581 entries found.

Master ICT in Business and the Public Sector

Student Thesis Content
Eijkelkamp, C. (Charlotte)A Framework for Responsible AI Use in HR
Hotak, N. A. (Nisar Ahmad)Developers’ perceived impact of generative AI approaches on code security
Lasroha, M. S. T. (Markus)Improving SATUSEHAT Indonesia Data Availability and Privacy
Lin, Z. (Zhengyu)A Scalable Approach for De Novo FAIRification in Legacy Systems: Enabling Real-Time RDF Transformation, Semantic Integration, and Automated Data Upload
Oprel, D. (Diederik)A framework for a centralized external RPA orchestrator
Papadaki, I. (Ioanna)Influencing Purchase Intention Through Chatbots: The Interaction of Social Influence Tactics and Consumer Personality Traits.
Utami, I. K. (Intan Kusumadewi)Overcoming Challenges in Cross-Government Data and Information Exchange in Indonesia
Vonk, J. (Justin)The Impact of Employees’ GenAI Readiness on Work Experience: The Moderating Role of Chatbot Usage Intensity
Wang, J. (Jiaxin)Connecting across China and Europe with privacy preservation and regulatory compliance

Student Thesis Content
Abdul, S. (Shamir)Identifying Emerging Trends and Technologies: How Banks Can Prepare their Cybersecurity Strategy for the Future
Adetunji, A. (Ayodele)Transitioning from Monolithic to a Composable Enterprise Architecture - A Systematic Literature Review
Aggelen, B. van (Bram)RPG: What Role Should NCSC-NL Play?
Akkers, M. (Max)The Role of Intelligent Automation in Transforming Military Supply Chains: A Qualitative Study
Bavelaar, C. (Christie)Explainable Machine Learning for Macroeconomic Forecasting of the Housing Market
Berghem, T. van (Tim)The Critical Success Factors of the Implementation of ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 in an IT Organization
Deve, C. (Ceyhan) The data-driven development of a maturity model for machine learning teams
Goretti, M.G.R. (Maria) META-QUAL: A Holistic Framework to Evaluate Metaverse Performance
Kindap, A.S. (Ayca) A research on the effectiveness of robust learning training on unsupervised image classification
Knigge, M.C. (Mark)The Impact of Data Quality on Default Prediction: A Comparative Analysis of Expert Opinion and Machine Learning Models in Commercial Finance - CONFIDENTIAL
Mahabier, S. (Suraya)Implementation of Agile Roles in Practice: Perspectives from Job Design Theory
Manintveld, E. (Eric)Prescriptive Process Optimization Using Large Language Models: A Preliminary Investigation
Moison, O. (Okke)Contributing to Open-Source Software Projects: Risks and Risk Mitigation Strategies for Companies
Rienks, S. (Sjoerd)The Current State of Transfer Learning in Organizations - Exploratory Research on the Implementation of Transfer Learning Across Industries
Schrijver, L. (Lars)Data Availability & Interoperability for Chronic Brain Disease Care in The Netherlands
Thijssen, J. (Jamal)From infrastructure to platform: A study on factors influencing migrations to the Cloud
Tran Van, H. (Hoa)The Key Challenges and Opportunities Of AI-Driven Start-Ups in Developing Their Value Proposition and Cost Structure
Ullah, A. (Asad)Combating Corruption through ICT Enabled Governance. A case study for Pakistan
Ven, T. van de (Tim) Cyber Espionage within the Dutch Industry and Educational Sector
Vogt, M.W. (Max)Providing Domain Knowledge for Process Mining with ReWOO-based Agents

Student Thesis Content
Babić, J. (Josipa)A Method for Integrating Enterprise Architecture: Case Study on the European Parliament
Bhandari, NiharikaAn Interactive Chatbot For Software Requirements Elicitation
Buitenhuis, Vincent Designing a holistic method for enhancing data quality with the use of machine learning: A master thesis for ICT in Business & the Public Sector at Leiden University
Chin-A-Loi, JermainAnalyzing and improving the Dutch government ICT dashboard
Dissanayake, Nipuni Thisarangi Developing a Customised Agile Methodology for AI and Machine Learning Projects
El-Baz, YassinUnderstanding the benefits and challenges of introducing a dashboard to help Agile teams improve their work
Fileli, ChrysoulaThe impact of AI on the Business Model and Operating Model of AI companies.
Homsi, MoaidScrumban from a practitioners’ point of view
Huang, MingyuThe Design of Ontology Based Access Control for Virus Outbreak Data Network
Kaplan, Tarik EminIntroducing Capabilities to a DevOps Maturity Model
Kats, Timo Using relevance feedback and text similarity to reduce review effort in eDiscovery
Knoop, MitchAgile Frameworks Outside IT: Current State and Influence on Team Performance
Koelfat, VikramEthical Dilemmas of Autonomous Driving: How are the Ethical Dilemmas Characterized by AI?
Kolenbrander, Marcel Resource Allocation Optimization Through Process Mining Within a Business Environment
Koper, Kyra The Application of Behavioural Economics On In-App Surveys And Its Effect On Survey Response Rate: An Empirical Study
Koralturk, BerkayNavigating the Hyperautomation Journey: A Comprehensive Model for Assessing Hyperautomation Maturity
Krol, LouisImplications of Organizational Agility on Human Resource Management – The Human Side of Agile Transformations
Lim, MaartenThe impact of Agile transformations on the competitiveness, financial performance and survivability of organizations.
Liu, AnranLeveraging Machine Learning and Synthetic Controls to Study Resilience Using Satellite Images in the Context of the Wine Industry
Lommen, Y. (Yven)Identifying Predictive KPIs and Predictors for Business Intelligence in the Educational Domain
Nouwens, FamkeHow To Transfer? An Experimental Model for Combining Transfer Learning Techniques in Cross-Domain Recommender Systems
Olivieri, LeonardoEvaluation of Business Models for Artificial Intelligence Startups
Peeters,DucoState of the practice in cyber security risk quantification and qualification in the Netherlands and beyond
Plas, L. van der (Leendert)Pandemic Pandemonium in de GGD: towards FAIR Data in Health
Pui, ErnestAnalysis the critical factors of adopting Multi-cloud
Roos, Murk deThe Feasibility and Preconditions for Autonomous Driving
Roussou, AnnaUML Use Case generation from textual requirements using NLP techniques
Schaaf, RicardoCrystal Ball or Glass Marble: Using ChatGPT to support Technology Forecasting with Scenario planning
Thabet Abdelrahim, Mohamed AtefMulti-Cloud Governance Framework for Financial Institutions
Vlokhoven, W. van (Willem-Pieter)A Visual Tool Leveraging Machine Learning For Automating Web API Mapping
Wan, Y (Yun)A Research regarding how IT professionals conduct risk classification against ISO/IEC 27001 in the context of corporate environments
Wee, A. (Alex)Considerations for the Adoption of a Secure Software Development Framework
Yazar, SeymaCentralisation and Decentralisation of Software Applications in a Multinational Enterprise: A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Model

