Students supervised by Bakker, dr. E.M. (Erwin)

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

110 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
Bachelor Data Science an...2024second supervisorArkoubi, Y. El (Yesmina)Custom Pooling Methods for Convolutional Neural Networks
Master Computer Science2024second supervisorBhatt, S. (Shubham)Unlocking Human-Like Speech: Enhancing TTS with Predicted Prosodic lab...
Master Computer Science2024second supervisorDrougkas, G. (Georgios)Multimodal Machine Learning for Language/Speech Markers Identification...
Master Computer Science2024second supervisorDuring, J. (Joël)Consistency Regularization for Test-time Prompt Tuning
Master Computer Science2024first supervisorBreukel, W. (Wytze)A camera based Safety Assist System for bicycles
Master Computer Science2024first supervisorElswijk, M. van (Michel)StratoNet, a Deep Learning Approach to High Content Screening Feature ...
Master Computer Science2024first supervisorHavenaar, B.D. (Benjamin)Electrogan: Towards High Fidelity Electronic Music Generation with Sty...
Master Computer Science2024first supervisorHe, M. (Manlu)DPD (DePression Detection) Net: A Deep Neural Network for Multimodal D...
Master Computer Science2024first supervisorJain, P. (Priyansh)Data Augmentation for Training Audio Classifiers
Bachelor Informatica2024first supervisorGriffioen, D. (Daan)TimeSync: Deepfake Detection with Temporal Lip Sync
Bachelor Data Science an...2023second supervisorEeckhout, S. (Sanne)Feature Extraction Methods as Backbone in Image Forgery Detection
Bachelor Data Science an...2023first supervisorKandhai, A. (Ayush)Improving STag’s Occlusion Resilience for Augmented Reality
Master Computer Science2023second supervisorIeronymaki, D. (Dimitrios)Text guided face forgery detection
Master Computer Science2023second supervisorVenkatesh, VinuthaA study on Speech Enhancement using ResUNet: Evaluating the Influence ...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorBax, M. A Machine Learning Approach to Identify Potential Biomarkers for Neuro...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorCorsel, William Exploiting Temporal Context for Tiny Object Detection - CONFIDENTIAL
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorDelzenne, MeesA research platform for autonomous navigation of pedestrian spaces
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorEpure, Irina-Mona Increasing Visual Tracking Algorithm Robustness to the Challenges of A...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorFargose, KennethTransfer Learning in Time-Series Forecasting
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorGmelig Meyling, ThomasEnginetron: realtime car exhaust note synthesis using on-board diagnos...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorHavenaar, B.D.Electrogan: Towards High Fidelity Electronic Music Generation with Sty...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorJain, PriyanshData Augmentation for training Audio Classifiers
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorPal, T. TCNA: Analysing patterns in time series using TCN and Self-Attention
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorPohl, LeonardoFESD: A Fault Estimation Pipeline for Human Pose Estimation
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorStokman, WouterMultivariate Time Series Classification in Radial Drilling Application...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorWang, JialiangAutomatic speech recognition for the low-resource language Frisian usi...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorWibisono, A. (Arvindeva)Music Album Review Rating Prediction Using Transformers
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorWibisono, ArvindevaMusic Album Review Rating Prediction Using Transformers
Bachelor Informatica2023second supervisorBeek, R. van der (Rutger) Monocular Depth Estimation Neural Networks: a Comprehensive Analysis
Bachelor Informatica2023second supervisorRemmelzwaal, B. (Bart)Using simulated training data in deep learning networks
Bachelor Informatica2023first supervisorBoere, S. (Stijn)Bootstrapping Speech Synthesis Training
Bachelor Informatica2023first supervisorGoemans, L. (Luca)Scalability of Music Genre Classification Algorithms
Master Computer Science2022second supervisorWaal, R. van derEvaluating and Quantifying Biped Locomotion Naturalness in neural nets...
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorJonckheere, L. deReal-time monophonic pitch estimation for guitar driven sound synthesi...
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorKolettis, M.Multi-modal Emotion Recognition
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorNarendra, S.SNet : An Attention Mechanism Based Deep Neural Network For URL Classi...
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorWijngaarden, E. vanWhisper to Speech Conversion Conditioned on Predicted Pitch Contours -...
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorZande, E. van derdynSLAM: Robust 2D Lidar SLAM in Dynamic Environments
Bachelor Informatica2022first supervisorBergman, O.T.C. (Oscar)CHAD-net: Continuous Human Action Detection in RGB video
Bachelor Informatica2022first supervisorRam, J. (Jochem)Sim-to-Real Autonomous Driving in CARLA using Image Translation and De...
