97 entries found.
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Aarnoutse M.F.A. | Automatic Pass Detection in Soccer Tracking Data | |
Aioanei, Bogdan | Network-aware vs. network-agnostic flight delay propagation in airport network | |
Alwer, Saleh | Graph Neural Networks for Modelling Chess | |
Arnesto Sitorus, Brian | Natural Language Processing Methods for Supporting Indonesian Fact Checkers | |
Arya Patel, Sudarshna | Reinforcement Learning based optimization/control of production for a single reservoir system | |
Barreiro Clemente, Diego | Predicting care plan goals using a knowledge graph-based recommender system | |
Bax, M. | A Machine Learning Approach to Identify Potential Biomarkers for Neuromuscular Diseases Using a Device That Simulates Regular Daily Upper Limb Activity | |
Bolt, Julia | An approach to describing the semantics of Hedy, a gradual programming language for education | |
Bozcal, Ertugrul | Predicting Treatment Response for a Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) Patient Based on the 3D Medical Imaging | |
Broughton, N. (Nathan) | Exploring the Relationship Between Behaviour and Health: A Comparative Analyses of Time Series Prediction Models and Feature Explainability Techniques - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Burgh, Rogier van den | Rhythm Climber, using rhythm on pcg for climber | |
Cathalina, Julius | Designing Diverse and Synthesizable Molecules using Multi-Objective Generative Flow Networks guided by Retrosynthetic Accessibility | |
Chen, LanGe | ‘I Feel You’: Enhancing conversational agents with empathy | |
Chen, Wei | A Dual-Technique Approach: Shapelet and TimeGAN for Counterfactual Eplenations of Univariate Time Series | |
Collu, J. (Jonathan) | On the efficiency and robustness of structured world models combined with pre-learned object-centric representations - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Corsel, William | Exploiting Temporal Context for Tiny Object Detection - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Cremers, Karolis | Structured review on Huntington's disease hypothesis | |
Dellaert, Jasper | Analysing the inductive biases of equivariant quan- tum circuits | |
Delzenne, Mees | A research platform for autonomous navigation of pedestrian spaces | |
Deng, Zhe | Meal Delivery Routing with Crowd-sourced Vehicles | |
Ding, Bosong | understanding MAML Through Its Loss Landscape | |
Dofferhoff, Rens | Exhaustive Performance Exploration of Instruction Ordering on 000-Processors | |
Epure, Irina-Mona | Increasing Visual Tracking Algorithm Robustness to the Challenges of Agricultural Datasets | |
Fargose, Kenneth | Transfer Learning in Time-Series Forecasting | |
Gao, Yaqiong | Cross-Modal Food Retrieval with Vision-Language Pre-training | |
Gmelig Meyling, Thomas | Enginetron: realtime car exhaust note synthesis using on-board diagnostics through Text-to-Speech networks | |
Hajiaghapour, Kamand | A Deeper Dive into the Relations Between Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Disease using Subgroup Set Discovery and a Smartphone-Based Dataset | |
Havenaar, B.D. | Electrogan: Towards High Fidelity Electronic Music Generation with Stylegan2 | |
Horokhovskyi, I. (Ivan) | Jarvis: A cloud-based multi-purpose data quality library - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Houwing, Krijn | 3D preoperative to intraoperative registration of lymph node locations in robotic prostate cancer surgery | |
Hu, Wenqian | A Hybrid Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows | |
Ieronymaki, D. (Dimitrios) | Text guided face forgery detection | |
Ieronymaki, M. (Maria) | Comparative Analysis of Generative Adversarial Networks for High-Quality Image Generation of Clean and Defective Syringes | |
Işlak, Ismigül | Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning of Osteosarcoma Tissue using Imaging Mass Cytometry | |
Jain, Priyansh | Data Augmentation for training Audio Classifiers | |
Kafetzaki, Marianna | Carbon Footprint Information Extraction from Businessses Annual Reports | |
Kousathana, Eirini | Opinionated content summarization with Transformer Architectures | |
Laskaris, Georgios | Comparison between tensor networks and quantum machine learning on binary classification task | |
Lei, Yiqin | Detecting the switch time for informed one-shot dynamic algorithm selection using the area under the ECDF curve | |
Leng, H. | Multi-objective Optimization of Takeaway Order Allocation based on NSGA-II Algorithm | |
Li, Yingjie | Application of Automated Machine Learning Pipeline for the Classification of Volcanic Time Series Data | |
Liang, Yuan | Style Matters: Evaluation on Communication Styles of a Restaurant Robot | |
Lin, Yuan | A Reinforment Learning-based Hierarchical Method for Route Planning | |
Linden, Nick van der | Rumour Detection for Dutch Twitter | |
Lommen, Yven | Temporal design choices for feature engineering from dynamic networks | |
Lu, Y. (Yijie) | Unveiling Patterns of Gun Violence in Europe: Topic Discovery and Analysis using Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Lyu, Donghang | Res-Swin: Effective Combination of ResNet and Swin Transformer for LDCT Denoising | |