Student Thesis Content
Angenent, MitchA Turnkey Explainable AI System for AI Compliance in the Financial Sector
Bakker, TimonHedy programming language introducing the Gradual Feedback Model (GFM)
Beer, ELiasMeasuring the impact of five factors on success for nearshoring projects
Blinde, RobertDevOps Unravelled: A Study on the Effects of Practices and Technologies on Organisational Performance
Blom, Bianca The influence of change and adoption on the flexible budget
Bonte, AshleyAnalysis and characterization of the Service Control Tower concept
Boot, Renée Technology Trend Research & Forecasting Using Text Mining as Input for Scenario Planning
Cammeraat, JonathanWhen to update? A model to support nonfunctional software update decision
Cassens, LionDue Diligence for AI-based software systems
Dabbas, YasminA global rollout methodology for low-code /no-code platforms for a business with high local autonomy
Doesburg, MaxIntermodality and Transport Delays, A Case Study Integrating a Big Data Approach to Supply Chain Analytics
Fileli, Chrysoula The impact of AI on the Business Model and Operating Model of AI companies.
Germino, FilippoThe role of Design Thinking in digital transformation during pandemic times: a case study
Griffioen,PepijnGenerating process models from textual requirements using transformer based natural language processing
Groot de, MauritsEvaluating the Skills Gap in the Labor Market
Halm van, NicoleExplaning Market Share Prediction A Study On the Use of Machine Learning in ECommerce to Predict Market Share and the Connected Implementation of Explainable Artificial Intelligence Techniques to Increase Interpretability of these Predictions for Business Stakeholders with a Non-Technical Background
Hasangi, UdaraAnalysis of success and failure factors in Robotic Process Automation: A case study
Heijnen, CasperThe change in B2B sales capabilities since COVID-19
Hohgräfe, NilsInsights-Driven Enterprises: Characterization and analysis of the link between BI&A capacity and innovation capacity
Hu, JohnnyA data governance framework from the perspective of privacy and security in an Artificial Intelligence-integrated CRM system
Ihsan, FalihSecurity Challenges in a Smart Home IoT
Kannangara, AaronQuantifying team performance by process mining Scrum board data: An architectural design and case- study from data extraction towards a machine learning application
Kiefer, DavidObserving leadership in practice: Comparing behavioural leadership patterns to theoretical frameworks in organisations undergoing an agile transformation
Le, DangHigh-Performing Teams in Technology Consulting Firms
Mulder, HiddeThe contribution of organizational structure components whilst implementing a disruptive technology within a central governmental context
Nijhuis, JasperEffective Police Checks at Internal Schengen Borders using Information-Driven Enforcement
Nodehi, Sara A methodology for integrated business-technology planning
Noteboom, DylanEvaluating the adoption of a Digitised Preboarding Program for New Employees: a Case Study at Centric Netherlands
Pang, AliciaBehaviour models of consultants and developers about privacy-by-design and data minimisation in the ERP system
Peeters, DucoState of the practice in cyber security risk quantification and qualification in the Netherlands and beyond
Poot, TimUnderstanding the Impact of Large-Scale Agile Transformations
Satriadi, AndreasEvidence-Based Approach in Prioritizing Project Location in Indonesia Development Planning Process (Study Case: Telemedicine Project)
Schaalje, BasA deeper understanding of pandemic programming
Schouten, MartijnA System for Preprocessing Requirements Documents for Automatic UML Modelling
Schut, Fabian Arbitrage in Electricity Markets using AI and Photo-Voltaic Battery Energy Storage Systems
Sijtstra, JelleQuantifying the effectiveness of low-code development platforms in the Dutch public sector
Steenbergen van, Wouter Harnessing the power of data for government real estate
Tsingani, PinelopiA process approach towards GDPR and PSD2 compliance for Banking Organizations in the Netherlands
Verschuur, LuitTowards a cybersecurity assessment framework for IoT-based environments
Wu, Wanyi What to do when recommendation systems become gatekeepers? The impact on news consumption
Zetten, van WesselInterpretable Machine Learning and Bias Detection for Machine Learning Applications in the Financial Indus- try: mortgage fraud detection at a Dutch insurer
Zhang, YiProviding Insights into Software Usage through Data Mining: Use Case Based User Profiling

Student Thesis Content
Basten, Hans vanExplaining driving behavior in a connected car
Beems, CasCharacteristics of value streams in practice
Bosch, Michael An adoption framework to improve the adoption of BI, emphasing the role of documentation
Brochard, Marlo Defining and measuring the maintainability of Splunk apps
Browne, RoosExplainable AI Techniques for ML-based Financial Forecasting
Cheng, XinningRedesign Mutual Fund Settlement Process with Distributed Ledger Technology
Doppen, ThijmenSelf-Service Business Intelligence: Causal Factors for Success and Failure
Egberts, JariBridging the gap between risk assessment and security operations
Farag, SeifTowards Microservices architecture: A case study to improve decision-making
Hadi, PutuImproving Satu Data Indonesia With FAIR Elements: A Model to Extend Satu Data Indonesia Principles in COVID-19 Data Management
Hasanovic, MirhadTechnology Legitimation of Electronic Medical Records in Dutch Healthcare Settings
Heddes, AmrishA Multilevel Service Design Method For (Corporate) Financial Institutions
Hobbs, RichardData Privacy Transformation – Legislations to Controls
Horssen, Daan vanCoping with Integrating Enterprise Architectures in Case of Mergers & Acquisitions
Jahangier, DominicContinuous Financial Monitoring using Data Analytics in SMEs
Kerckhoffs, RutgerModelling of Software Package Implementation: A Case Study
Klaver, MartijnTraditional BI vs. advanced analytics competency centers
Kleisterlee, WietzeScaling down Doughnut Economics to Sustainable IT at the Organizational Level
Kroon, UdoSmart Intelligence Beyond Borders: Understanding FCInet and Ma3tch Technology
Lale, RajeshBimodal Architecture: The first Reference Architecture for setting-up a Bimodal IT platform
Lin, Yi A FAIR Data Based BI Framework within the Healthcare Domain in Africa
Mayar, MatinQualitative Research on: eMental care Trust Barriers and Mitigation Measures Within the Dutch Mental Healthcare
Mohamed, JousufA GDPR cloud migration risk strategy for retail banks
Prevaes, DennisCybersecurity in the pension fund sector
Prima, RyanUse of Data Analytics for Fraud Investigation and Fraud Detection in A Global Health Technology Company
Ramsaransing, BrendonImproving the Quality of Integrated Reporting A Mixed-Method Report on How Readability is Perceived Within Dutch Accountancy Companies.
Samnani, MalikE-mail marketing in the post-GDPR era - A study of residual risks and recommended best practices
Sklaveniti, StefaniaThe Relationship of Learning Agility and 21st Century Skills in the IT Industry’
Sturis, JurreToward an alignment model for security requirements for medical information processing organizations that are dependent on third parties
Tang, TiantianFrom Natural Language to UML Class Models: An Automated Solution Using NLP to Assist Requirements Analysis
Timmers, LennartMigrating and transforming self-hosted software products into a SaaS solution
Touhami, Mounaim BenQuantifying the Effectiveness of Cyber Security Awareness on Human Behavior
Valchev, IvoEffect of negative emotional display on contribution acceptance in open source projects: evidence from GitHub
Verbrugge, Damian An assessment model for RPA process suitability and business goal contribution
Vermaase, MurielThe value of anomaly detection with Isolation Forest in the financial audit
Visser, ArjanA Perceived Architecture Description Development Process
Vlak, MartijnImpact of the intelligent lockdown on the Dutch inter-industry transaction network
Vorm, Yorick van der A comprehensive mapping of the software selection capability in terms of operational routines

