Students supervised by Verbeek, F.J. (Fons)

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

133 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
PhD Computer Science2024first supervisorKurchaba, S. (Solomiia)Machine Learning-Based NO2 Estimation From Seagoing Ships Using TROPOM...
PhD Computer Science2024first supervisorLi, C. (Chen)Aspects of the Analysis of Cell Imagery: from Shape to Understanding
Bachelor Data Science an...2023second supervisorBeusichem, L. (Luuk) van The effect of humanoid embodiment on the perceived intelligence, usabi...
PhD Computer Science2023first supervisorLiu, D. (Danyi)Interaction with Sound Participatory Systems and Data Sonification
Master Media Technology2023second supervisorHall, K. (Kiran) Mapping the relationship between stress, anxiety, depression and heart...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorHouwing, Krijn3D preoperative to intraoperative registration of lymph node locations...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorIşlak, IsmigülUnsupervised Graph Representation Learning of Osteosarcoma Tissue usin...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorTajalizadehkhoob, OmidFlaSH: Lightning Prediction Using GOES-16 Satellite Images
Bachelor Bioinformatica2023first supervisorBenthum, S.W. van (Sybe) [samen met van Bijsterveld]Automating VAST imaging for high throughput and fluorescence
Bachelor Bioinformatica2023first supervisorBijsterveld, J. van (Jens) [samen met van Benthum]Automating VAST imaging for high throughput and fluorescence
Bachelor Bioinformatica2023first supervisorHaaf, L. ten (Lena)Localized Information Comparison and Analysis for MycoDiversity Databa...
Bachelor Bioinformatica2023first supervisorLaauwen, S. (Sanne)Analysis of the 3D Distribution of Granulomas in Adult Zebrafish
Bachelor Bioinformatica2023first supervisorOnderwater, J. (Jurian)High throughput acquisition of zebrafish larvae using VAST
Bachelor Bioinformatica2023first supervisorPlas, S. van der (Sofie)Optimizing the segmentation of zebrafish imaged with optical projectio...
Bachelor Bioinformatica2023first supervisorRademaker, N. (Nikki) [samen met Smid]Studying Anatomy of Organisms through Virtual Reality
Bachelor Bioinformatica2023first supervisorSmid, Y. (Yanna) [samen met Rademaker]Studying Anatomy of Organisms through Virtual Reality
PhD Computer Science2022promotorWang, X. (Xue)Multi Modal Representation Learning and Cross-Modal Semantic Matching
Master Media Technology2022second supervisorRodrigues de Senna, Vitor JacobTindergration: A Fun Way to Study for the Dutch Civic Integration Exam
Master Media Technology2022first supervisorWester, Martijn Shower Behavior: The Development and Evaluation of an Interactive Pers...
Master Computer Science2022second supervisorYiu, W.Cell Trajectory studies - Exploring new cell trajectory tracking algor...
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorDincu, AndreeaMachine Learning on diagnostic imaging data of systemic sclerosis pati...
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorKalmes, MarcelAlignment of Facial Images from Infrared and RGB video data
Bachelor Bioinformatica2022second supervisorThiel, H. van (Haike) Speeding up the multiscale access in the MycoDiversity DataBase
Bachelor Bioinformatica2022first supervisorSilié, A-J. 3D mesh optimization strategy for images acquired from Bioimaging
Bachelor Informatica2022second supervisorKeulemans, J. (Jelle)Automatically Detecting when Participants Want Help from their Facial ...
Bachelor Informatica2022second supervisorReurink, A. (Andries)On Graphene Twisted Edge Break Junction Tunneling Experiments
PhD Computer Science2021promotorStork, L. (Lise)Knowledge Extraction from Archives of Natural History Collections
Master Computer Science2021second supervisorGogou, EvangeliaA Clinical Prognostic Decision Support System for the Prediction of th...
Master Computer Science2021second supervisorLubben, JelleAutomatic ship plume detection using Convolutional Neural Network
Master Computer Science2021first supervisorDekkers, CasDesigning Information Visualizations for Generating Business Value in ...
Master Computer Science2021first supervisorStaalduinen van, JanClassifying Breast Cancer Tissue using Imaging Mass Cytometry and Grap...
PhD Computer Science2020promotorTang, X. (Xiaoqin)Optimization and Application of 3D Reconstruction for Optical Projecti...
Master Media Technology2020first supervisorWilliams, V.Making Science Tangible: Creating Scientific Animations from Cryo-elec...
