Bachelor Informatica & Economie

The following thesis was written by a student in the 2020-2021 class of the Bachelor Informatica & Economie programme at Leiden University.

Thesis details

TitleWeather as a Trigger for Migraines: Predictive Modelling on Migraine E-Diaries using Machine Learning
StudentSchamhart, M.
ProgrammeBachelor Informatica & Economie
SupervisorsLeeuwen, dr. M. (Matthijs) van
H.A.J. Spaink (second supervisor)
M. Vinkenoog (third supervisor)
Thesis Open Thesis PDF

Citation details

Schamhart, M., Weather as a Trigger for Migraines: Predictive Modelling on Migraine E-Diaries using Machine Learning, Thesis Bachelor Informatica & Economie, LIACS, Leiden University, 2021.