Student Thesis Content
Aarts, Kimberley A novel method of facial features extraction for model discovery
Baart, TheoFactors influencing IT-audit support effectiveness: quantifying their impact
Bevacqua, Nunzia ConcettaData Governance practices for Big Data ethics
Echenique, MarcoAutomation technologies in the Sales Operations process
Gao, Her An Electronic Commerce Reference Architecture for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Gonesh, ClemensThe usage of digital platforms to circumvent gatekeeping mechanisms in Africa
Gopal, AshwiniTowards a framework for IoT mesh analysis
Haaster, Stefan vanA multi-criteria decision-making model for EA maturity models in the context of Industry 4.0
Huo, MingyueThe adoption and acceptance of the FAIR principles: Digital health in China
Jutte, ArjanKey Factors for reducing IT complexity
Kievit, StijnTo Churn or Not to Churn: A Comparative Study
Klijn, RubenDisruptive technology and firm performance: Analyzing disruptiveness in firm patent porfolios
Kruijssen, AgeAssessing Risks of Open Source Components in Software Due Diligence
Lieuw-Hie, GivanIdentifying the determinants of the adoption process of personal digital health platforms
Miljoen, JoostCreating a decision model to help web developers prevent their web applications for vulnerabilities
Neerbos, Koen vanImproving Complex IT-Architectures to Optimize Data-Exchange
Plancius, AnneTowards a Multi-Dimensional Maturity Model: Assessing Devops Success
Robijn, JonathanPass Outcome Prediction in Football
Rodenburg, MarkThe impact of data analytics on the effectiveness of SMEs strategic decision-making processes
Salih, RozhThe influence of Artificial Intelligence awareness on the acceptance by users
Schumacher, MaximilianAgile and Enterprise Architecture Practices: Convergence or conflict?
Singh, PrabdeepAnalyzing the NIST Cyber Security framework through a blockchain lens
Vaishampayan, AditiIncorporation of automated process discovery in the RPA lifecycle
Zhang, ZuoqinA study of enterprise architecture for secondary vocational education institutions: A lightweight enterprise architecture framework

Student Thesis Content
Anastasiou, GeorgeAutomated Detection of Performance Regression in New Versions of PostGreSQL
Bachour, DaniellaA comparison of approaches on the analysis of the usability of Leiden University's website
Cristino, NolyThe Strength of the Local Content Requirement Regulation on ICT in Indonesia as a Policy Approach
De Sandre, NicoloA Multicriteria Evaluation of Blockchain Technologies in the Healthcare System
Doornhof, ChristanUnderstanding the motivation of employees and managers in an internal work marketplace within a professional consulting firm
Draijer, WilcoThe Creation and Integration of a Legal Information Retrieval System without Manual Query Construction
Els van, VictorAgile transformations and Organizational Performance: the impact of maturity, employee satisfaction and transformation approach
Helling, ThomasAnomaly detection in real-world networks
Hoogenboom, CedricAn Enterprise Architecture Approach to Implementing the NIST Cyber Security Framework.
Koemans, DennyBlockchain technology for a better secured IIoT network
Kommers, SebastiaanOn the internet, no one knows you are a citizen.
Lefevere. NickAn exploratory study of blockchain projects factors for success
Liu, FenAn Empirical Study into The Reasons of Low Performance of Online Advertisements.
Loeffen, FynnThe development of an information security governance maturity model for Dutch hospitals
Magoma, AnnastansiaFAIR-based digital health in the East African Community: Designing an Eldoret FAIR Data Point
Mandeep, MalikExploring the use of Permissioned Blockchain Technology for supply chain Traceability
Meijerink, CorjanCritical node analysis on supply chains: a network
Michael Ayas, HamdiDecision Support Systems and Business Intelligence for agile portfolio management
Neve, JeroenRoles, position and IT governance of the departmental CIO at the Dutch central government (Rijksoverheid) and its maturity potential.
Oedayrajsingh Varma, VinayChallenges in a Vested Outsourcing arrangement: a case study of a car manufacturer and IT service supplier
Oprins, RichardAGILE: TRANSCENDING THE BORDERS OF IT. The emerging influence of feedback and creativity
Osenov, IvanCryptocurrencies: Mutual relationships and event reactions
Passos, AntonSoftware Quality Metrics in Practice
Putri, Hedlina AnnisaThe Contribution of Digital Health Solution to Universal Access to Health in Bontang, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Rasenberg, MarkAutomatic classi cation of handguns in CT images of cabin baggage using Convolutional Neural Networks.
Rashid, RajaTrend Research and Strategic Forecasting
Soelaksana, ErikUtilizing blockchain technology to reduce revenue loss caused by roaming fraud in the telecommunications industry
Veger, LudeThe influence of Enterprise Architecture on Enterprise Risk Management
Vergara Manrique, DavidApplicability of diffusion models to forecast sales of Health Tech products
Virag, davidSecurity challenges and viable solutions for continuously connected near-autonomous vehicles
Wansleven, DennisConsumers' Technology Acceptance of mobile biometric authentication methods for nancial transactions
Wildvank, TonnyAn integrated multi-faceted system approach for improving the development of information systems
Wit de, DannyWhat new forms of eco-systems can develop when markets shift to a combination of decentralized production, decentralized distribution, and a decentralized administration process?
Wortelboer, MartinA framework for the deployment of Analytical Models for organizations in the Public Safety & National Security sector
Wu, CollinA process model for no-code development towards a common understanding of the no-code development process
Yung, JennyLightweight Requirements Engineering Metrics Designing and evaluating requirements engineering metrics for software development in complex IT environments – Case study

Student Thesis Content
Akkerman, FrisoMotivations for Adopting Green IT within Food Processing Organisations in the Netherlands
Appelman, JoepLeadership Competencies Required in Large-Scale agile “The creation of role profiles”
Babic, MatijaData Oriented decision Making: Predictive Analytics as a Support Tool for Decision Making in Organizations
Bankras, StijnEssential Security Factors for SaaS Applications
Bijnaar, RenéA Sustainable IT Governance Model for Dutch Municipal Organizations
Buitelaar, RubenBuilding the Data-Driven Organization: a Maturity Model and Assessment
Fowler, KevinImplementing Holacracy™: Exploratory Research into Practicing and Implementing Holacracy™ in Organizations and its Effect on the Organizations’ IT and Security
Hertom, Bas. vanInformation Security Governance in Agile Environments
Lems, RickMotives of Crowdfunders in Social Ventures
Magrin, Edward LukeIntegrating new Technologies within the Business IT Landscape: A Case for Blockchain
Mangion, RobertoAnalysis on the European Parliament’s Party Group Voting Trends
Masyitah, Tathi Time Pressure and Creativity of Programmer, a case study at Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Indonesia’s State Electricity Company)
Mateos, Cristina MurilloWhy didn’t you say that before?!: The Effects of Anonymity on Organizational Silence in Virtual and Collocated Teams
Mulders, SebastianRecommender Systems in Practice: A Business Value Driven Approach for Startups
Naron, AlexandraCybercrime as a Driver to Security Innovations in Dutch SMEs: A Comparative Case Study
Niu, HanxinInformation System Architecture of Dairy Farming in the Netherlands
Pannebakker, QuentinWhat Technological, Organizational and Environmental Factors Affect a Large Organization’s Decision for Implementing a Multi-Cloud Solution?
Plas, Niels. van derCombining Customer’s Reference Architectures and Supplier’s Architectures
Prikkel, ThomasReducing Manual Labor in Technology-Assisted Review
Ruijter, SanderData Mining in Business, a Case Study at Squeezely
Schoemaker, LennardAgile Organizations: Effective Reporting in Agile Project Portfolio Management
Slothouwer, NickyNovel Techniques to Detect and Classify Suspicious Human Behavior using Radio Frequency Signals
Taounza, AbdessamadExploring new Channels of Public Service Delivery via Chatbots
Vlieger, ArjenSuccess Factors for Self-service Business Intelligence Implementations
Zhang, YifanA Marketing Research on Exploring the Application Prospects of SaaS BI in Small and Medium-sized Retail Enterprises