Master Computer Science2020first supervisorMartens, JoostDetecting Fragmentation in the Secured Money Market using Fairness-Awa...
Bachelor Informatica2020second supervisorDoesburg, M. (Max)Optimization of the Reconstruction of Zebrafish on the LLSC Using the ...
Bachelor Informatica2020second supervisorTubergen, J. (Jeroen) vanAssessing the Fitness of Web-applications within the Context of Mobile...
Bachelor Informatica2020first supervisorPolen, T. (Tim) van GPS Referencing and Data Storage Manipulation
Master Media Technology2019first supervisorGennip, S. vanWhat's Going On? An Explorative Study on the Information Processing of...
Master Media Technology2019first supervisorHorck, S. vanPlant Resonance: The effects of Musical Stimulation on Plant Well-bein...
Master Media Technology2019first supervisorKkousii, A.Classification of Borderline Personality Disorder patients from fMRI s...
Master ICT in Business a...2019first supervisorBachour, DaniellaA comparison of approaches on the analysis of the usability of Leiden ...
Master Computer Science2019second supervisorChakravadhanula, LalithasushmaA statistical approach to classification of mechanistic computational ...
Master Computer Science2019second supervisorHal, Roy van Embedding geographical locations using triplet loss networks
Bachelor Bioinformatica2019third supervisorWesselman, S. (Sjoerd)The Intestinal Flora of the Zebrafish
Bachelor Bioinformatica2019first supervisorBoer, W.F.H. (Wilco) deEvaluation and Improvement of Methods and Models for Segmentation of Z...
Bachelor Bioinformatica2019first supervisorDekker, L. (Loes)Optimization of High-Throughput Zebra sh Imaging on a Distributed Comp...
Bachelor Informatica2019second supervisorDomela Nieuwenhuis. D.O. (Damian)Improving Public Speaking Performance by Facial Emotion, Body Language...
Bachelor Informatica2019second supervisorVoetter, R.F. (Robin)Volumetric Ray Tracing with Vulkan
Bachelor Informatica2019first supervisorSinnige, J.A. (Jelle)GPS Referencing and Data Storage Manipulation
PhD Computer Science2018promotorSchraffenberger, H.K. (Hanna)Arguably Augmented Reality, Relationships Between the Virtual and the ...
Master Media Technology2018first supervisorTrommelen, H.On Design and Effectiveness of a Patient Self-management App for Reduc...
Master Media Technology2018first supervisorXiong, Y.Gamified Learning: Using Narrative to Enhance Second Language Learning
Master Computer Science2018third supervisorZammit, AlanSecondary Structure Models and Homology Search for Viral RNA
Master Computer Science2018second supervisorBrinkmann, G.G. Interactive Visualization of Large Networks on a Tiled Display System
Master Computer Science2018first supervisorRooijen van, A.L.Deep Learning for Person Ie-Indentification.
Bachelor Bioinformatica2018first supervisorSpaink, H.A.J. (Hermes)Age Classification of Zebrafish Larvae using Machine Learning from HOG...
Bachelor Informatica & E...2018second supervisorJaeger, D.Evaluating Protein Structure Prediction Algorithms
Bachelor Informatica & E...2018first supervisorGroeneveld, L.Visalization of Patterns in Scrum Software Development
Bachelor Informatica & E...2018first supervisorHeijnen, Casper & Neerbos, K.J.W.Organizing and classifying historical Butterfly collections from indon...
Bachelor Informatica2018second supervisorHaddou, N.A. (Naoufal)Learning Bayesian Networks for Causal Discovery from Medical Data
Bachelor Informatica2018second supervisorVoogt, M.A. (Mick)Optimization of Metagenomics Analysis using Distributed Computing on L...
Bachelor Informatica2018first supervisorGopal, N.A.A. (Ashwini)Analyzing and Classifying Borderline Personality Disorder using Datami...
Bachelor Informatica2018first supervisorZwanenburg, E. (Ewout)Analyzing and Classifying Borderline Personality Disorder using Datami...
PhD Computer Science2017promotorCai, F. (Fuyu)Fuzzy Systems and Unsupervised Computing: Exploration of Applications ...
PhD Computer Science2017promotorGuo, Y. (Yuanhao)Shape Analysis for Phenotype Characterization from High-Throughput Ima...
Master Media Technology2017second supervisorKlerks, E.Sensory Information about Reading Progress on the E-reader
Master Media Technology2017first supervisorAndersen, V.The Emotions of a Painted Face: Analyzing British Portraiture Art from...