Mahdavi, R. (Rana) | A NLP-Based Solution for Estimating the Seniority Level of Jobs Using Job Postings - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Majellaro, R. (Riccardo) | Disentangling Shape and Texture Dimensions in Object-Centric Representations - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Menyhért, M. (Márton) | Social connectedness of geographical areas in a population-scale network - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Meulen, Frederick van der | Augmenting existing activity recognition classifiers for inactivity detection of the elderly | |
Meurs, Thijs van | Automating the medical claims coding process; a medical NLP study using naive and state-of-the-art techniques and methods - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Michels, Ricardo | The geographical distribution of Covid (mis)information on Twitter | |
Middelkoop, Richard | Investigating the application of genetic algorithms to design parameterised quantum to mitigate barren plateau problems | |
Mone, Antonio | Weight Agnostic Neural Networks on Atari Games | |
Mor-Puigventós, Pol | Human-guided Rule List Learning for Length of Stay Classification | |
Muizelaar, Hielke | Exploring Dutch BERT models extracting lifestyle characteristics from medical text | |
Noordover, Kevin | Player tracking in water polo | |
Pal, T. | TCNA: Analysing patterns in time series using TCN and Self-Attention | |
Papada, Konstantina | Investigating the epoch size and feature engineering for Automated Machine Learning in EEG data analysis | |
Peng, Tao | Centrality-based NSGA-II method for optimal sensor placement in water distribution networks | |
Pohl, Leonardo | FESD: A Fault Estimation Pipeline for Human Pose Estimation | |
Prins, Jelmer | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Micro Battles in StarCraft 2 | |
Prins, Vincent | Dungeons & Firearms: AI-Directing Action Intensity of Procedural Levels | |
Reep, C. (Carmen) | Automated drug repurposing workflow for rare diseases | |
Remmerswaal, Mick | Deep Reinforcement Learning for Profiled Side-Channel Attacks Applying Proximal Policy Optimization for Point Of Interest Selection | |
Sanchez Olivarez, Emilio | An emperical analysis of transfer learning for link prediction in real-world network | |
Savva, Andreas | Hybrid CNN Partitioning On Edge Devices And Its Effects On Energy, Memory and Inference Latency | |
Schmelczer, A. | GreatAI: An easy-to-adopt framework for robust end-to-end AI deployments | |
Schonenberg, Jerry | Multi Dynamics and Q-Learning with Shared State Representation for Battery Dispatch Optimisation | |
Shahane, A.A. (Ananta) | A Corridor Model Evolutionary Algorithm for Fast Converging Green Vehicle Routing Problem - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Simons, Thijs | The Training of Neural Networks that can Train Neural Networks | |
Sluis, V. van der (Vincent) | Deep Learning for Embryo Selection in In Vitro Fertilization | |
Smit, Taz | A study into human interaction with dysfunctional social behavior in robots | |
Šterberová, Adéla | Semi-Supervised Iterative Learning on hiPSC-CMs Cardiotoxicity Images | |
Stokman, Wouter | Multivariate Time Series Classification in Radial Drilling Applications | |
Sun, Feiyang | Explenation of XAI clustering methods on Android malware family catergorization | |
Tajalizadehkhoob, Omid | FlaSH: Lightning Prediction Using GOES-16 Satellite Images | |
Toussaint, G. | Content-agnostic cascade-wise ranking of Fake News on Online Social Media | |
Tsiftsi, Katerina | The effect of robot errors on children in the context of education | |
van der Staaij, Arthur | Terrain-Adaptive PCGML in Minecraft | |
van Schendel, Bob | One ring break model to rule them all? | |
Vanmosuinck, Ernest | Subpopulations with adaptive population size and search space partition in Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy | |
Venkatesh, Vinutha | A study on Speech Enhancement using ResUNet: Evaluating the Influence of Noise Types on Quality Assessment | |
Wang, Jialiang | Automatic speech recognition for the low-resource language Frisian using Conformer and pre-trained Whisper | |
Wang, Ruilin | Investigating De-identification Methodologies in Dutch Medical Texts: A Replication Study of Deduce and Deidentify | |
Wang, Runda | A Multilingual Solution for Mental Health Evaluation with Full Context Components | |
Wibisono, A. (Arvindeva) | Music Album Review Rating Prediction Using Transformers | |
Wibisono, Arvindeva | Music Album Review Rating Prediction Using Transformers | |
Witte, Niels | FishEcoModeler: A performant, simple to use and extensible open source framwork for simulating fish populations in complex 3D enviroments | |
Woerdings, Virgil | Network-driven analysis of evolving populations in genetic algorithms | |
Xie, Xinyue | Anonymization Algorithms for Privacy-Sensitive Networks | |
Yang, Zihui | Improve Answer Retrieval in the Legal Domain with Structured Inputs for Cross-Encoder Re-rankers | |
Yin, H. (Haoran) | Landscape Analysis of CEC’ 2022 Basic Benchmark Problems - CONFIDENTIAL | |
Zakkas, Pavlos | Abstractive Summarization for Large Collections of Scientific Articles | |
Zhang, Ziwei | Deep Learning for Visual Query Tasks Based on Spatio-Temporal Graph | |
Zhu, Yuxuan | Data-driven Nozzle Failures Detection and Classification - CONFIDENTIAL | |