Student Thesis Content
Abulzahab, AbdulhadiBlockchain Technology and Its Implementation within Enterprise Information Systems
Ajodhia, KayleshAddressing Internet of Things Challenges in a Smart City based on a Novel Architectural Approach
Atef Ibraim, MohamedApplicability of Blockchain Technology in Telecommunications Service Management
Bakkenes, RobinTowards (limited) IT centralisation in decentral organisations - CONFIDENTIAL
Bhattarai, SurajBusiness Models with Blockchain: Exploring the Business Models of the Applications of Blockchain Technology in Start-up Enterprises
Boon, BenjaminData Driven Enterprise Architecture - CONFIDENTIAL
Bos, RalphBuilding and Evaluating an Enterprise Search Application – A Case study at UL Transaction Security
Boven, Bas vanRobust Real-time Action Classification using Single-Shot Convolutional Neural Networks - CONFIDENTIAL
Brouwer, HugoProduct Traceability: Use case assessment for blockchain technology – confidential
Cammel, SimoneMeasuring the status quo of big data analytics in Dutch academic hospitals
Çolakoğlu, HüseyinExploring information gathering behavior of niche players within IT ecosystems
Dekker, BramInteraction-based pattern analysis in a smart office environment CONFIDENTIAL
Deviani, VanessaA Framework for M-Government Citizen Complaint System. A Case Study in Jakarta Public Services - CONFIDENTIAL
Duwi Ari HaryantoIT Consumerization: Analyzing the Determinants of BYOD-Program Acceptance in Large Scale Company from Employees Perspective and its Effect on Company Attractiveness - CONFIDENTIAL
Gao, MingmingContingency Factors’ Impact on Data Governance Design and Implementation Success Factors - A case study in Digital Security Company - CONFIDENTIAL
Gersen, LéonAnalysis of Data Sources and Processes for Cash Flow Prediction in Small Seasonal Businesses
Himah, AndrewsmHealth Applications: Keeping Personal Electronic Health Records on Mobile Devices Confidential and Secure
Kharitonov, ArtemA framework for strategic intra- and inter-organizational adoption of the blockchain technology - CONFIDENTIAL
Khoenkhoen, SunnyExploring the impact of Business Intelligence and Data-analytics in the Emergency Department - CONFIDENTIAL
Koning, Patrick deNo Need to Read: Measuring the effects of Municipality Safety Plans on Crime Rates - CONFIDENTIAL
Kortekaas, LeonImpact of cloud on the traditional Shared Service Center - CONFIDENTIAL
Koutsougeras, ParisAssessment of Master Data Quality in a Multinational Environment - CONFIDENTIAL
Kreuse, RoyInformation Security Reporting at Strategic Level in the Dutch Financial industry - CONFIDENTIAL
Li, SufengData Quality Evaluation Framework for End-User Computing. A Case Study in a Dutch Insurance Company - CONFIDENTIAL
Lindert, Dylan teSmart energy management as a means towards improved energy efficiency
Liu, ZiweiA Maturity Model for Attribution Modeling Maturity Assessment
Malikbaba, NavidThe Beginning of Mobile 2.0: Exploring the determinants of consumer intentions with respect to conversational commerce on the WhatsApp platform
Mushofi Hasan, AhmadRapid Prototyping in Agile Product Development: A Case Study on Agile Software Companies - CONFIDENTIAL
Okot, PetraDescribing Hawala as Mobile Money (an ICT Innovation) - CONFIDENTIAL
Retnawati, FiaUnderstanding Intermediary Mobile Applications Technology Adoption– a UTAUT2, Self-Efficacy and Involvement Application in A Case Study of Indonesia OTA - CONFIDENTIAL
Rutten, TomEnhancing project portfolio selection in Agile environments -CONFIDENTIAL
Snelderweert, JeroenApplying Project Controls In Exploratory Projects - CONFIDENTIAL
Sufit, AdelaidoDecisions Factors in ERP Migration to SaaS, a Case Study at Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Indonesia’s State Electricity Corporation) - CONFIDENTIAL
Tsogas, KostasConceptualization and validation of a set of metrics to assist Data Driven Decision Making in an Agile setup. A case study of KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines
Velden, Thijs van derComparing Municipalities: Who is your partner in crime?
Vennemans, MauriceHow can machine learning be used in the data analysis pipeline to analyze and improve service desk processes? - CONFIDENTIAL
Westbroek, LucienIT value in the merger and acquisition process, the pre-merger phase and impact on the strategy - CONFIDENTIAL
Xypolytos, A. (Achilleas)A Security Assessment Framework
Yan, SixueAnalyzing experience as moderating variable for the relationship of s-commerce characteristics and trust
Yildirim, HuseyinPrivacy concerns and factors influencing individuals behavioral intention to use wearable devices at work - CONFIDENTIAL
Zheng, YUNPENGAn Empirical Study of Customer Co-creation in Social Media Based Product and Service Development - CONFIDENTIAL
Zhu, HanyuComparing the Use of Technology Among Industry Branches