Master Computer Science2021second supervisorCovrig, Bogdan-Ionel3D Visualization of Convolutional Neural Networks in real-time and tim...
Master Computer Science2021first supervisorChen, XinAutomatic Segmentation of Recordings for Text-to-Speech Model Training
Master Computer Science2021first supervisorHubai, ZsoltComparison of Speaker Verification Models using Smartphone Recordings ...
Master Computer Science2021first supervisorLi, JichengFeature Extraction from Spectrums for Speech Emotion Recognition
Master Computer Science2021first supervisorXiong, YuxinAdversarial Detection and Defense in Deep learning
Bachelor Informatica2021first supervisorMaas, K. (Kalvin)Full-Body Action Recognition from Monocular RGB-Video: A multi-stage a...
Bachelor Informatica2021first supervisorSchwarze, Y. (Yenebeb)The Voice Within the Neural Network
Master ICT in Business a...2020first supervisorAarts, Kimberley A novel method of facial features extraction for model discovery
Master Computer Science2020second supervisorAdrichem, Adam vanBinary classification and t-SNE for cancer datasets
Master Computer Science2020first supervisorBernatavičius, AndriusRLIF: Reinforcement learning-based RNA design tool
Master Computer Science2020first supervisorTan, MingkangStreamlining Computational Workflow of Dual CRISPR Screen Library Desi...
Bachelor Informatica2020first supervisorCorsel, C.W. (Christof)YOLO-based Obstacle Avoidance for Drones
Bachelor Informatica2020first supervisorSchonenberg, J. (Jerry)Differential Siamese Network for the Avoidance of Moving Obstacles
Bachelor Informatica2020first supervisorStokman, W. (Wouter)Obstacle Detection and Avoidance Using Image Processing on Embedded Sy...
Master Computer Science2019first supervisorParsania, MinaPerformance Evaluation of Transcript-level RNA-Seq Aligners ‘HISAT v...
Bachelor Informatica2019first supervisorColli, M.M. (Mitchel)Dynamic Real-time Videostream Stitching Using Multiple Uncalibrated Ca...
Bachelor Informatica2019first supervisorFlesher-Clark, A.C. (Alec)3D Hand Pose Estimation on a Robotic Platform
Master Computer Science2018third supervisorHoogendorp, NathanRecognition of Hybrid Sequences that are Generated during PCR
Master Computer Science2018second supervisorÖzaydın, UmutLocal Feature Detection using Neural Networks
Master Computer Science2018second supervisorPost, M.G.S. On-line and incremental learning with Convolutional Neural Networks
Master Computer Science2018first supervisorSeinen, T. (Tom)Computational Modeling of Drug Response and Pathway Activity in Colore...
Bachelor Informatica2018second supervisorNuman, N. (Nels)A comparative Performance Analysis of Feature Description Algorithms I...
Bachelor Informatica2018second supervisorVermeulen, W.D. (Wouter)Toward a Massive Multiplayer Framework
Bachelor Informatica2018first supervisorScholman, R. (Renzo)Autonomous Navigation of the Spherical Robot BB-8
Master Computer Science2017second supervisorAssal, W. (Wadie)Deep Learning for Emotional Analysis
Master Computer Science2017second supervisorBismpikos, N. (Nikolaos)Estimating Tool Damage and Remaining Useful Life of a CNC Milling Cutt...
Master Computer Science2017first supervisorCarbajo Martinez, M. (Manuel)Aneuploid Chromosome Copy Number Estimation with Dynamic Coverage Anal...
Master Computer Science2017first supervisorNieboer, M.M. (Marleen)Reconstructing the Subclonal Evolution of Tumors from Targeted Sequenc...
Master Computer Science2017first supervisorSevastakis, D. (Dimitrios)Gene Prediction using Unsupervised Deep Networks
Master Computer Science2017first supervisorVersteeg, A.A.B.Integrating the Microbiome and Metabolome using Dataming and Network A...
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorSchipper, L. (Lisette) deCompact descriptors for (near) duplicate image detection
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorWaal, P.R. (Ruben) van derA Study of Different Approaches for Improving the Stitching of Spheric...
Bachelor Informatica2017first supervisorBorst, R.C.P. (Robbin)Robust self-balancing robot mimicking
Master Computer Science2016first supervisorGeorgiou, T. (Theodoros)Unsupervised Segmentation and Texture Visualization of 3D Medical Imag...