Master Media Technology2017first supervisorDierendonck, R. vanInteractive Biology through Remote Control: Introducing a Web Interfac...
Master Media Technology2017first supervisorTheelen, M.Design Guidelines for Educational Artefacts Supporting Physiotherapist...
Master Computer Science2017first supervisorBarbanson B.A. (Buys) deTracing Scar-lineages and Collapsing Read Error
Master Computer Science2017first supervisorGriffioen, K.T.3D Reconstruction Techniques to Aid Biological Research
Bachelor Informatica2017third supervisorMeeuwsen, J. (Juliette)Design and Implementation of 3D reconstruction from axial views on the...
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorDraijer W.J.W. (Wilco)Integrating, Structuring and Visualising Cancer Data
Bachelor Informatica2017first supervisorDekkers, C.H.J. (Cas)Creating Models of Interaction for a Video Wall
Bachelor Informatica2017first supervisorJonkman, J.L. (Jacob)Interacting with BigEye: Using Gesture-Based Input Methods to control ...
PhD Computer Science2016copromotorTleis, M. (Mohamed)Image Analysis for Gene Expression Based Phenotype Characterization in...
Master Media Technology2016second supervisorLiu, D.Navigation in an Audio Maze Game with Quadraphonic and Octophonic Spea...
Master Media Technology2016first supervisorAussems, E. Context Photojournalism
Master Media Technology2016first supervisorNoë, B.Investigating Social Comparison in the Context of an Online Pay-What-Y...
Master Computer Science2016second supervisorVietor, J. (Jaron)A Formal Representation and Calculation Method for Generic Petri nets
Bachelor Informatica2016supervisorVreumingen, D. (Dion) vanReal Time Force Field Simulation for Stm Controlled Molecular Electron...
Bachelor Informatica2016second supervisorFaas, M. (Micky)Sparse Voxel Mip-Maps: Versatile Lossy Compression of Volumetric Data
Bachelor Informatica2016second supervisorLouwe, A. (Anneloes)Constructing Petri Net Models from Biological Literature using Structu...
Bachelor Informatica2016second supervisorZwaan, D. (Dennis) van derDeveloping an Integrated Environment for OPT Image Reconstruction
Bachelor Informatica2016first supervisorPersoon, R. (Ricardo)Design and Implementation of Website Backup as a Service
PhD Computer Science2015copromotorLarios Vargas, E. (Enrique)Design and Development of a Comprehensive Data Management Platform for...
PhD Computer Science2015copromotorViana de Carvalho, R. (Rafael)Computational Modelling of Mycobacterium Infection and Innate Immune R...
Master Media Technology2015first supervisorMarcello A. Gómez-MaureiraThe Impact of Co-located Play on Social Presence and Game Experience i...
Master Computer Science2015first supervisorXia, Z. (Zhihan)A Metadata Validation Process Design for an Automated High-Throughput ...
Bachelor Informatica2015second supervisorScholtes, S. (Sem)Integrating Data Modeling with Data Analysis in Taverna Workflows
Bachelor Informatica2015first supervisorEs, D. (David) vanDeploying Phenotype Analysis on LLSC
Bachelor Informatica2015first supervisorKlaver, S. (Simon)Analysing Electron Tomography with IMOD on the LLSC
Bachelor Informatica2015first supervisorStout, P. (Patric)Ontology Viewer: Van Proof-of-Concept naar Layered Software
Bachelor Informatica2015first supervisorZabel, T. (Terry)Video Rating and Sorting with a Genuine Approach
PhD Computer Science2014copromotorCao, L. (Lu)Biological Model Representation and Analysis
Master Media Technology2014supervisorSmulders, B. (Bobbie)Annotade Code: Introducing a System for Code-stepping Based Visualizat...
Bachelor Informatica2014first supervisorBuitenhuis, T. (Taco)The Constraint-Relation Modelling Language and its Relation to Petri N...
Bachelor Informatica2014first supervisorVeen, N. (Neal) vanDeploying Single Particle Analysis on the LLSC
PhD Computer Science2013copromotorNezhinsky, A.E. (Alexander)Pattern Recognition in High-throughput Zebrafish Imaging
PhD Computer Science2013copromotorYan, K. (Kuan)Image Analysis and Platform Development for Automated Phenotyping in C...