Student Thesis Content
Anastasopoulos, FoivosData Governance design for financial services organizations
Arif Rachman Yulliandi, AndiUnderstanding Crowdfunding Platform: An empirical study utilizing UTAUT2 Model Integrated with Personality Trait - CONFIDENTIAL
Badloe, NaweenMicrosoft Architecture with ArchiMate -CONFIDENTIAL
Bakker, JobBlockchain technology. An exploratory case study to identify the underlying principles and to determine the corresponding capabilities.
Ben Dahman, JaouadOptimizing organizational flexibility with Enterprise Architecture measures
Boer, Arno deEnterprise Architecture as an enabler for successful care-service delivery in a dynamic healthcare environment.
Boom, Sander van derThe influence of Cloud based elements on RfP’s
Chaidir AbadiEvaluating the Mobile Payment – Direct Carrier Billing - of digital content using UTAUT model, Personal Innovativeness and Trust: An Indonesia case study of direct carrier billing - CONFIDENTIAL
Cleton, PeterKnowledge Valorization Process Model. The Design of a Practical Process Model on the Subject of Knowledge Valorization
Cong, ChenExploring the Collective Trading Behaviors - CONFIDENTIAL
Deligianni, KatiaData-driven Innovation in NGOs
DessyEvaluating the influence of employee intention to adopt the digital workplace using UTAUT2 and Generational Cohort Theory: The Case of Telkom Indonesia
Ditmar, StephanICT enabled transformation of the Dutch insurance industry: a case study in business-IT alignment - CONFIDENTIAL
Ekefre, DavidA Comparison of Methods for Predicting Football Matches
Fan, ShenshenAdding Value to Software Development and Maintenance by Software Architecture Evolution Visualization
Fernando, DonIntention to Use Go-Jek Service Application in Indonesia by applying Task Technology Fit and Social Capital
Heere, MartinImpact of regional innovator networks on academic commercialization output -Evidence from 2 Dutch technological science parks-
Heijer, Peter denMindfulness Practices in Agile Project Organizations
Helm, Adriaan van derAdoption of the Internet of Things in a B2B environment: A focus on acceptance and challenges - CONFIDENTIAL
Hoekstra, FreekFunctionality based business application classification
Kracht, MarcelFast-track Enterprise Architecture And IT Delivery: An Implementation Approach - CONFIDENTIAL
Langras, DaniëlStrategic housing management: Decision support system for strategy selection. A Case Study at Eigen Haard - CONFIDENTIAL
Lê, MinEnterprise Architecture. Mapping of BMC, DEMO and ArchiMate
Leeuwen, Brian vanSPOCs in the Ivory Tower. Exploring business models for private online courses for professionals in the context of universities - CONFIDENTIAL
Loerakker, JeroenCombining Lean, Six Sigma, Customer Journey mapping and Agile. A study on Business Process Redesign at Royal FloraHolland - CONFIDENTIAL
Luo, YulinExploratory Research on Implementing Fog Concept in the Connected Vehicles Scenario
Manraj, AnilUnderstanding Consumers’ Adoption of Beacon Technology in Retail - CONFIDENTIAL
Marate, KarIshmaAdvice on how DevOps can support Change and Release Management at TomTom - CONFIDENTIAL
Pirvan, CristianPlayer three has joined the game: Industry platforms as facilitators for disruptive innovations
Qi, XinPrivacy Maturity Model: Towards Privacy-by-Design Best Practices
Romijn, KevinAgile Leadership, Shared Leadership, or No Leadership: Understanding the Balance of Leadership Styles and Decision Making Responsibilities in Agile Organizations
Santokhi, ShanyllaE-learning integration in developing countries with a case study of the Anton de Kom University of Suriname
Siskos, ChristosAn IT Healthcare Platform Driving Improvements in the Dutch Healthcare Process
Soekhoe, DeepakOn the Impact of Data Set Size in Transfer Learning using Deep Neural Networks
Stavropoulos, VasilisSport Data Analytics: Statistical analysis, comparisons and predictions for the next Olympic Games - CONFIDENTIAL
Stavrou, EleniRequirements prioritization in Agile environments: a model for effective prioritization
Sultani, YunusTechnical perspective of performance measurement system. Measuring and improving performance with Google analytics - CONFIDENTIAL
Unlu, IlhanStrategic Decision Making with use of Enterprise Architecture for Educational Institutions
Vlyssidis, KonstantinosTowards a Metric-based Security Model
Vries, Bas deImprovement of employment candidate selection using Data Mining - CONFIDENTIAL
Wijden, Kevin van derMarket specific processes in ERP systems. An explorative study on the bulb forcing process
Yang, ShuoLinking Science and Technology: Reference Matching for Co-citation Network Analysis
Zhang, YanHumor Recognition Based on Background Knowledge: A Preliminary Study

Student Thesis Content
Alberts, StanleyApplicability of Agile Scrum within IT infrastructure projects
Barendse, RemigiusICT enabled communication for patients with final stage neurodegenerative Parkinson’s disease: Development of a communication board prototype
Basit, Fate & Ramkhelawan, PrashantExploring the relationship between smartphone application‘™s business models, usage and culture
Boonen, FinneUnderstanding monetary driven and intrinsically motivated developers in open source projects
Chatzistefanou Stefanos & Siskos ChristosAn IT Healthcare Platform Driving Improvements in the Dutch Healthcare Process
Dimitrov, LazarUsage-based measurement of user satisfaction in mobile applications
He, HuihangInvestigating network automation at Capgemini
He, MiaoExploring the Relationship between Football Players’ Performance and Their Market Value
Howard, RogerRight of Subject Access. From request to response: An analysis of process performance
Huayller Zuleta, RamiroDeveloping Entrepreneurial Spirit and Skills Through Community Building at Universities: Role of Intermediaries
Ibraim, NazikeImpact of social media for student recruitment practices at Leiden University: ArchiMate based approach Leiden University case study - CONFIDENTIAL
Kamal, DharaThe Quest of synergizing multiple standards: Building a unified framework that gives insights on the relations between ITIL, ASL, BISL, TOGAF, PRINCE2 & COBIT - CONFIDENTIAL
Kerkvoorden, Nicko vanThe Accuracy of an RCA Tool to Identify the Fundamental Causes of an Underperforming Process - CONFIDENTIAL
Koppen, Alex vanSelf-Service Technology Adoption: A B2B Logistics Perspective
Koppens, StevenOptimizing Business Intelligence Through A Process-Centric Approach
Lee, BrettCombining Lean Six Sigma with the Design & Engineering Methodology for Organizations.- An exploration of opportunities.
Lie-Tjauw, FeliciaEvaluating the performance of Technology and Vendor selection in the architecture process - CONFIDENTIAL
Liotis, ChristosCharacterization and Establishment of Business-IT Alignment
Meer, Lucas van derMeasuring data governance: a structured method to assess data governance maturity
Middendorf, BoudewijnCyber Security in the Supply Chain
Offerman, TyronImproving IT Supported Organizational Change; Formalizing Organizational Implementation Fundamentals
Ohler, HendrikOrganizational optimization: Research into DEMO and LSS to optimize a organization and their possible contribution to developing a High Performance Organization - CONFIDENTIAL
Pielage, StijnMobile Business Intelligence & Analytics at KLM - CONFIDENTIAL
Ramkhelawan, Prashant and Basit, FateExploring the relationship between smartphone application‘™s business models, usage and culture
Rezai, MohsenAgile Maturity and Quality Metrics
Routsis, DimitriosMethod for automated reconciliation of risk rating data ‘“ With a design and implementation at ING
Sakareza, WillyMobile Payment in Indonesia - CONFIDENTIAL
Schoufour, SvenThe Application RationalizationIndicator model. A rationalization method that evaluates applications that are redundant in their functionality to help an organization with selecting the most suitable application for their business process. - CONFIDENTIAL
Tan, HuanExploratory Research on the Concept of Data Lakes
Venekamp, Klaas-JanThe industrial use of 3D printing and its potential for process innovation in the energy sector - CONFIDENTIAL
Verhoeven, MarcelContinuous auditing adoption in the public audit domain: An exploratory study using the Technology Acceptance Model. - CONFIDENTIAL
Vermeij, CoenSoftware Development Methods in Large Regulated Environments
Vodegel, ErikA Testing Framework for Mobile Apps: An Empirical Study at KLM - CONFIDENTIAL
Zhang, YaxinConceptual Data Model for Slot Machine Performance - CONFIDENTIAL
Zheng, LijinBenchmarking Enterprise IT Performance:Enterprise IT performance Measurement Model - CONFIDENTIAL
Zuijderduin, Gijs“Lean” Business Intelligence: “Testing a possible “lean” framework to implement Business Intelligence in small and middle-sized enterprises, organisations and business units.” - CONFIDENTIAL