Bachelor Informatica2016second supervisorBosch, N.F.A. (Nick) van denA Comparison of Hashing Algorithms
Master Computer Science2015second supervisorHarenslak, B.P. (Bas)Content-based Tag Recommendation Algorithms for Unstructured Data
Master Computer Science2015first supervisorNeuteboom, J. (Jonathan)Protein Structure Prediction by Iterative FragmenT Asssembly (PITA)
Bachelor Informatica2015second supervisorBerge, M. (Michiel) van denAn Algorithm for Morphing Audio
Bachelor Informatica2015second supervisorBuitelaar, R. (Ruben)Combined Neural Networks for Movie Recommendation
Master Computer Science2014second supervisorZwet, R. (Rick) van derEnhancing Relation Discovery in Unmarked Spatial Temporal Data using V...
Master Computer Science2014first supervisorBoer, J. (Jonathan) denDevelopment of Quality Assessment Methods for De Novo Transcriptome As...
Master Computer Science2014first supervisorLiu, Y. (Yuxiang)Gene Name Normalization by using Deep Belief Networks
Master Computer Science2014first supervisorMeijsen, J. (Joeri)Identifying Soft Selective Sweeps in the Human Genome from the Spatial...
Bachelor Informatica2014second supervisorMeijer, R. (Ricardo)A Comparison of Search Engine User Interfaces
Bachelor Informatica2014second supervisorRobijn, J. (Jonathan)Detailed Crowd Simulation and Spatial Hashing for Large-Scale Collisio...
Bachelor Informatica2014first supervisorMoerkerk, P. (Paul)Finding Correspondence in Stereo Image Pairs using an Adaptive Window ...
Bachelor Informatica2014first supervisorWijden, K. (Kevin)Video Recommendation, A Comparison Between Collaborative Filtering Alg...
Master Computer Science2013first supervisorKolev, D. (Dimitar)Prediction of ProteinThree-Dimensional Structure
Master Computer Science2013first supervisorWang, Y. (Yi)A Gene Name Normalization Framework
Bachelor Informatica2013first supervisorGroentjes, T. (Tom)Holography and Kinect
Master Computer Science2012first supervisorGehrman, T. (Thies)Conditional Random Fields for Protein Function Prediction
Bachelor Informatica2012second supervisorKleyn, F. (Floris)An Investigation into Recommendation Algorithms
Master Computer Science2011second supervisorShomroni, O. (Orr)A Gaussian Random Field Algorithm used to Analyse MicroArray Data from...
Master Computer Science2011second supervisorWortel, H. (Hans)Optimizing Octree Updates for Visibility Determination on Dynamic Scie...
Master Computer Science2011first supervisorGritsenko, A. (Alexey)Scaffolding of Next-Generation Sequencing Assemblies using Diverse Inf...
PhD Computer Science2010copromotorSpek, H.L.A. (Harmen) van derTransparent Restructuring of Pointer-Linked Data
Master Computer Science2010second supervisorHuo, Y. (Yinghe)Multilabel Image Categorization for General Concepts using Bag of Word...
Master Computer Science2010first supervisorBoetzer, M. (Marten)ContExtMe and SSPACE for Improved De Novo Assemby
Master Computer Science2010first supervisord'Este, F. (Francesco)Articulatory Speech Synthesis with Parallel Multi-Objective Genetic Al...
Master Computer Science2010first supervisorLi, R. (Ruifang)Immune Response to Prostate Cancer - Exploration of Normalization, Fea...
Master Computer Science2009second supervisorSteenbergen, T. (Thomas)Analysis of using Browser-native Technology to Build Rich Internet App...
Master Computer Science2009first supervisorVijfhuize, M. (Maarten)SMEPP: A Novel System Modeling Environment for Performance Prediction
Master Computer Science2008first supervisorZhang, Y. (Yan)Estimation of 3D Motion in Time Sequences of Volumetric MRI Data
Master Computer Science2007first supervisorBao, Y. (Yini)Content Based Web Sampling
Master Computer Science2006second supervisorGroot, S. (Sven)Sparse Code Optimization: Automatic Transformation of Linked List Poin...
Master Computer Science2006second supervisorSpek, H. (Harmen) van derTowards an Automatic Derivation of Tarjan's Algorithm for Detecting St...
Master Computer Science2006first supervisorKerhoff, R. (Remco) vanAnalysis of DNA Sequence using Signal Processing Techniques
Master Computer Science2004first supervisorOerlemans, A. (Ard)Detecting and Identifying Moving Objects in Real-Time
Master Computer Science2003second supervisorSun, Y.Neural Networks for Emotion Classification
Master Computer Science2003second supervisorVerburgt, A.J. (Alexander)An Unwaypointed Data Structure for Tactical Movement