196 entries found.

Bachelor Informatica & Economie

Student Thesis Content
Abedi, Z. (Zahra)Enriching Historical Records: An OCR and AI-Driven Approach for Database Integration
Brinke, W. ten (Wouter)Secure Software Development at BDO Today and Tomorrow: The Current Methodology and How it Can Be Enhanced Following the Relevant Standards and Regulations.
Driel, C. van (Christiaan)More Human, Less Bot: How Social Presence Impacts Satisfaction, Trust, and Reuse Intention in Customer Support Chatbots
Fietelaars, C.L.T.E. (Claire)Increasing the Effectiveness of Communicating Release Notes to Users: A Case Study in Salesbuildr
Haasdijk, C. (Cas)Quantifying and Analyzing the Load on a Day of an Athlete
Hesselink, S. (Sander)Accessibility through Acceleration: A Fast and Fair Random Forest Algorithm
Kooter, M. (Michaël)Quantum Games as a Benchmark for Quantum Hardware - How suitable are they?
Kuipers, S.L. (Shanti Lorena)From DevOps to DataOps: The Adoption of DevOps Practices in Data Integration
Laar, D. (Dean) vanAccelerating Value Propagation Interpolation for Large Satellite Images
Lokin, R. (Rutger)Multi-criteria optimization for sustainable last-mile delivery with flexible time-windows
Meij, A. van der (André)Identifying the Factors that Improve User Adaptation of AI-generated Routes
Mutijima, A.S. (Ange)Using LLMs for Data-Driven Business Decisions
Ommen, B. van (Bram) Machine Learning for Football Player Scouting
Otten, R.M. (Roan)What Different Business Models Can Be Identified in the Market for AI for Music Creation?
Owee, B.J. (Bryan Joseph)Open-source Large Language Models for Named Entity Recognition
Plas, S. van der (Stan)Improvements to an Existing, Ultrasound Localization System, Enhancing Communication Robustness
Romeijn, M. (Marnix)A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Artefacts with Automated Methane Plume Detection using Decision Trees
Steenbergen, A.M.E. (Anna Maria Elizabeth)Unravelling the Connections Between CEO’s Online Social Networks and Firm Innovation: An X-Based Analysis
Visser, J. (Jort)Fairness in the Use of AI-based Algorithms in Justice Systems
Visser, R. (Ruben)Guidelines for Designing Experiments to Study Human-AI Interactions
Weert, J.S. (Justin Simon)Designing an Artificial Intelligence Auditing Framework
Zia, K. (Kalsoom)Improving the Software Requirements Elicitation Process by Integrating AI-Driven Speech Functionalities
Zwol, E. van (Elske)Predicting the Outcome of Behavioral Economic Games by Analyzing Robot Images

