These webpages contain theses and reports by students affiliated with the various bachelor and master programmes offered at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
the computer science and artificial intelligence department of Leiden University.
Note: this thesis repository might be incomplete for certain programmes.
Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.
67 entries found.
Program | Year | Role | Student | Thesis | Content |
Bachelor Informatica | 2025 | first supervisor | Straathof, H. (Hanna) | Solving and generating Kuroshuto puzzles | |
Master Computer Science | 2024 | second supervisor | Wensveen, R. (Roos) | Solving, Generating and Classifying Hitori | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2024 | second supervisor | Adelaar, B. (Branco) | The Greeting Problem - How to Have People Greet One Another in a Recta... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2024 | first supervisor | Heslenfeld, N. (Niels) | Solving and Generating Fobidoshi Puzzles | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2024 | first supervisor | Noteborn, D. (David) | Creating a language to describe Turing machines On creating a Towards ... | |
Bachelor Informatica & E... | 2023 | second supervisor | Beek, T. ter (Tijmen) | A Novel Technique for Life Course Reconstruction using Historical Reco... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2023 | second supervisor | Jol, C. (Casper) | How to Solve and Generate Marupeke Puzzles | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2023 | first supervisor | Hegeman, M. (Meili) | Generating Pipes puzzles using maze-generating algorithms | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2022 | first supervisor | Wetten, F. (Fien) van | Representing the State Space of the Domino Cube in Graph Using BDDs | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2021 | second supervisor | Burgh, R. (Rogier) van den | Bomb-r-cover Expanding the difficulties of Bomberman | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2021 | second supervisor | Krebbers, S. (Said) | Monte Carlo Tree Search for Dots-and-Boxes | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2021 | second supervisor | Nieuwenhuizen, D. (David) | The Effect of Monte Carlo Tree Search on Modern Board Game Elements | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2021 | second supervisor | Reijtenbach, R. (Rob) | Determining the Success Rate for the Game of Solitaire | |
Master Computer Science | 2020 | second supervisor | Roos, Dennis | Protocol Link Nets: A Flexible Method for Composing Petri Nets | |
Bachelor Informatica & E... | 2020 | second supervisor | Huiskens, T.J.M. | Adaptive AI in Game Tutorials | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2020 | second supervisor | Bors, P.P. (Philippe) | Analysis of Nonsimple Nonograms | |
Master Computer Science | 2019 | second supervisor | Huibers, J. (Jarno) | Strategies for Restricted Nim | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2019 | second supervisor | Vlasakker, R.A. (Rintse) van de | Bomb-cover Een verzamelingenoverdekkings-probleem in de Bombermanwerel... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2017 | second supervisor | Brandt, O. (Oscar) | Comparing Algorithms: Calculating the Minimal Coverability Set of Petr... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2017 | second supervisor | Etoeharnowo, T. (Teddy) | Neural Networks for Clobber | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2017 | second supervisor | Hoogenboom, C. (Cedric) | Using Probabilities to Enhance Monte Carlo Search in the Dutch Card Ga... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2017 | first supervisor | Dijk, S.J. (Stef) van | Solving Puzzles Using Cellular Automata | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2017 | first supervisor | Heijungs, S. (Simon) | Tape-quantifying Turing Machines in the Arithmetical Hierarchy | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2017 | first supervisor | Muusse, I.J. (Ivo) | An Algorithm for Balancing a Binary Search Tree | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2017 | first supervisor | Out, N.F. (Nils) | A Monte Carlo Strategy for the Game of Hive | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2016 | second supervisor | Yang, Shuo | Linking Science and Technology: Reference Matching for Co-citation Net... | |
Master Computer Science | 2016 | second supervisor | Zeegers, M.T. (Mathe) | Theoretical Properties of 2048 | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2016 | supervisor | Gent, D. (Daan) van | Graph Isomorphism in Quasi-polynomial Time [IW] | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2016 | second supervisor | Bannenberg, L. (Lou) | Checking for Compatibility in Team Automata | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2016 | second supervisor | Edixhoven, L. (Luc) | Attacking the n-Puzzle Using SAT Solvers | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2016 | second supervisor | Huybers, R. (Richard) | Mario (of hoe je een Programmeerwedstrijd kunt Winnen) | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2016 | second supervisor | Werff, C.R.A. (Chivany) van der | Tetris Strategies in a Multiplayer Environment | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2016 | first supervisor | Roos, D. (Dennis) | Transformation of Membrane Systems | |