Student Thesis Content
Alaeikhanehshir, MohammadBusiness Intelligence Improvement: How to systematically maturate Business Intelligence within an organization - CONFIDENTIAL
An, RanExploratory Research on the Concept of IT Debt
Andreyev, AlexanderApplying constellation of practices as the lens to understand agile transformation: case study - CONFIDENTIAL
Bacaoanu, AndradaSTEEP-M: a risk analysis framework for e-Participation projects
Bockhoven, SandraOrganizational Implementation Fundamentals: a Case Study Validation at Jeugdzorg Nederland - CONFIDENTIAL
Cheloi, RamanAssessing Cloud Computing Adoption in Governments via Enterprise Architecture Motivation Modeling. A Dutch Government Case Study - CONFIDENTIAL
Cui, XiIdentification of Essential References Based on the Full Text of Scientific Papers and Its Application in Scientometrics
Douramanis, MichalisRisk assessment for the cyber threats to networked critical infrastructure
Egmond, Dick vanIT Value Management through the total life cycle of investments at Dutch municipalities
Gkikas, OrestisThe Rubik‘™s cube model: A metadata driven approach to access control in modern ECM systems
Günther, WendyMeasuring Enterprise Architecture Effectiveness: A Focus on Key Performance Indicators
Huang, YunweiCapability Maturity Model for Software Usage
Ibraimov, SabriDeveloping assistive technology products for visually impaired people from users‘ and stakeholders' perspectives
Ivanova, ElitsaBusiness Performance Management at the Dutch Customs A Case Study on Continuous Monitoring methods related to the Big Learning Circle - CONFIDENTIAL
Khaoya, ZipporahData Privacy challenges in Mobile Money Transfers-The Kenyan Experience - CONFIDENTIAL
Kiousis, GeorgiosSystems of Engagement: Smart Process Applications, Managing collaborative activities
Koeldiep, WarshaImproving the creation of innovative IT solutions within Dutch universities Via a soft IT perspective
Kruitbosch, EricAssessing the decisions made prior to the use of Enterprise Architecture as a means to govern IT projects
Ladchartabi, RezaJAMES: A Novel Way-Finding System for the Visually Impaired
Ladchartabi, RezaJAMES, A Novel Way-Finding System for the Visually Impaired - CONFIDENTIAL
Liu, FeiCoalition Formation during Technology Adoption
Long, YuModeling Data Lineage in Enterprise Architecture - CONFIDENTIAL
Major, VeraService-Oriented Architecture. For Healthcare Governance a Thesis
Malik, SharjeelTransformative business models: bridging the gap between vendors, suppliers and customers - CONFIDENTIAL
Meuldijk, LeonInfrastructure management according to Enterprise Architecture
Mooij, Bram deUsing Serious Games to raise awareness, train and reflect on Agile Project Management Methods in practice
Oedit Doebé, AmietLiving Labs. Engaging the end user with Social Media
Osta, Jan-Paul vanSolving Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems in Practice
Paris Soares, IriaA reference model for physical asset management - CONFIDENTIAL
Ralli, ZoiThe IT aspect of Operational Risk
Rijnboutt, EricInterorganizational enterprise architectures
Silinskyte, JurateUnderstanding Bitcoin adoption: Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) application
Taal, JesperBusiness Transformation: From Strategy to Enterprise Architecture - CONFIDENTIAL
Tom AltenaCloud computing en MKB-organisaties in Nederland: hebben we een match? - CONFIDENTIAL
Trixie, LevinaSecurity in the Implementation of Electronic Health Records in Indonesia
VasileiosLarge scale identification of organizational name variants in bibliographic databases – CONFIDENTIAL
Visser, LeonardA grounded theory research into the adoption of Continuous Auditing by internal auditors -CONFIDENTIAL
Vliet, Rody van derImproving the effectiveness of ERP systems in organizations through the practical integration of business process models. An in-depth case study at a 3PL.

Student Thesis Content
Altinay Soyer, SeherData Quality Management, A Solvency II Perspective
Arora, SwatiEnsuring success of Transition and Transformation in Sourcing. Success Factors and Effective Recommendations - CONFIDENTIAL
Berg, Elizabeth van denAn analysis of the impact of automation of human computer interfaces in the airplane industry
Blikman, RicardoRanking of Multi-Word Terms
Bruin, Wouter deIncreasing the Benefits of Enterprise Architecture
Cervellin, AndreaAssessment of Mobile Application Succes: Measurement Framework and Decision Support System - CONFIDENTIAL
Choden, TsheringEmpirical Analysis of Release Based Delivery, an agile approach to software development in a large organization
Ferwerda, AdryA longitudinal study on the effects of introducing MD*/DSL modeling on productivity in software maintenance
Genova, RaliExtending the Context of Agility ‘“ A Conceptual Model for Program and Portfolio Management of Agile Software Development Projects.
Hoedelmans, MartijnA Guide for the Selection of a Project Specific Software Development Type - CONFIDENTIAL
Horz, JeannetteManaging portfolios of agile software development projects: how do organizations do it?
Jagbandhan, JaswantPlatform-as-a-Service impacting Enterprise Agility
Kaldenbach, MichaelCross-Border Innovation Intermediary: Insights from Institutional Perspective
Kinneging, XanderEnterprise Architecture & Quality Management Integration. An explorative study - CONFIDENTIAL
Kroon, EgbertMaintenance staff, please board the project, you are delaying the handover: A research on the artifacts of knowledge transfer in Agile software development projects - CONFIDENTIAL
Liu, SimonA Case study to look at the adherence of Industial Process Descriptions for Global Software Development
Lo, JamesMeasuring agile projects for portfolio management using project outcome
Masey, JonathanA conceptual model: Identifying the drivers of pricing elasticity in Electronics.
Mathoera, AshwinAn information architecture design for the Cold Phase of the POPULATION CARE process: an explorative study
Paliogiorgos, FotiosGlobal Digital Marketing at Adidas
Philippo, Erik-JanAn Empirical Evaluation of the Impact of Requirement Ambiguity on Software Projects in a Financial Organisation
Rhijn, Herman vanEnterprise Design for a digital study and work environment. Changes in educational logistics
Sluijsmans, BasInformation exchange in the Dutch Public sector. A case study into the Digital Client Dossier - CONFIDENTIAL
Soerdjbali, SurajHow to improve fundraising in small Dutch charities using an app and user engagement
Veger, E. (Edwin)Mining Path Traversal Patterns in Wikipedia
Wahyuni, IrnaProviding Mobile Money to Unbanked Customers
Wel, Roy vanHow can organizations cope with Agile software development practices?
Wiering, DavidBring Your Own Device. An implementation model
Zhang, SophieAn Exploratory Examination of the Practicability of COBIT framework

