119 entries found.

Master Computer Science

Student Thesis Content
Al-Nassar, S. (Suzan)ACO-NSGAII: A Novel Metaheuristics for Bi-Objective Electric Vehicle Routing Problems
Baumgart, A. (Aleksandra)Exploring Differences in ACMG Pathogenic Variants Among Diverse Populations through Comparative Analysis
Bhatt, S. (Shubham)Unlocking Human-Like Speech: Enhancing TTS with Predicted Prosodic labels from text
Bijl, T. (Thijmen)Strategies for Effective Course Recommendations with Transformers - CONFIDENTIAL
Blankestijn, M. (Max)Solving Incrementally Harder Instances with Incremental Property Directed Reachability
Bliek, S. van der (Sophie)Assessing the Interpretability of Word-Based Authorship Verification Methods for Forensic Applications
Boel, M. (Marc)Online Mutation Strategy Selection in Differential Evolution through Deep Reinforcement Learning
Bonello, S. (Samuel)Network Anonymization as an Optimization Problem - CONFIDENTIAL
Bouwman, K. (Koen)Solving multi-agent reinforcements learning problems using Differential Evolution
Breukel, W. (Wytze)A camera based Safety Assist System for bicycles
Burg, K. van der (Koen)NAARA: Leveraging Large Language Models to Mitigate Digital Distractions and Enhance Focus through Intelligent Messaging Response
Buurman, W. den (Wout)Embracing AI in Education: Assessing the Acceptance and Potential of ChatGPT for Student Assistants in Computer Science Education
Carton, C. (Casper)Performance Evaluation of CNN’s Used for Image Registration on Serial Section Images
Chan, G. (Gerlise)AutoCD: Automated Machine Learning for Causal Discovery Algorithms - CONFIDENTIAL
Cui, R. (Rouqiong)Engaging Female Learners: A Game-Based Approach to Teaching Data Structures and Algorithms
Darabi, L. (Leila)Medical Question Answering for Persian
Descals Carbonell, V. (Vicent)Identifying Cell Cycle Phase Using DNA Staining in Time-Lapse Microscopy
Dijk, L. van (Leoni)Transferring Knowledge from Common to Rare Diseases via a Genetic Algorithm
Dinu, C. (Catalin-Viorel)An Adaptive Re-evaluation Method for Evolution Strategy under Additive Noise
Dofferhoff, R. (Rens)Exhaustive Performance Exploration of Instruction Ordering on OOO-Processors
Drougkas, G. (Georgios)Multimodal Machine Learning for Language/Speech Markers Identification in Mental Health
Dunlea, A. (Aaron)Brand Recognition in the Textile Waste Stream
During, J. (Joël)Consistency Regularization for Test-time Prompt Tuning
Egmond, D. van (Diego)Fairness-Aware Edge Blocking for Influence Minimization
Elswijk, M. van (Michel)StratoNet, a Deep Learning Approach to High Content Screening Feature Extraction
Evrenoglou, P.I. (Peli)Quantum-Inspired Games: Gameplay in Quantum Tetris
Fan, S. (Shuang)Big Five Personality Trait Prediction from Text Using Language Technologies
Gans, J.S. (Jesse Simon)Combining AI Art and Blockchain for Decentralized Collaboration, Enhancing Provenance, Scarcity, and Authenticity
Gao, B. (Bowei)Logistics Anomaly Detection
Groot, J. de (Jurren)RNADock: A Geometric Deep Learning System for RNA-Ligand Docking - CONFIDENTIAL
Gurbuz, D.O. (Dervis Onur)Cross-provider Serverless Trigger Benchmarking
Hashim, S. (Samy)Automated City-Planning via Dynamic RL in Micropolis
Havenaar, B.D. (Benjamin)Electrogan: Towards High Fidelity Electronic Music Generation with Stylegan2
He, M. (Manlu)DPD (DePression Detection) Net: A Deep Neural Network for Multimodal Depression Detection
Hendrikse, S.C.F. (Sophie)Relationship-Specific and Relationship-Independent Behavioural Adaptivity in Affiliation and Bonding: a Multi-Adaptive Dynamical Systems Approach
Jain, P. (Priyansh)Data Augmentation for Training Audio Classifiers
Jatelnicki, F. (Filip)Uncovering Community Structures in Dark Web Forums Using Natural Language Processing and Network Analysis
Jong, L. de (Lucas)Leveraging Uncertainty for Improved Model Performance: Optimizing Generative Models through Hyperparameter Optimization
Kareem, J. (Jasmin)Per-instance Algorithm Selection for MIP-based Neural Network Verification
Khan, R. (Raashid)Optimizing Realism & Interaction in Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Displays: A Study of Virtual-Physical Object Relationships Using Projection Mapping Methods