Student Thesis Content
Amerongen, R. van (Roos)Error message needs of novice programmers in gradual programming languages
Beek, T. ter (Tijmen)A Novel Technique for Life Course Reconstruction using Historical Record Linkage
Bekker, K.K. (Kas)Towards a Practical Solution for Ensuring Traceability of Automated Outcomes in the Dutch Insurance Industry
Boer, J. (Julian) de Interactive and explorative visualisations for researchers with unexpected questions
Boone, M. (Max)Euridice (Extensible Data Cleansing Framework) Intuitive data quality classification and cleansing
Braakman, N. (Nina)An in-depth investigation of social media content and engagement: the case of TikTok videos.
Braams, V. (Viola)Fake news during the Dutch elections: automatic classification and government strategies
Bruinsma, M. (Menno)Exploring Themes of CEO Social Media Communication
Cheung, J.F. (Jun Fei)Incentives for Crowd-sourced Drivers
Dieles, T. (Tristan)Identifying Successful Football Teams in the European Transfer Market: A Network Science Approach
Doekes, D. (Derk)AI Legislation in the EU Financial Sector: Challenges and Compliance Strategies
Dreumel, L. van (Liam)Visualisation tools to support historical research on a linked dataset about Leiden University
Fransen, T. (Tess)Would you unconsciously go green? A research about which factors influence the buying behaviour of the consumer towards carbon labelled food products
Hessels. F. (Floris)Modelling Gentrification in Dutch Neighbourhoods: Investigating the Role of Neighbourhood Amenities
Janssen, M. (Martin) Data Quality Analysis for the Dutch Algorithm Register
Klumperbeek, S. (Simeon)The Impact of Social Media Discourse on Market Reactions to Data Breach Announcements: An Empirical Analysis
Koçak, Y. (Yasin)The Correlation between Market and Public Sentiment; the Intercommunication of the Russo-Ukrainian War
Kraayeveld, K. (Kevin)Truck factor analysis for business continuity planning in SMEs
Lee, S. (Scottie)Developing an MVP in an Established Company: A Case Study
Macquiné, D. (Dylan)CEOs’ Use of Visual Cues in Tweets and Market Reactions
Mast, T. de (Teun)Lowering the Resolution of Damage Data in a Model that Predicts Rainwater Damage
Mehciz, J. (Jordy)Integrating digital accessibility in document creation tools
Molling, P. (Pi)Using Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Rainwater Damage Instances
Oosting, J. (Jens)Finfluencers and their impact on the Stock Market
Piké, R. (Rens)Benchmarking Large Language Models for Domain-Specific Summarization
Putten, W. (Wessel) vanPredicting football matches with the use of weather conditions
Sedigi, K. (Kousar)Evaluating a New Javascript Feature for a Thesis Evaluating
Visser, B. (Boele)AI and Avatars: The Effects of Gender Appearance, Collaboration and Disclosure on Motivation
Vonk, J. (Justin)Meal delivery, customer experience versus driver’s welfare
Zon, P. J. van der (Pedro)Assisting the Creation-process of Fictional Characters with Large Language Models
Zwan, O. van der (Odens)Refinement of GPS with GPS beaconing for small-scale environments

Student Thesis Content
Aggelen, B. van (Bram) Enabling data-driven wireframe prototyping using Model Driven Development
Anderson, R. (Rens) Investigating the difference among implementations of Particle Swarm Optimisation and Differential Evolution and their impact on empirical performance
Baar, R. van Predicting sentiment on written medical self-assessments by elderly people using BERT and LIWC
Boone, M.Euridice (Extensible Data Cleansing Framework) Intuitive data quality classification and cleansing
Burghouwt, N. Spatial Subgroup Discovery
Cluistra, N. The Impact of Sustainable Information on Customer Behaviour
Doorn, M. van Transforming natural language rules into executable code at run-time
Haasnoot, F. Predicting Fake News via Stance Detection
Hörchner, F. Het gebruik van Sonic Pi door kinderen met een visuele beperking
Hordijk, L. How to create an agent for the game of Klaverjas using Random Forests
Hulsker, K.A first draft for an evaluation method for SMEs to select a SIEM solution
Jong, T. deThe classification of integration aspects regarding systems in healthcare organizations
Keijzer, M. deAn exploratory research on Reading Code
Lommers, L. Applying social network analysis to Twitter data to identify phases in crisis communication
Luit, R. van derSelf-efficacy en motivatie voor informatica bij middelbare scholieren ten opzichte van andere vakken
Manintveld, E. Finding points of interest using GPS data
Redelaar, F. Designing and implementing a debugger for the Hedy programming language
Schreuder, R.R.J. Design of a database supporting the exploration of historical documents and linked register data
Spruijt, T. A Runtime Engine for Interpreting UML activity Meta Data for Prototype execution
Vennema, M. A Machine Learning and XAI approach for creating personalized retention strategies in subscription-based businesses
Vogt. M.W. A conversational agent for fixing omissions in requirements specification models
Wang, X.J. Interaction to enable a dynamic User Interface frontend communicating with a backend UML runtime engine
Wordragen, C. van Human Social Characteristics of Conversational Agents for Elderly Users: The case of Welzijn.AI