PhD Computer Science | 2015 | copromotor | Vliet, R. (Rudy) van | DNA Expressions: A Formal Notation for DNA | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2015 | second supervisor | Dekker, V. (Victor) | A Difficulty Measure for Light Up Puzzles | |
Master Computer Science | 2014 | second supervisor | Delft, L. (Leroy) van | Simulation and Mathematical Structures for Asynchronous Stream Circuit... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2014 | second supervisor | Jochems, J. (Jennifer) | Partial Derivatives for KAT Expressions | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2014 | second supervisor | Rensen, M. (Michel) | An On-Line Parsing Algorithms for Conjunctive Grammars | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2013 | first supervisor | Engelen, J. (Jesper) van | Guided Rewriting in Families of Languages | |
Master Computer Science | 2012 | second supervisor | Rijn, J. (Jan) van | Playing Games: The Complexity of Klondike, Mahjong, Nonograms and Anim... | |
Master Computer Science | 2012 | second supervisor | Ruiter, J. (Johan) de | Counting Classes of Klondike Solitaire Configurations | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2012 | first supervisor | Massop, E. (Erik) | Hilbert's Tenth Problem | |
PhD Computer Science | 2011 | copromotor | Wang, J. (Jun) | Spiking Neural P Systems | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2011 | second supervisor | Stein, B. (Bas) van | The Beginning of a Theory for Set-Nets | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2011 | second supervisor | Vlugt, S.H.W. (Sander) van der | Coverability Tree Constructions and Inhibitor Places | |
Master Computer Science | 2010 | second supervisor | Donkersteeg, P.B. (Pieter Bas) | Klondike Strategies using Monte Carlo Techniques | |
Master Computer Science | 2010 | second supervisor | Takes, F.W. (Frank) | Applying Monte Carlo Techniques to the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Pro... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2009 | second supervisor | Rietveld, K.F.R. (Kristian) | Distributed Approaches for Discovering Unique Factors in the Human Gen... | |
PhD Computer Science | 2008 | copromotor | Brijder, R. (Robert) | Models of Natural Computation: Gene Assembly and Membrane Systems | |
Master Computer Science | 2008 | first supervisor | Oosten, M. (Maarten) | Verleden Namen | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2008 | first supervisor | Halm, E. (Eyal) | Genetic Algorithm for Predicting Protein Folding in the 2D HP Model | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2008 | first supervisor | Laraghy, S. (Susan) | Refining Probability Motifs for the Discovery of Existing Patterns of ... | |
Master Computer Science | 2007 | second supervisor | Samwel, B. (Bart) | Pebble Scope and the Power of Pebble Tree Transducers | |
Master Computer Science | 2007 | first supervisor | Vuurden, K. (Klaske) van | Searching for Unique Strings of Variable Length in DNA using Pruned an... | |
Master Computer Science | 2005 | first supervisor | Gao, Y. (Yan) | P. Systems with Non-reactive Objects | |
PhD Computer Science | 2004 | copromotor | Frisco, P. (Pierluigi) | Theory of Molecular Computing. Splicing and Membrane Systems | |
Master Computer Science | 2004 | supervisor | Laros, J.F.J. (Jeroen) | Unique Factors in the Human Genome | |
Master Computer Science | 2004 | second supervisor | Bilanovic, V. (Vedran) | Temporal Difference Driving Exam | |
Master Computer Science | 2004 | second supervisor | Haazebroek, P. (Pascal) | Web Event Based Usability Analysis | |
Master Computer Science | 2004 | first supervisor | Brijder, R. (Robert) | Characterizing Reducibility of Gene Patterns in Ciliates | |
Master Computer Science | 2003 | second supervisor | Batenburg, K.J. (Joost) | An Evolutionary Algorithm for Discrete Tomography | |
PhD Computer Science | 2002 | copromotor | Vugt, N. (Nike) van | Models of Molecular Computing | |
Master Computer Science | 1999 | first supervisor | Woestijne, C.E. (Christiaan) van de | A formal characterisation of the Delilah system | |
Master Computer Science | 1996 | second supervisor | Dassen, J.H.M. (Ray) | Molecular Computation and Splicing Systems | |
Master Computer Science | 1996 | first supervisor | Vugt, N. (Nike) van | Generalized Context-Free Grammars | |
PhD Computer Science | 1995 | copromotor | Pas, P. (Paulien) ten | Trees and Texts | |
Master Computer Science | 1994 | first supervisor | Bouknecht, G.N. (Gerrit) | Trace-monoiden en het Doorsnedeprobleem |