Student Thesis Content
Alexandra CaraghiuleaStrategic Business!IT Alignment:Defining an innovative alignment model for IT governance improvement in major financial groups
Andres Hernan Zapata ChavezIT Estimation process: Accuracy and Value Creation
Georgios ValaourasFinancial Bootstrapping in small Technology-based Firms. Exploring the practices, motivation and influencing factors of using alternative sources of financing
Harry FulgencioLiving Lab: Innovation through Pastiche. A research linking disparate and discorded ontology)
Marco KanisMapping the IT Security Risks in the laaS Cloud
Marco SchönfelderData Movement Analysis of Automotive CAE Processes in a Development Environment
Marin GoedegebureInfluence of inspirational leadership on virtual teams in global software development, testing and support
Martin BouterseSocial Engineering and Phishing Part I & II - CONFIDENTIAL
Martine KeaExposing Technology Impact via Enterprise Architecture. An Intel Active Management Technology Case Study
Peter HendriksFinding the role of disease-specific, standardised Electronic Health Records in a Hospital‘™s Information Architecture, closing the Policy-Practice Gap; A case-Study approach
Ricardo Alanis BarreraValue of IT Consulting Services: Service and Relationship Quality as Value Generators -CONFIDENTIAL
Rick van den HengelBenefits and Change Management. ‘How can the benefits management approach and change management improve IS/IT investments from a business point of view?' -CONFIDENTIAL
Robin van den BroekIntegrating Testing and Quality Assurance into the Agile Software Development Process Scrum
Rut Elsa Torres VargasA Quality Model for UML Models and Its Application to Industrial Case Studies
Sander HutmanExtraction of spreadsheet model for OLAP database
Soroush Setodeh HaghighiThe Matchmaking Process in high-tech open Innovation R&D Paradigm from Guanxi Perspective: the case of China
Xiaoran LiuData Quality Issues in Reporting in Investment Management at ING and Recommended Solutions -CONFIDENTIAL

Student Thesis Content
Bogumila SobolewskaBusiness value of online communities in public sector
Christian SchoutenThe search for a set of relevant KPI's
Clemens TimmermansThe changing laws of business agility, A case study on improving business agility in case of legislative change
Gengsi SunIntroducing RPB model for stakeholder management in ING lending transformation programme
Hofman, M. (Marco)Text Mining in Dutch Reports with a Specific Vocabulary
Jelle de GrootIncorporating Software Quality in the Capitalization of Software as an Asset
Kas RamjiawanWat Is de toegevoegde waarde van Enterprise Architectuur bij het realiseren van bedrijfsdoelstellingen?
Kentsch, A. (Adrian)Exploratory Recommendations Using Wikipedia's Linking Structure
Matthijs BiermanEmpirical research into Gateway-reviews at the Dutch national government -CONFIDENTIAL
Michael de GrootVirtual Collaborative Work as Weak Ties
Petr HylInstability Evolution in International Joint Ventures
Robbert van EijkWeb Tracking Detection System (TDS) An effective strategy to reduce systematic monitoring and profiling of user habits across websites
Ruben van de WoudenHow does the relationship between behavioral uncertainty and trust evolve in an interorganizational relation?
Sjaak KootApplying the Capability Approach to ICT4D Projects, an Organisational Perspective
Soerin BipatHow can the adaptation behavior of IT project managers, within the Dutch government, be explained in situations of political involvement?

Student Thesis Content
Arjan AssinkSocial Media as a recruitment tool
Christian WittenbergIs Outsourcing Killing or Kindling Innovation?
Dimitiros KritsilisTrust and Globally Distributed Software Development (GDSD) teams: Exploring the importance of building and maintaining trust among distributed team members from the perspective of GDSD project management.
Erwin MargesAlignment of Information Systems for Innovative Objectives: The case of the SAVE ENERGY Architecture in a Living Lab Experiment
Georgios RoussakisDesigning IT Organizations: Analyzing Important Design Options and providing a Decision Support Framework
Istran DulosRequirements reviewing in a software factory: A case study
Jan UdesHaalbaarheidsonderzoek naar de mogelijkheden van e-learning ten behoeve van een veiliger gebruik van sociale netwerk sites door licht verstandelijk beperkte kinderen
Klaas-Dirk van OpstalPlatform based software development
Marco KatwijkTransparant decision making for the IT Project portfolio
Matheus VlasveldWeb 2.0. patterns, The implications on web content management, document management and knowledge management
Raluca ToaderAn analysis of the effects of security requirements on planned project resources
Rene de GrootRealization of operational excellence in virtual network organizations
Reyner KarnaliThe Adoption of e-Commerce Enabled Supply Chain Management by the Indonesian Grocery Industry
Sander van der ZonProcess improvement of the purchase process via an enterprise architecture maturity model
Stefan GuijtBusiness Intelligence Risk Framework. A new approach for auditing a Business Intelligence environment. - CONFIDENTIAL
Teppo HellesInstitutional Influences to Business Strategy in Emerging Economies: A strategic planning framework for multinational corporations contemplating market entry into China
Tiantian GuA comparison of critical success factors among Non-University based Business Incubators in the Netherlands
Tim van MeursLean Software Development The role of processes and of preconditions for success
Ying HuaEvaluation of a Diphone-based Synthesis Method for a Chinese Text-to-speech system

Student Thesis Content
Andre JonkerValue of ‘œCollaboration Platform‘For Knowledge Intensive Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (KI-SMEs)
Carl SuaresProject Management Steps towards professionalization
Constantijn BakkerTowards balancing business- and it interests in architectural design decisions
Dejan RadosavljevikPrepaid Churn Modeling Using Customer Experience Management Key Performance Indicators
Fabian IflandExternal IT Application Complexity and its impact on the organization
Gerrit van der MeijdenIT Project Standards In A Globally Distributed Organization
Jan VisserBeheersing of afstemming
Jos de GrootBusiness IT Alignment and a Market Orientation
Jurjen BorstThe weight of Corporate Culture in the ERP Software Selection Process
Lei ZengChange Management in Software Process Improvement, the case of a global financial group
Libing QiuA Comparison of Process Descriptions and Specifications in the Offshored Software Development Industry
Peter BargonBuilding a Cost Effective Vendor Management Service
Qiaoya WangApplying Density Estimation Model to Driving Behavior Analysis
Qingjing YangAudit: An Integration Oriented Internal Control and Monitor Tool for Process Management --A Case study of Canon CR process
Raymond de VosNetworks and information technology: Citizens taking responsibility and participate within a changing health care environment
Rene Noorduin GreccoLocal Governments, How Change Process Analysis Can be Used to Explain Why E-Participation Projects Fail
Sandhya LalloesinghExploring the operational working routines in the domain of virtual projects
Stef CobelensExploring in-game advertising in first person shooters
Stefan ZhelyazkovBusiness Value of software in SMEs
Yuguang ShiApplication of Kriging on Auto Insurance Premium Calculation Modeling

