Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Al-Nassar, S. (Suzan) | ACO-NSGAII: A Novel Metaheuristics for Bi-Objective Electric Vehicle Routing Problems | |
Baumgart, A. (Aleksandra) | Exploring Differences in ACMG Pathogenic Variants Among Diverse Populations through Comparative Analysis | |
Bhatt, S. (Shubham) | Unlocking Human-Like Speech: Enhancing TTS with Predicted Prosodic labels from text | |
Bijl, T. (Thijmen) | Strategies for Effective Course Recommendations with Transformers - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Blankestijn, M. (Max) | Solving Incrementally Harder Instances with Incremental Property Directed Reachability | |
Bliek, S. van der (Sophie) | Assessing the Interpretability of Word-Based Authorship Verification Methods for Forensic Applications | |
Boel, M. (Marc) | Online Mutation Strategy Selection in Differential Evolution through Deep Reinforcement Learning | |
Bonello, S. (Samuel) | Network Anonymization as an Optimization Problem - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Bouwman, K. (Koen) | Solving multi-agent reinforcements learning problems using Differential Evolution | |
Breukel, W. (Wytze) | A camera based Safety Assist System for bicycles | |
Burg, K. van der (Koen) | NAARA: Leveraging Large Language Models to Mitigate Digital Distractions and Enhance Focus through Intelligent Messaging Response | |
Buurman, W. den (Wout) | Embracing AI in Education: Assessing the Acceptance and Potential of ChatGPT for Student Assistants in Computer Science Education | |
Carton, C. (Casper) | Performance Evaluation of CNN’s Used for Image Registration on Serial Section Images | |
Chan, G. (Gerlise) | AutoCD: Automated Machine Learning for Causal Discovery Algorithms - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Cui, R. (Rouqiong) | Engaging Female Learners: A Game-Based Approach to Teaching Data Structures and Algorithms | |
Darabi, L. (Leila) | Medical Question Answering for Persian | |
Descals Carbonell, V. (Vicent) | Identifying Cell Cycle Phase Using DNA Staining in Time-Lapse Microscopy | |
Dijk, L. van (Leoni) | Transferring Knowledge from Common to Rare Diseases via a Genetic Algorithm | |
Dinu, C. (Catalin-Viorel) | An Adaptive Re-evaluation Method for Evolution Strategy under Additive Noise | |
Dofferhoff, R. (Rens) | Exhaustive Performance Exploration of Instruction Ordering on OOO-Processors | |
Drougkas, G. (Georgios) | Multimodal Machine Learning for Language/Speech Markers Identification in Mental Health | |
Dunlea, A. (Aaron) | Brand Recognition in the Textile Waste Stream | |
During, J. (Joël) | Consistency Regularization for Test-time Prompt Tuning | |
Egmond, D. van (Diego) | Fairness-Aware Edge Blocking for Influence Minimization | |
Elswijk, M. van (Michel) | StratoNet, a Deep Learning Approach to High Content Screening Feature Extraction | |
Evrenoglou, P.I. (Peli) | Quantum-Inspired Games: Gameplay in Quantum Tetris | |
Fan, S. (Shuang) | Big Five Personality Trait Prediction from Text Using Language Technologies | |
Gans, J.S. (Jesse Simon) | Combining AI Art and Blockchain for Decentralized Collaboration, Enhancing Provenance, Scarcity, and Authenticity | |
Gao, B. (Bowei) | Logistics Anomaly Detection | |
Groot, J. de (Jurren) | RNADock: A Geometric Deep Learning System for RNA-Ligand Docking - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Gurbuz, D.O. (Dervis Onur) | Cross-provider Serverless Trigger Benchmarking | |
Hashim, S. (Samy) | Automated City-Planning via Dynamic RL in Micropolis | |
Havenaar, B.D. (Benjamin) | Electrogan: Towards High Fidelity Electronic Music Generation with Stylegan2 | |
He, M. (Manlu) | DPD (DePression Detection) Net: A Deep Neural Network for Multimodal Depression Detection | |
Hendrikse, S.C.F. (Sophie) | Relationship-Specific and Relationship-Independent Behavioural Adaptivity in Affiliation and Bonding: a Multi-Adaptive Dynamical Systems Approach | |
Jain, P. (Priyansh) | Data Augmentation for Training Audio Classifiers | |
Jatelnicki, F. (Filip) | Uncovering Community Structures in Dark Web Forums Using Natural Language Processing and Network Analysis | |
Jong, L. de (Lucas) | Leveraging Uncertainty for Improved Model Performance: Optimizing Generative Models through Hyperparameter Optimization | |
Kareem, J. (Jasmin) | Per-instance Algorithm Selection for MIP-based Neural Network Verification | |
Khan, R. (Raashid) | Optimizing Realism & Interaction in Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays: A Study of Virtual-Physical Object Relationships Using Projection Mapping Methods | |