Master Computer Science2013first supervisorGeene, D. (Derk)High Throughput Zebrafish Segmentation using Active Shape Model
Master Computer Science2013first supervisorHeijer, G.J. (Gert Jan) denSystem Characterization of the BD Pathway for 3D High-throughput Scree...
PhD Computer Science2012copromotorBertens, L.M.F. (Laura)Computerised Modelling for Developmental Biology: An Exploration with ...
PhD Computer Science2012copromotorKallergi, A. (Amalia)Connecting the Dots: Playful Interactions with Scientific Image Data i...
Bachelor Informatica2012first supervisorCroes, X. (Xander)3D Visualization of Mycobacterium infection on Zebrafish
Bachelor Informatica2012first supervisorHaas, E. (Erwin)Automated Classification of Skin Diseases using Tile-Based Texture Fea...
Bachelor Informatica2012first supervisorKasteleyn, P. (Paul)Software for the Annotation of Bio-medical Images using a Treemap Repr...
Bachelor Informatica2012first supervisorMeer, L. (Lucas) van derReady for the Future in Health Informatics: Towards Semantic Interoper...
PhD Computer Science2011copromotorDmitrieva, J.B. (Julia)Aspects of Ontology Visualization and Integration
PhD Computer Science2011copromotorStupka, E. (Elia)Fish Genomes: A Powerful Tool to Uncover New Functional Elements in Ve...
PhD Computer Science2011copromotorZhang, Y. (Yanju)Heterogeneous Data Analysis for Annotation of MicroRNAs and Novel Geno...
Bachelor Informatica2011first supervisorNeuteboom, J. (Jonathan)Analysis of Pre-Genome Assembly of Lymnaea Stagnalis
Bachelor Informatica2010first supervisorVermeulen, T. (Thijs) AND Oosterhof, J. (Jelle)Image Optimization, Feature Extraction and Classification in Neurobiol...
PhD Computer Science2009copromotorBelmamoune, M. (Mounia)Spatio-Temporal Framework for Integrative Analysis of Zebrafish Develo...
Master Computer Science2009first supervisorDi, Z. (Zi)Systematic Evaluation of Image Analysis for Cell-Matrix Adhesion Studi...
Bachelor Informatica2009first supervisorEgmond, S. (Sjoerd) vanSmart Autofill for Photos in Albums
Bachelor Informatica2009first supervisorGemeren, F. (Frank) vanHigh-Performance Framework for Web Applications
Bachelor Informatica2009first supervisorJordaan, P. (Pieter)The Animated Abacus
Bachelor Informatica2009first supervisorWolff, S. (Sjaak)Cell-Forum: Collaborative Multi-User Virtual World Applications
Master Computer Science2008first supervisorMubarak, Q. (Qurratulain)PABS: Paradigm Application on Biological Systems: A Computational Biol...
Master Computer Science2008first supervisorYan, K. (Kuan)Object Tracking and Data Analysis of Migrating Tumor Cells Visualized ...
PhD Computer Science2007copromotorBroekens, D.J. (Joost)Affect and Learning: A Computational Analysis
PhD Computer Science2007copromotorWelten, M.C.M. (Monica)Spatio-temporal Gene Expression Analysis from 3D in Situ Hybridisation...
Master Computer Science2007first supervisorBraak, M. (Marjolein)Optimizing Visualization Techniques of Triangulated Three-dimensional ...
Master Computer Science2007first supervisorLi, Z. (Zan)Microrray Image Analysis with Focus on Background Correction
Bachelor Informatica2007first supervisorOpstal, K.D. (Klaas-Dirk) vanDigibeter
Bachelor Informatica2007first supervisorVries, T. (Timo) deDigibeter
Master Media Technology2006first supervisorUmanski, D. (Daniil)Computer Game Development for Speech Therapy Support
Master Computer Science2006supervisorSchipper, D. (Dorieke)A Robust Algorithm for Transformation Estimation and Applications
Master Computer Science2006first supervisorFeng, T. (Tian)Mathematical Morphology Based Microarray Image Processing and Analysis...
Master Computer Science2005first supervisorBei, Y. (Yun)IDBX, An Image Database for Data Exchange in Virtual Communities
Master Computer Science2005first supervisorLiu, J. (Jinshuo)Shape Analysis and Pattern Recognition in Pathogen Yeast Cryptococcus ...
Master Computer Science2005first supervisorMeuleman, W. (Wouter)Integration and Analysis of Zebrafish Microarray Data