Bachelor Informatica & Economie

The following thesis was written by a student in the 2022-2023 class of the Bachelor Informatica & Economie programme at Leiden University.

Thesis details

TitleA Novel Technique for Life Course Reconstruction using Historical Record Linkage
StudentBeek, T. ter (Tijmen)
ProgrammeBachelor Informatica & Economie
SupervisorsDijk , ir. M.K. van (Richard)
Hoogeboom, dr. H.J. (Hendrik Jan)
E. Gehring and L. van Hees & C. de Graaf (ELO)
Thesis Open Thesis PDF

Citation details

Beek, T. ter (Tijmen), A Novel Technique for Life Course Reconstruction using Historical Record Linkage, Thesis Bachelor Informatica & Economie, LIACS, Leiden University, 2023.