Student Thesis Content
Bavelaar, C.Using machine learning to predict rainwater damage in urban areas
Bieger, V.Phishing prevention in mobile messaging platforms by the Dutch banking sector
Buitenhuis, V. Using a data-driven approach to estimate the vegetation height using remote sensing data: a case study in the Oostvaardersplassen
Doek, A.Classification of Android applications using the Koodous data set
Hagen, K.Thanks for the gold, kind stranger! Predicting the receipt of community recognition for social media comments
Kats, T.Differentiating Commercial and Editorial Content
Koster, O.Explainable Artificial Intelligence: a Checklist for the Insurance Market
Kropf, K.An AI based approach to Customer Data Cleaning A Case Study in Master Data Management at Nationale-Nederlanden
Kubatz, L.Involving the crowd in Requirements Engineering
Laban, M.The New AI frontier: Minecraft
Middelkoop, R.Parallel algorithm portfolios in Sparkle
Ponse, K.Automated Rotational and Localised Symmetry Detection from Global Reflection Symmetries from 2d Images
Roos, M. deManaging the Robotic Process Automation Life Cycle: A Case Study for a Thesis
Schaaf, R.Programmeermisconcepties in Hedy
Schamhart, M.Weather as a Trigger for Migraines: Predictive Modelling on Migraine E-Diaries using Machine Learning
Schrijver, L.Modeling of the rating of perceived exertion for training sessions in wheelchair tennis
Strijker, J.L.S. Analysis of extracted references to case law in Dutch court decisions
Wu, J.Reading Strategy and Reading Focus of Novice Programmers: An Exploratory Study

Student Thesis Content
Boot, R.F.Het Effect van Aanwezigheid bij Colleges op de Prestaties van Studenten
Bos, M.Analytics Using OLAP and Data Mining Techniques for Transactional Data
Bosdijk, B. (Benjamin)Dfficulties of Screen Readers in Primary School Computer and Typing Education by Children with Visual Disabilities
Bruin, L.M.W. deAnalyse van de Kennis en Opvattingen van Docenten in het Nederlands Basis- en Middelbaar Onderwijs (K12) over de Vakintegratie van Computational Thinking
Cheng, T.Y.Delivery Optimisation Through Data Mining for Micro-sized Restaurants in the SME Sector
Deve, C.Classifying Medical Misinformation on Health Forums
Driessen, R.UML Class Models as First-class Citizen: Metadata at Design-time and Run-time
Holtes, J.Using datamining for predicting traffic jams on Dutch highways
Huijs, W.P.Het Effect van een Programmeerzomerkamp op Self-efficacy, Stereotype en Toekomstige Carrière Keuze bij Meisjes
Huiskens, T.J.M.Adaptive AI in Game Tutorials
Klein Essink, C.J. Real-time Assignment of Service Engineers based on Multiple Criteria Optimisation
Laros, J.Originality in News Media Compared to University Press
Lommen, Y.V. (Yven)Visualization Tool for Motifs in Multilayer Temporal Networks
Meurs, M.G.M. vanClassifying Film Scripts by Genre Using Word Features and Structured Features: a Text Mining Approach
Plas, L.P. (Leendert) van derThe Influence of Behavioral Richness on Human's Perception of Reception Robots
Sijpesteijn, B.K.Accessibility of Subgroup Discovery on Housing Data Through Bar Visualization
Spierings, L.Classifying Strength Exercises Performed by Wheelchair Users Using Accelerometer Data of Wearables
Turner, B.Misconcepties van Onervaren Programmeurs over While Loops
Vlokhoven, W.P.J.C. vanCritical Success Factors and Hosting Cost Reduction for a Cloud Based Platform as a Service
Weterings, T.The Acceptance of Robotic Process Automation Software Explained by the Technology Acceptance Model

