72 entries found.

Master Computer Science

Student Thesis Content
Akshat, A.Mining Physical Activity Behaviours in Older Adults
Ansari, A.Analyzing the stress produced in Computer Science students during exams and the effects of gender stereotypes
Apostolou, V.Effects of symmetry breaking in the performance and the design of Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm (QAOA).
Bergman, P.Data mining paper meta-data: a novel model for large scale paper meta-data research
Bhat, A.Feature Extraction using Deep Learning for Breast Cancer Histopathology - CONFIDENTIAL
Blom, M.AMOOSE: A Domain Specific Language for the Astrophysical Multipurpose Software Environment
Bors, P.Topology-aware Network Feature Selection in Link Prediction
Bozik, M.Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis on Dutch Patient Experience Survey Data
Casara, M.Simulation study of Uncertainty Quantification on classification tasks using Empirical Bayesian Deep Neural Network
Congleton, C.[Tracing Political Positioning]
Dijkstra, E.Adaptive Reinforcement Learning for Human-AI collaboration
Dimitrov, T.Parkinson’s Disease Pull Test Proxy Model Development using Daily Life Activities
Dincu, AndreeaMachine Learning on diagnostic imaging data of systemic sclerosis patients based on lower-dimensional image representations
Domela Nieuwenhuis Nyegaard, D.A Genetic Algorithm Parameter Control Method using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Offshore Wind Farm Maintenance Planning
Fang, Z.A GNN-Based Method for Group Detection from Spatio-Temporal Data
Gavandi, T.Image Segmentation on the Skin Diseases
Groot, M. deModelling Startup Growth and Spending by using Markov Decision Processes
Gunn, J.Brain Age Prediction using Machine learning Techniques applied to Resting State EEG data, with Clinical Validation Results - CONFIDENTIAL
Haitink, M.Bayesian Online Change Point Detection: an application to sports and e-sports data
Hasenoot, J.The Performance of Distributed Applications: A Traffic Shaping Perspective
Heath, C.Natural Language Processing for lifestyle recognition in discharge summaries
Hertogh, M.Hypervisor Isolation
Hou, Y.Stance Detection on Twitter for COVID-19 Misinformation
Huang, Q.Multi-surrogate Assisted Efficient Global Optimization: A Positional Study on Discrete Problems
IJpelaar, M.Investigating End-to-End Arrow-based operations in Apache Spark
Jonckheere, L. deReal-time monophonic pitch estimation for guitar driven sound synthesis
Kalmes, MarcelAlignment of Facial Images from Infrared and RGB video data
Kleijn, K.Automation of Crack Assessment in Masonry Facades using Deep Learning
Kleingeld, D.[GovFS, a scalable control plane using groups of metadata nodes]
Kok, R.A Cell-Based Model of Angiogenesis Suggests That Vascular Stabilisation Can Result From Flow-Based Inhibition of Chemotaxis
Kolettis, M.Multi-modal Emotion Recognition
Koole, M.The automatic labelling of medical entities in Dutch endoscopy reports
Koschny, J. (Julius)Synchronous Hackenbush
Li, H.Standardizing Nature-inspired Algorithms — a unified framework UNIOA for seven swarm-based algorithms
Likhi, T.Effects of the power distance index on multicultural software engineering teams
Liu, C.Pattern Mining Enabled Scanner Event-based Quantitative Analysis of Lithography Scanner Productivity Performance
Luo, Y.Application of deep learning in lead optimization for improving activity of drug molecules
Mirzoyan, R.Quantification of Parkinson’s disease symptoms during activities of daily living using accelerometrybased wearable sensors
Mkrtchyan, W.A Pilot Study on the Effects of Oblique Strategies on Creativity and Divergent Thinking using an Intervaled Alternative Uses Task
Moradi, A.Federated Learning: literature review and hyperparameter importance.
Narendra, S.SNet : An Attention Mechanism Based Deep Neural Network For URL Classification
Neuteboom, V.AutoML for creating hybrid Earth science models
Nolden, L.Scanning Latin poetry with machine learning
Oudshoorn, S.Exploring the Predictability of Bacterial Vaginosis in Reproductive Age Women using Longitudinal Vaginal Microbe Abundance and pH Data
Õunmaa, M.Analyzing AI players on different Ticket to Ride variants
Palma, A.Learning perturbation responses in high-throughput morphological assays through deep generative models - CONFIDENTIAL
Perdomo Quinteiro, P.DMD Drug Repurposing using Knowledge Graphs and eXplainable AI
Plug, R.Methods for Federated Data Analysis
Pophare, N.Building a Portfolio of Optimization Algorithms for Good Anytime Performance via Automated Algorithm Configuration
Poslavsky, V.Classifying skills in high-profile skill taxonomies, using Sentence-BERT embeddings - CONFIDENTIAL
Prehn, E.Investigating Deep Learning of DFT Functionals for the 1D Hubbard Model in the NISQ Era
Remmerswaal, M.Deep Reinforcement Learning for Profiled Side Channel Attacks – Applying Proximal Policy Optimization for Point of Interest Selection
Rohit Nekkanti, V.Applying Rainbow DQN to FlappyBirds and exploring its transfer sensitivty to PCG parameter changes
Rooij, L. vanExplainable AI for ship design analysis with AIS and static ship data
Schlender, T.The Bigger Fish A comparison of state-of-the-art QSAR models on low resourced Aquatic Toxicity Regression Tasks
Snelleman, T.Coronary Artery Extraction using Geometrical Deep Learning on Medical Imaging Data - CONFIDENTIAL
Tetteroo, J.Automated machine learning for COVID-19 forecasting
Vasanth, N.VocalFlows: A co-creative AI to suggest vocal flows
Vink, J.Fusing spaceborne radar, lidar and spectrometry data using semi-supervised deep learning to create a high resolution canopy structure dataset
Vink, T.Classification of bank transactions into multi-class, nonuniformly distributed ledger accounts
Visser, L.Near-term quantum algorithms for regression, overfitting analysis and regularization
Vos, L.Automatically testing libraries symbolically
Voskuil, K.Pre-training World Models to efficiently learn related tasks
Waal, R. van derEvaluating and Quantifying Biped Locomotion Naturalness in neural nets trained with Kinect motion data
Wasala, J.AutoSR-RS: an AutoML Approach to Super-Resolution for Remote Sensing
Wijngaarden, E. vanWhisper to Speech Conversion Conditioned on Predicted Pitch Contours - CONFIDENTIAL
Yadav, P.Action Recognition of Livestock with multi object tracking using Computer Vision and Deep learning - CONFIDENTIAL
Yiu, W.Cell Trajectory studies - Exploring new cell trajectory tracking algorithms with neutrophil cells
Zande, E. van derdynSLAM: Robust 2D Lidar SLAM in Dynamic Environments
Zhang, X.Deep learning for stance detection in the news domain
Zhao, M.[Integrating transcriptomic sequencing data at single-cell/nucleus level reveals cellular heterogeneity in FSHD]
Zoete, B. deMeasuring Community Social Capital through the Structure of a Population-scale Social Network