Kluiver, S. (Sem)Zero-shot Strategies and Cosine Similarity in Selectical: a Technology Assisted Review System
Knol, R. (Romme)Sequential Model-Based Optimisation using Symbolic Regression
Kogia, V. (Vasiliki)f-AnoGAN with Transformers and Vector Quantisation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Head CTs
Kok, G. (Gareth)Systematic Comparison of Few-Shot Learners in Remote Sensing Image Recognition Tasks
Kooij, E. van der (Emilia)Upward Economic Mobility in a Longitudinal Population-Scale Social Network - CONFIDENTIAL
Kroes, B. (Brandon)DAS-BR: a Tool for Heterogeneous and Distributed Blender Renders
Laanen, R. (Rodi)Concept Drift Detection Using the Distance to the Decision Boundary
Lachmansingh, E. (Evani)Deep Q-learning for Matching Comprehensively Typed Red Blood Cell Units
Li, L. (Leon)Video Game Dialogue Summarization Using Natural Language Processing
Ma, R. (Ruilin)HyperDrive: Hyperband with Gaussian Process for Efficient SCA Model Tuning
Maliappis, T. (Thomas)Group Detection from Spatiotemporal data using Social Context
Mallya, E. (Ektha)Analyzing Narratives in the Social Housing Domain Using Large Language Models - CONFIDENTIAL
Marchiori Dias, J.C. (Julio Cesar)Improving the Estimation of Age at Onset for Huntington’s Disease through the Use of Machine Learning Models with the Enroll-HD Data
Morales Rojas, N.M. (Nathalia)Travelling Salesman Problem solved using Deep Reinforcement Learning via alternative Attention Mechanisms and Enhanced Context Embedding
Morisse, J. (Juri)Analyzing and Simplifying Contrastive Reinforcement Learning
Mouratis, A. (Antonis)Measuring anonymity on labeled networks
Mourits, R. (Rob)Optimizing the Use of Recuperative Braking by Trams
Nebreda Bernal, Ó. (Óscar)Deep Learning for Improving Probabilistic Forecasts of Precipitation Extremes - CONFIDENTIAL
Nieuwenhuijzen, M. van den (Matt) Selecting Pre-trained Models for Transfer Learning with Data-centric Meta-features
Nouweland, L. van den (Luuk)Quantum Checkers: the Development and Analysis of a Quantum Combinatorial Game
Oberkofler, T.F. (Tobias)On Adaptive Multi-Modal Trajectory Prediction
Palou I Tort, M. (Mireia) Filling Gaps in Huntington’s Disease Understanding with Alzheimer’s Disease Knowledge Graphs and LLMs
Paraskeva, A. (Andreas)Resource-constrained Neural Architecture Search on DistilBERT for the Task of Question-answering
Pirée, L. (Lulof)A Coalgebraic Modal Logic for Cellular Automata
Planas Lisbona, M. (Mireia)Domain Generalization for robust Large Vessel Occlusion detection - CONFIDENTIAL
Pleunes, J. (Jelle)Quantum-inspired Hackenbush
Ponse, K. (Koen)The XAI-Economist: Explainable Reinforcement Learning in RL-Assisted Policy Generation
Prabhakar, P. (Priya)Aorta Segmentation and its Geometric Analysis
Putten, S. van der (Stephan)Towards a Testbed for Evaluating Microservice Architecture Performance
Redelaar, F. (Felicia)Attributed Question Answering for the Dutch Law Using Retrieval Augmented Large Language Models
Reijtenbach, R. (Rob)Dataset Creation for Visual Entailment using Generative AI
Remmerswaal, F. (Floyd)Validation & Simulation of Software-Defined Network Specifications in Probabilistic NetKAT
Ren, S. (Shuaizhen)Exploring fault injection attacks against embedded neural networks
Rooij, J. de (Justin)Evaluation of Visual and Vibro-Tactile Feedback Modalities on Interaction With a Virtual Cockpit
Rooij, M. de (Michael)Video-Based Tracking of a Speed Skater in the Corner
Ruigrok, L. (Lars)Polarity Marking Dutch Parse Trees
Ruiz Munné, E. (Eduard)An innovative synergy between Evolutionary and Deep Learning Methods for Multi-Objective Deformable Image Registration
Sai, N. (Nan)Optimizing the Linear Interpolation of Sparse and Dense Retrieval Models
Schaap, A. (Anthonie)Towards Fairness in Machine Learning: Balancing Racially Imbalanced Datasets through Data Augmentation, GANs, and Fairness Metrics
Schaap, L. (Lennard)Benchmarking Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Demand Response in Urban Energy Systems
