Bachelor Bioinformatica

The following thesis was written by a student in the 2022-2023 class of the Bachelor Bioinformatica programme at Leiden University.

Thesis details

TitleAutomating VAST imaging for high throughput and fluorescence
StudentBijsterveld, J. van (Jens) [samen met van Benthum]
ProgrammeBachelor Bioinformatica
SupervisorsVerbeek, F.J. (Fons)
Lamers, dr. M.H. (Maarten)
Thesis Open Thesis PDF

Citation details

Bijsterveld, J. van (Jens) [samen met van Benthum], Automating VAST imaging for high throughput and fluorescence, Thesis Bachelor Bioinformatica, LIACS, Leiden University, 2023.