252 entries found.

PhD Computer Science

Student Thesis Content
Bian, J. (Jinting)Reasoning about Object-Oriented Programs: From Classes to Interfaces
Bossema, F.G. (Francien)Tailoring X-Ray Tomography Techniques for Cultural Heritage Research
Gyurik, C.F.S. (Casper)Computational Speedups and Learning Separations in Quantum Machine Learning
Helwerda, L. (Leon)Grip on Software: Understanding Development Progress of SCRUM Sprints and Backlogs
Hiep, H.A. (Hans-Dieter)New Foundations for Separation Logic
Huisman, M. (Mike)Understanding Deep Meta-Learning
Javanmardi, S. (Shima)From Pixels to Patterns: AI-Driven Image Analysis in Multiple Domains
Kocaman, V. (Veysel)Learning From Small Samples
Kurchaba, S. (Solomiia)Machine Learning-Based NO2 Estimation From Seagoing Ships Using TROPOMI/S5P Satellite Data
Li, C. (Chen)Aspects of the Analysis of Cell Imagery: from Shape to Understanding
Nguyen, D.A. (Anh)Efficient Tuning of Automated MAchine Learning Pipelines
Rüland, A.L. (Anna-Lena)Who Gets What, When and How? An Analysis of Stakeholder Interests and conflicts in and Around Big Science
Schoonhoven, R. (Richard)On the Optimization of Imaging Pipelines
Vinkenoog, M. (Marieke)Data-Driven Donation Strategies, Understanding and Predicting Blood Donor Deferral
Wang, C. (Can)Automated Machine Learning for Dynamic Energy Management using Time-Series Data
Winter, R. (Roy) deEfficient Constraint Multi-Objective Optimization with Applications in Ship Design
Yang, L. (Lincen)Information-Theoretic Partition-Based Models for Interpretable Machine Learning
Zhang, J. (Jia)Social Network and Radical Innovation

Student Thesis Content
Bruin, G.J. (Gerrit Jan) deNetwork Analysis Methods for Smart Inspection in the Transport Domain
Dokter, K.P.C. (Kasper)Scheduled Protocol Programming
Gomez Maureira, M.A. (Maro)Exploration Through Video Games
Kefalas, M. (Marios)Data-Driven Predictive Maintenance and Time-Series Applications
Kong, J. (Jiawen)Learning Class-Imbalanced Problems from the Perspective of Data Intrinsic Characteristics
Lao, M. (Mingrui)Exploring Deep Learning for Multimodal Understanding
Lion, B. (Benjamin)An Algebra for Interaction of Cyber Physical Components
Liu, D. (Danyi)Interaction with Sound Participatory Systems and Data Sonification
Meijer, D.W.J. (Dirk)Machine Learning and Computer Vision for Urban Drainage Inspection
Moussa, C. (Charles)Algorithm Selection and Configuration for Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum Methods for Industrial Applications
Pereira Barata, A.P. (Antonio)Fair and Reliable Machine Learning for Risk Assessment
Skolik, A. (Andrea)Quantum Machine Learning: On the Design, Trainability and Noise-Robustness of Near-Term Algorithms
Ullah, S. (Sibghat)Model-Assisted Robust Optimization for Continuous Black-Box Problems
Zeegers, M. (Mathe)Spectral Imaging and Tomographic Reconstruction Methods for Industrial Applications

Student Thesis Content
Chen, X. (Xueqin)Information Diffusion Analysis in Online Social Networks Based on Deep Representation Learning
Dirkson, A.R. (Anne)Knowledge Discovery from Patient Forums: Gaining Novel Insights from Patient Experiences
Jesus de Araujo Rios, T. (Thiago) deLearning-based Representations of High-dimensional CAE Models for Automotive Design Optimization
Latour, A.L.D. (Anna)Optimal Decision Making under Constraints and Uncertainity
Lin, J. (Jiadong)Algorithms for Structural Variant Detection
Minakova, S. (Svetlana)System-level Design For Efficient Execution of CNNs at the Edge
Pu, N. (Nan)Exploring Open-World Visual Understanding with Deep Learning
Stikkolorum, D.R. (Dave)Studies into Interactive Didactic Design Approaches for Learning Software Design using UML
Thill, M. (Markus)Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches for Multivariate Time Series Predication and Anomaly Detection
Wang, X. (Xue)Multi Modal Representation Learning and Cross-Modal Semantic Matching
Wang, Y. (Yali)Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimal Scheduling
Yarkoni, S. (Sheir)Applications of Quantum Annealing in Combinatorial Optimization
Ye, F. (Furong)Benchmarking Discrete Optimization Heuristics: From Building a Sound Experimental Environment to Algorithm Configuration