Student Thesis Content
Bauke FahnerEA Framework
Chen LiAn Exploratory Research about Comparison between Current Care Process and Telemedicine Care Process
Christos MileosExamining the Relationship between IT Governance Software and Business Value of IT: A Questionnaire Based Approach
Chung-ming TsaiAccount sales
Di YuBuilding dynamic capabilities of project development: a study on management practices in a global IT project
Egon GleisbergEmploying Criteria for Prioritizing and Selecting Projects for the IT Portfolio
Folkert van WagenbergAssessment of Business-information security alignment
Jasper OdijkAlignment of IT and business strategies: A case study of strategic alignment and its underlying processes and capabilities at homecare service organizations
Jorge Andres Osorio SochoEvaluation of different strategies for the implementation of RUP within KLM. Using a simulation-based methodology of systems thinking called systems dynamics
Konstantinos SklirisAdoption of computer mediated communication systems in virtual trams
Panagiotis VodinasChange Management in Information systems - Implementations that Depend Heavily on External Partners
Patrick den OudstenAdoption of open source CRM: towards a framework for open source CRM adoption
Robert LamanAssessing the added value of project management methods ‘“ the case of InFraMe
Sanna TauriainenCorporate culture & Knowledge Sharing
Sonny Juma Nyekoe-Business models for Telecentres in developing countries: Sustainability for Social Entrepreneurs
Tao MaA Way of Improving Sales Process
Ting WangA process study on end users‘™ post-adoptive behavior
Tsoe Loong LiMeasuring performance of not-for-profit organizations
Wojchiech ChowanskiTowards flash crowd proof web services
Xin WangAspect-oriented Programming Aided High-level test automation enhancement
Xinyu JiangStrategic decision-making on ICT R&D projects: Integation of Real Option Reasoning with Technology Roadmapping

Student Thesis Content
A. ClairmontA process oriented approach for identifying the expected business value of an IT investment: The POVI method
A. HanninkService innovation management in MVNOs
A. SoekhoeClient-oriented innovation in the Dutch home care ‘“ Archimate contributes to the design of an ECT care platform
Ch. SatbhaiMainframe capacity planning
G. VasquezThe role of datamining in the provision of relative value of growth
H. van DoornRelevant factors for developing and implementing a policy for corporate social responsibility, The role of the ICT department
J. HardersPlanning in disruptive environments
K.-J. MolendijkMatching project stuation and software development methods
M. StolwijkOrganizational and automation modelling aspects of the ANSI RBAC standard
M.Y. (Casey) YapAn exploratory study: virtual worlds and political participation
R. SiebelingOrganizational knowledge creation and transfer through distributed systems
R. SneijersStrategic alignment from an enterprise architecture perpective: An investigation in the Dutch casualty insurance industry
R. SparnaaijBridging the gap between intra-organizational mobile collaboration scenarios and tools
S. BlomCorporate social responsibility and online shopping
S. ButtBusiness software integration maturity model
S. van den BeltAnalysing IT risk management tools
W. HeijstekEmpirical investigations into rational unified process effort distribution in industrial software engineering projects
Xu, N. (Ning)Explanation Interfaces in Recommender Systems
Y. ZhangAn empirical study on abnormal returns from M&A activities in ICT industry
Z. NiRecommendations for an improved transactional forecasting tool
Z. XuSecure employee knowledge exchange in multinational cooperation ‘“ A theoretical model

Student Thesis Content
Alastair ComleyConcluding knowledge transfers: a case study about SSA Global Inc.
Ariadi NugrohoModeling web service orchestration with paradigm
Ender AtalayData warehouse success: the Impact of System - and data quality on the typical organization
Gao, C. (Chong)Simulation and Optimization on Analytical and Collaborative Customer Relationship Management
Jelmer CormontApplying requirements engineering to knowledge management practice
Jeroen GoddijnImplementing competency management in knowledge intensive ICT organization
Jing WuInformation visualization in enterprise news portal
Junfeng LiangModeling coordination in ICT and business worlds
Kamran HeydariService management in the mobile phone industry
Lei TaoUsing genetic programming to find optimal purchase-ordering rules
Lianzhuang QuRoad to a virtual homecare organization
Maat, B. (Bastiaan)The Need for Fusing Head & Neck Cancer Data
Marnix EedensSelf-service technology acceptance: an assessment of differences in propensity to use self-service technologies among passenger segments in an airport environment
Patrick DitmarIntrinsic software quality management through the use of a CMM-based assessment model
Prewies GajaHow an IT system could intensify the interaction between salespersons and R&D in new product development in a configure-to-order-oriented company
Richard GerdingResearching IT-Governance in a credit management company
Rui ChenApplication of Collaborative Filtering Algorithm in Bioinformatics
Soeris RamautarKPI for software requirements
Tjeerd TesselaarConcluding knowledge transfers: a case study about SSA Global Inc.
Tristen RaboenA wireless short message framework model in electronic business
Xiang DingRoad to a virtual homecare organization
Yin ZhouCoordination modelling and design of adaptive learning content to content management system: paradigm modelling in the case study of BioTune project

Student Thesis Content
Arno SpierenburgThe learning-effects of ICT mediation on the formal and network governance of the buyer and seller of information intensive systems in long-term business relationships
Bin LiConstructing a high-level, fundamental, generic, and secure e-commerce software architecture by using UMLsec for the small and midsize logistic enterprises
Daniel van HiltenWhat is the impact of cultural differences on multi-site software development?
Giljan ValICT for the innovative office - using models in a study on the innovative office and its ICT aspects
Harm SnippeIT-governance in executive agencies
Hendrik EngelsData warehousing in The Netherlands: stages of growth and associated issues
Jeroen PrommenschenckelRisk analysis in information security
Lodewijk BenjaminseCreating and sharing knowledge with expertpanels
Marinus RiemensCommunicating with enterprise architecture. About how enterprise architecture can be used for decision support
Matthijs KerkvlietDifferences in success of executed ICT projects
Meikun JiaIT outsourcing to China - risk assessment
Min XieSpecification of e-business process model for the PayPal online payment process using Reo
Patrick KoenSarbanes-Oxley; getting a grip on technical IT infrastructure
Prieto Ballon, S. (Sergio)Crime Data Mining
Robin van KoppenBusiness chain intelligence
Shanshan WangTrust improving extension for B2B e-marketplaces: a case study in China
Sun, L. (Lina)Making the Right Offer to the Right Customer: Strategies for Real World Multi Product Decision
Sun, Z. (Zhaochun)Improve Data Reliability for Fused Data in Data Mining
Susanne StevensChange impact analysis and enterprise architecture. The Archimate model
Wei RenHow to use CobiT in health care organization's IT auditing
Wei ShenPeer-to-peer based knowledge management system
Wei ZhangEvolving trading rules with a hybrid genetic programming and evolution strategies approach
Willem VolkeriWhat is the impact of cultural differences on multi-site software development?
Yongzhi LiSpecification of coordination behaviors in software architecture using the Reo coordination language

Student Thesis Content
Evert-Jan de BruinMethods for impact analysis at UWV
Hongliang WangDesigning attack resistance in evolving mobile architecture
Jeroen DerwortOnline soccer manager going global
Jing LiMarket based accounting study on components of goodwill in acquisitions:­Aan empirical study in ICT industry
Meng, L. (Lingjun)Artificial Immune System for Knowledge Discovery
Rabia FatehmahomedZenc goes international. Vergelijkend onderzoek naar overheidsprocessen in Nederland en Belgie