Student Thesis Content
Angenent, M.N.From Financial Statements to Business Sector Prediction: a Data Mining Approach
Bakker, T.B.Microgrid Blockchain Enabled Solar Panel Electricity Trading
Blinde, R.JA Comparison of Algorithms for Visualizing Large Social Networks in Web-based Environments
Bosch, M.R.Detection of Suspicious Behaviour from Ship Transponder Data
Brochard, M. Analysing Time Series Data of Children Speaking in Public to Learn More about Social Anxiety
Duyn, M. vanVisual Classification of E-discovery Images with Neural Networks
Holtes, J. Using datamining for predicting traffic jams on Dutch highways
Klein Essink, C.J.Real-time Assignment of Service Engineers Based on Multiple Criteria Optimisation
Krabbendam, T.S.Programming Misconceptions of Children from Ages 8 to 11
Oosterhoorn, T.Data Science in the Field of Heart Disease PLN
Randel, O.R.Petri Nets & Property Directed Reachability
Schaalje, B.Successful Knowledge Management: A practically Applicable Measurement Method
Schut, F.G.B.Machine Learning and Technical Analysis for Foreign Exchange Data with Automated Trading
Sijtstra, J.P.Data Governance voor het Rijksvastgoedbedrijf - CONFIDENTIAL
Toussaint, G.The Risks and Rewards of Pressure in Football.
Van Vlokhoven, W.Critical Success Factors and Hosting Cost Reduction for a Cloud Based Platform as a Service
Zandbelt, R.A.Analyzing Referral Letters Using Text Mining
Zetten, W. vanAnalysis of Tactical Behavior in Soccer: Capturing and Analysing Space

Student Thesis Content
Abukari, MarcusPredicting Tax codes using Machine Learning
Griffioen, P. (Pepijn)Aligning an Industry Data Model with Applications in Real Estate
Groeneveld, L.Visalization of Patterns in Scrum Software Development
Groot, Maurits. deHet Verbeteren van het Proces rond de Evaluatie van Zorgaanbieders
Heijnen, Casper & Neerbos, K.J.W.Organizing and classifying historical Butterfly collections from indonesia
Helmonds, J. (Joep)Predicting No-shows in Brazilian Primary Care
Jaeger, D.Evaluating Protein Structure Prediction Algorithms
Klijn, RubenComparing Ways of Finding Patterns in Flight Delays
Meijerink, C.J.H.Quantum Rules!
Ottervanger, Gilles B.ACE: Academic Collaboration Explorer. An Author-centered View on Academic Collaboration
Putten, Stephan. van derTopic Modelling and Clustering for Error Recognition in System Logs
Rudolphij, ElardoEvent Experience with Data Improving and Expanding Information flows Between Emergency Services
Schuurmans, N.E. The Value of Earned Media
Sonsbeek, Heleen. vanData-driven Prediction and Visualization of Rheumatoid Arthritis Flares
Tjebbes, J.A. (Jesse)Lessons learned in Moving to Continuous Auditing, Applicable for the Public Sector
Visser, ArjanTeam Configuration & Creativity: Ability, Specialisation, Diversification and Knowledge Overlap
Vlak, MartijnStudying Player Interactions and Correlations during Ball Possession in Soccer.
‘t Jong, P.S.J. (Patrick)ANWB Connected Analyses: Evaluating driving behavior to distinguish motorists