Schamhart, M. (Milou)Large-scale Analysis of Multilingual Financial News with LLMs
Schmelczer, A. (András)GreatAI: an Easy-to-Adopt Framework for Robust End-to-End AI Deployments
Schröder, S. (Sietse)Overfitting in Combined Algorithm Selection and Hyperparameter Optimization
Schuckert, L. (Lilli)Sampling protein sequence space to map global distributions of protein structure
Shahane, A.A. (Ananta Anil)A Corridor Model Evolutionary Algorithm for Fast Converging Green Vehicle Routing Problem - CONFIDENTIAL
Shavit, H. (Hadar)Algorithm Selection for SAT Using Graph Neural Networks
Shi, C. (Chenyu)Effects of Observable Choices in the Performance of Variational Quantum Generative Models - CONFIDENTIAL
Shi, X. (Xudong)Safe, Fast and Elegant Communication in Rust
Soni, S. (Swati)Gender and cultural bias in text-based emotion assessment: A critical analysis within Affective Computing using Large Language Models
Spek, C. (Corné)Auto-Verify: A framework for portfolio-based neural network verification
Staicu, C. (Carla)Exploring digital photography for dental shade matching - CONFIDENTIAL
Starkenburg, B. (Berend)Working Towards Category Theoretic Semantics for Separation Logic
Steffens, B. (Benjamin)Generating Art using Genetic Programming
Sun, Q. (Qinshan)Application of Multimodal Optimization Metaheuristics to Training of Artificial Neural Networks
Sundar, S. (Srishankar)MLDep: A Testbed for Performance Exploration of Machine Learning Inference Serving
Tiling, L. (Leonard)Segmenting and Analysing 3D Images of FUCCI-reporter Induced Breast Cancer Nuclei Spheroids with Deep Learning Models
Tomassen, F. (Floris)LLM-Based Data Generation techniques for end-to-end models of grammatical error correction applied to Dutch Care Text
Tumkur Rameshchandra, R. (Ramya)Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods to Understand the Social and Psychological Effects of Prescription Opioids
Vijfwinkel. D. (Daan)Modeling the Effects of Matrix Metalloproteinase on Stressed Extracellular Matrix and its Dysregulation in Psoriasis Patients
Voogt, M.A. (Mick)Reducing Evaluation Time for a Multiobjective Energy System Sizing Problem using Dynamic Simulation Time
Vos, T. (Timo)A Data-Centric Approach to Log Anomaly Detection - CONFIDENTIAL
Wang, W. (Weiji)Forecasting Stone Loss Percentage on Dutch Highways with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models
Wang, Y. (Yuhang)Labels Are Not All You Need: Evaluating Unsupervised Node Embedding Quality with Internal Strategies - CONFIDENTIAL
Weber, R. (Rianne)Generating Full-Contrast T1ce MRI Images from Simulated Low-Dose T1 Images Using a Neural Field-Based Generative Model to Reduce Gadolinium Dose
Wei, B. (Bohan)Exploring the Application of the BLIP-2 Model on Soccer Video Data
Wensveen, R. (Roos)Solving, Generating and Classifying Hitori
Wiersma, M. (Marten)Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Ferry Navigation
Wooning, S.P. (Sander)Unveiling Adaptive Optics Imaging Patterns in Control and Retinitis Pigmentosa Participants: a Data Driven Approach - CONFIDENTIAL
Wu, B. (Bingxuan)Early Design Stage Power Consumption Estimation of VLSI Circuits
Wu, J. (Jie)Improving QA for low-resource languages with language alignment
Xia, T. (Tian)Near-term Forecasting for Changes in the Demand for AI Skills in Jobs: A Machine Learning Approach - CONFIDENTIAL
Xu, Z. (Ziyi)CLSEAVE: A Method for Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning in Visual Entailment
Yuan, Y. (Yuang)Ensemble Methods of Malicious Domain Detection using Whois Features and DNS Data Analysis
Zhang, S. (Shaoxuan)Anonymity in Temporal Networks
Zhang, Y. (Yuchi)The Relationship between Compensation and Work Duration
Zhao, C. (Chao)Enhancing Personalized Academic Search with Query Expansion: A Real-World Data Approach Using Large Language Models - CONFIDENTIAL
Zhou, L. (Lingling)Tree Transformer’s Disambiguation Ability of Prepositional Phrase Attachment and Garden Path Effects
Zwart, M. van der (Michael)R2N-Tab: a hybrid model for binary tabular data
Zwart, R. (Rosa)Foundational Ontologies to Improve the Explainability of Explainable AI Algorithms