, LIACS, Leiden University, 2008.