Student Thesis Content
Blom, ChantalExperience of events with data
Capel, Oscar vanImproving event experience using app data - CONFIDENTIAL
Claessens, PimExploratory Data Analysis and Visualization for Cyber Security Log Files
Efferen, Lennart vanAdaptive Cyber Security: Machine Learning Techniques for a Flow-Based Anomaly Intrusion Detection System
Gonesh, ClemensApplication of Subgroup Discovery: Finding Patterns using Heart Rate Time Series - CONFIDENTIAL
Lieuw-Hie, GivanOptimizing the Customer Journey to Events
Liu, JodyData-driven Estimation of Consultation Time using Regression
Luijtgaarden, Nick van deOptimizing the core business processes of financial asset management companies using blockchain technology
Maduro,GregoryFinding Consensus for Financial Models Time Series-Prediction
Massar, JeroenDifference in code obfuscation between different programming languages
Miljoen,JoostDanger detection with different data feeds
Nijhuis, Jasper vanToepassing van data mining bij het vinden van onrechtmatige declaraties in de farmaceutische sector
Oedayrajsingh Varma,VinayA survey of classical public-key cryptography and post-quantum lattice-based cryptography
Onderwater,ChrisFinding and visualizing patterns in Borderline Personality Disorder fMRI Images
Ramautar,VijantiAnalysis of BPMN collaboration diagrams using Petri nets
Rasenberg, MarkDatamining in data van de Intensive Care: Wel of geen bloedtransfusie?
Sieraal,VincentData Preparation of Financial Accounts to Predict Bankruptcy of Companies
Tang,Wai-YipPredicting Interest in Rental Apartments - CONFIDENTIAL
Vorm,Yorick van derPredicting Dangerous Traffic Situations By Analyzing Car Driver's Braking Behaviour - CONFIDENTIAL

Student Thesis Content
Fonhof, AlainAn Attempt to Detecting Patterns Among Children on the Playground using Attributed Graph Mining
Hopman, LarsETA: A machine learning oriented platform for highdimensional time series analysis
Jansma, LaurensAnalyzing flight recorder data: A data-driven safety analysis of mixed fleet flying
Ligthart, MaartenReal-time voorspelling van het aantal OV-Chipkaart reizigers bij NS - CONFIDENTIAL
Lopes Carreiro, V. (Vanessa)Examining Different Strategies for the Card Game Sueca
Lopes Carreiro, VanessaExamining different strategies for the card game Sueca
Mil, Jelle vanFinding and visualizing patterns in Borderline Personality Disorder fMRI images
Özer, MuhammetPerformance of Imputation Techniques on Numerical Values
Pelt, Harmen vanReducing false positives using time-dependent sample weighting for cost-optimized detection of internet fraud - CONFIDENTIAL
Ramesar, PrashandEvaluating the feasibility of HTML5 for the visualization of bio-imaging and image-model data
Sijtstra, FemkeCare pathways in enterprise scheduling software - CONFIDENTIAL
Winter, Roy deAnalysing Possession Switches in Football using Subgroup Discovery

Student Thesis Content
Ackermans, MaartenVisualizing implicit associations between biomedical concepts
Blok, RachelleFully Automatic Machine Learning: Hyper-parameter Optimization and Model Selection with Scikit-learn
Helling, ThomasPublic health triangulation: integrating multiple Ebola-related data sources
Prikkel, ThomasRating-inference: Predicting the rating of online consumer reviews
Verhoef, WilcoCooperative Swarm-based and Gradient-based Multi-objective Optimization: Visualization and Comparison of Search Dynamics

Student Thesis Content
Heuvel, Jeroen van denDynamic 3D Visualization of Mycobacterium Marinum Infection Modelling in Zebrafish using the Petri Net Formalism
Spek, Thierry van derAdvancing Algorithms for the Multi-Objective Generation of Bicycle Routes
Vries, Alice dePortfolio Selection from Large Molecular Databases using Genetic Algorithms

Student Thesis Content
Vos, MichielSelf-Tracking with Multiple Sensor Systems
Zijdemans, Shi HaoContracting in Agile Software Projects: Current Challenges and New Possible Solutions

Student Thesis Content
Offerman, TyronMaintaining a Software System with the Use of Domain-Specific Languages
Osta, Jan-Paul vanRouting with Ant Colony Algorithms in Continuous Spaces
Rozemond, DuncanMultiple Objective Portfolio Optimization using Evolution Strategies
Zadelhoff, Arjan vanUML Class Diagram Simplification: A Survey Study