Kluiver, S. (Sem) | Zero-shot Strategies and Cosine Similarity in Selectical: a Technology Assisted Review System | |
Knol, R. (Romme) | Sequential Model-Based Optimisation using Symbolic Regression | |
Kogia, V. (Vasiliki) | f-AnoGAN with Transformers and Vector Quantisation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Head CTs | |
Kok, G. (Gareth) | Systematic Comparison of Few-Shot Learners in Remote Sensing Image Recognition Tasks | |
Kooij, E. van der (Emilia) | Upward Economic Mobility in a Longitudinal Population-Scale Social Network - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Kroes, B. (Brandon) | DAS-BR: a Tool for Heterogeneous and Distributed Blender Renders | |
Laanen, R. (Rodi) | Concept Drift Detection Using the Distance to the Decision Boundary | |
Lachmansingh, E. (Evani) | Deep Q-learning for Matching Comprehensively Typed Red Blood Cell Units | |
Li, L. (Leon) | Video Game Dialogue Summarization Using Natural Language Processing | |
Ma, R. (Ruilin) | HyperDrive: Hyperband with Gaussian Process for Efficient SCA Model Tuning | |
Maliappis, T. (Thomas) | Group Detection from Spatiotemporal data using Social Context | |
Mallya, E. (Ektha) | Analyzing Narratives in the Social Housing Domain Using Large Language Models - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Marchiori Dias, J.C. (Julio Cesar) | Improving the Estimation of Age at Onset for Huntington’s Disease through the Use of Machine Learning Models with the Enroll-HD Data | |
Morales Rojas, N.M. (Nathalia) | Travelling Salesman Problem solved using Deep Reinforcement Learning via alternative Attention Mechanisms and Enhanced Context Embedding | |
Morisse, J. (Juri) | Analyzing and Simplifying Contrastive Reinforcement Learning | |
Mouratis, A. (Antonis) | Measuring anonymity on labeled networks | |
Mourits, R. (Rob) | Optimizing the Use of Recuperative Braking by Trams | |
Nebreda Bernal, Ó. (Óscar) | Deep Learning for Improving Probabilistic Forecasts of Precipitation Extremes - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Nieuwenhuijzen, M. van den (Matt) | Selecting Pre-trained Models for Transfer Learning with Data-centric Meta-features | |
Nouweland, L. van den (Luuk) | Quantum Checkers: the Development and Analysis of a Quantum Combinatorial Game | |
Oberkofler, T.F. (Tobias) | On Adaptive Multi-Modal Trajectory Prediction | |
Palou I Tort, M. (Mireia) | Filling Gaps in Huntington’s Disease Understanding with Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge Graphs and LLMs | |
Paraskeva, A. (Andreas) | Resource-constrained Neural Architecture Search on DistilBERT for the Task of Question-answering | |
Pirée, L. (Lulof) | A Coalgebraic Modal Logic for Cellular Automata | |
Planas Lisbona, M. (Mireia) | Domain Generalization for robust Large Vessel Occlusion detection - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Pleunes, J. (Jelle) | Quantum-inspired Hackenbush | |
Ponse, K. (Koen) | The XAI-Economist: Explainable Reinforcement Learning in RL-Assisted Policy Generation | |
Prabhakar, P. (Priya) | Aorta Segmentation and its Geometric Analysis | |
Putten, S. van der (Stephan) | Towards a Testbed for Evaluating Microservice Architecture Performance | |
Redelaar, F. (Felicia) | Attributed Question Answering for the Dutch Law Using Retrieval Augmented Large Language Models | |
Reijtenbach, R. (Rob) | Dataset Creation for Visual Entailment using Generative AI | |
Remmerswaal, F. (Floyd) | Validation & Simulation of Software-Defined Network Specifications in Probabilistic NetKAT | |
Ren, S. (Shuaizhen) | Exploring fault injection attacks against embedded neural networks | |
Rooij, J. de (Justin) | Evaluation of Visual and Vibro-Tactile Feedback Modalities on Interaction With a Virtual Cockpit | |
Rooij, M. de (Michael) | Video-Based Tracking of a Speed Skater in the Corner | |
Ruigrok, L. (Lars) | Polarity Marking Dutch Parse Trees | |
Ruiz Munné, E. (Eduard) | An innovative synergy between Evolutionary and Deep Learning Methods for Multi-Objective Deformable Image Registration | |
Sai, N. (Nan) | Optimizing the Linear Interpolation of Sparse and Dense Retrieval Models | |
Schaap, A. (Anthonie) | Towards Fairness in Machine Learning: Balancing Racially Imbalanced Datasets through Data Augmentation, GANs, and Fairness Metrics | |
Schaap, L. (Lennard) | Benchmarking Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Demand Response in Urban Energy Systems | |
Schamhart, M. (Milou) | Large-scale Analysis of Multilingual Financial News with LLMs | |
Schmelczer, A. (András) | GreatAI: an Easy-to-Adopt Framework for Robust End-to-End AI Deployments | |
Schröder, S. (Sietse) | Overfitting in Combined Algorithm Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization | |
Schuckert, L. (Lilli) | Sampling protein sequence space to map global distributions of protein structure | |
Shahane, A.A. (Ananta Anil) | A Corridor Model Evolutionary Algorithm for Fast Converging Green Vehicle Routing Problem - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Shavit, H. (Hadar) | Algorithm Selection for SAT Using Graph Neural Networks | |
Shi, C. (Chenyu) | Effects of Observable Choices in the Performance of Variational Quantum Generative Models - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Shi, X. (Xudong) | Safe, Fast and Elegant Communication in Rust | |
Soni, S. (Swati) | Gender and cultural bias in text-based emotion assessment: A critical analysis within Affective Computing using Large Language Models | |
Spek, C. (Corné) | Auto-Verify: A framework for portfolio-based neural network verification | |
Staicu, C. (Carla) | Exploring digital photography for dental shade matching - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Starkenburg, B. (Berend) | Working Towards Category Theoretic Semantics for Separation Logic | |
Steffens, B. (Benjamin) | Generating Art using Genetic Programming | |
Sun, Q. (Qinshan) | Application of Multimodal Optimization Metaheuristics to Training of Artificial Neural Networks | |
Sundar, S. (Srishankar) | MLDep: A Testbed for Performance Exploration of Machine Learning Inference Serving | |
Tiling, L. (Leonard) | Segmenting and Analysing 3D Images of FUCCI-reporter Induced Breast Cancer Nuclei Spheroids with Deep Learning Models | |
Tomassen, F. (Floris) | LLM-Based Data Generation techniques for end-to-end models of grammatical error correction applied to Dutch Care Text | |
Tumkur Rameshchandra, R. (Ramya) | Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods to Understand the Social and Psychological Effects of Prescription Opioids | |
Vijfwinkel. D. (Daan) | Modeling the Effects of Matrix Metalloproteinase on Stressed Extracellular Matrix and its Dysregulation in Psoriasis Patients | |
Voogt, M.A. (Mick) | Reducing Evaluation Time for a Multiobjective Energy System Sizing Problem using Dynamic Simulation Time | |
Vos, T. (Timo) | A Data-Centric Approach to Log Anomaly Detection - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Wang, W. (Weiji) | Forecasting Stone Loss Percentage on Dutch Highways with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models | |
Wang, Y. (Yuhang) | Labels Are Not All You Need: Evaluating Unsupervised Node Embedding Quality with Internal Strategies - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Weber, R. (Rianne) | Generating Full-Contrast T1ce MRI Images from Simulated Low-Dose T1 Images Using a Neural Field-Based Generative Model to Reduce Gadolinium Dose | |
Wei, B. (Bohan) | Exploring the Application of the BLIP-2 Model on Soccer Video Data | |
Wensveen, R. (Roos) | Solving, Generating and Classifying Hitori | |
Wiersma, M. (Marten) | Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Ferry Navigation | |
Wooning, S.P. (Sander) | Unveiling Adaptive Optics Imaging Patterns in Control and Retinitis Pigmentosa Participants: a Data Driven Approach - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Wu, B. (Bingxuan) | Early Design Stage Power Consumption Estimation of VLSI Circuits | |
Wu, J. (Jie) | Improving QA for low-resource languages with language alignment | |
Xia, T. (Tian) | Near-term Forecasting for Changes in the Demand for AI Skills in Jobs: A Machine Learning Approach - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Xu, Z. (Ziyi) | CLSEAVE: A Method for Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning in Visual Entailment | |
Yuan, Y. (Yuang) | Ensemble Methods of Malicious Domain Detection using Whois Features and DNS Data Analysis | |
Zhang, S. (Shaoxuan) | Anonymity in Temporal Networks | |
Zhang, Y. (Yuchi) | The Relationship between Compensation and Work Duration | |
Zhao, C. (Chao) | Enhancing Personalized Academic Search with Query Expansion: A Real-World Data Approach Using Large Language Models - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Zhou, L. (Lingling) | Tree Transformer’s Disambiguation Ability of Prepositional Phrase Attachment and Garden Path Effects | |
Zwart, M. van der (Michael) | R2N-Tab: a hybrid model for binary tabular data | |
Zwart, R. (Rosa) | Foundational Ontologies to Improve the Explainability of Explainable AI Algorithms | |