Student Thesis Content
Chen, W. (Wei)Exploring Deep Learning for Intelligent Image Retrieval
Georgiou, T. (Theodoros)Multi-Dimensional Feature and Data Mining
Holanda, P.T.T. (Pedro)Progressive Indexes
Pi, L. (Lei)External Knowledge Absorption in Chinese SMEs
Proenca, H.M. (Hugo)Robust Rules for Prediction and Description
Samaeemofrad, N. (Negin)Business Incubators: The Impact of their Support
Stork, L. (Lise)Knowledge Extraction from Archives of Natural History Collections
Wang, H. (Hui)Searching by Learning

Student Thesis Content
Bagheri, S. (Samineh)Self-Adjusting Surrogate-Assisted Optimization Techniques for Expensive Constrained Black Box Problems
Blok, B.Z. (Bob)CreatIef, Creatiever, CreaTiefst?
Changizi, B. (Behnaz)Constraint-Based Analysis of Business Process Models
De Paula Bueno, M.L. (Marcos)Unraveling Temporal Processes using Probabilistic Graphical Models
Echtenbruck, M.M. (Martina)Optimally Weighted Ensembles of Surrogate Models for Sequential Parameter Optimization
Koch, M. (Milan)Data-Driven Machine Learning and Optimization Pipelines for Real-World Applications
Mirsoleimani, S.A. (Ali)Structured Parallel Programming for Monte Carlo Tree Search
Niknam, S. (Sobhan)Generalized Strictly Periodic Scheduling Analysis, Resource Optimization, and Implementation of Adaptive Streaming Applications
Pijnenburg, M.G.F. (Mark)Data Science for Tax Administration
Raasveldt, M. (Mark)Integrating Analytics with Relational Databases
Serbanescu, V.-N. (Vlad)Software Development by Abstract Behavioural Specification
Shan, H. (Hongchang)Towards High Performance and Efficient Brain Computer Interface Character Speller: Convolutional Neural Network based Methods
Soltani, M. (Mozhan)Exploring Means to Facilitate Software Debugging
Tang, X. (Xiaoqin)Optimization and Application of 3D Reconstruction for Optical Projection Tomography
Toubman, A. (Armon)Calculated Moves: Generating Air Combat Behaviour
Wang, P. (Peng)On the Power Efficiency, Low latency, and Quality of Service in Network-on-Chip

Student Thesis Content
Azadbakht, K. (Keyvan)Asynchronous Programming in the Abstract Behavioural Specification Language
Blom, K. (Koen) van derMulti-objective Mixed-integer Evolutionary Algorithms for Building Spatial Design
Fuchs, C.M. (Christian)Fault-Tolerant Satellite Computing with Modern Semiconductors
Kuindersma, E.C. (Esther)Cleared for Take-off: Game-based Learning to Prepare Airline Pilots for Critical Situations

Student Thesis Content
Bezirgiannis, N. (Nikolaos)Abstract Behavioral Specification: Unifying Modeling and Programming
Fernández Sáez, A.M. (Ana)Studying the Benefits of using UML on Software Maintenance: an Evidence-Based Approach
Gouveia da Costa Cachucho, R. E. (Ricardo) deMethods and Tools for Mining Multivariate Time Series
Liu, Y. (Yu)Exploring Images with Deep Learning for Classification, Retrieval and Synthesis
Maulana, A. (Asep)Many Objective Optimization and Complex Network Analysis
Schraffenberger, H.K. (Hanna)Arguably Augmented Reality, Relationships Between the Virtual and the Real
Stein, B. (Bas) vanData Driven Modeling & Optimization of Industrial Processes
Wang, H. (Hao)Stochastic and Deterministic Algorithms for Continuous Black-Box Optimization

Student Thesis Content
Cai, F. (Fuyu)Fuzzy Systems and Unsupervised Computing: Exploration of Applications in Biology
Guo, Y. (Yanming)Deep Learning for Visual Understanding
Guo, Y. (Yuanhao)Shape Analysis for Phenotype Characterization from High-Throughput Imaging
Liu, D. (Di)Latency, Energy, and Schedulability of Real-Time Embedded Systems
Radosavljevik, D. (Dejan)Applying Data Mining in Telecommunications
Ruijl, B.J.G. (Ben)Advances in Computational Methods for Quantum Field Theory Calculations
Spasic, Jelena Improved Hard Real-Time Scheduling and Transformations for Embedded Streaming Applications
Yang, K. (Kaifeng)Multi-Objective Bayesian Global Optimization for Continuous Problems and Applications

Student Thesis Content
Cannella, E. (Emanuele)Semi-partitioned Scheduling and Task Migration in Dataflow Networks
Jongmans, S.-S.T.Q (Sung-Shik)Automata-Theoretic Protocol Programming
Karasneh, B.H.A. (Bilal)An Online Corpus of UML Design Models: Construction and Empirical Studies
Nobakht, B. (Behrooz)Actors at Work
Pinho Rebelo de Sá, C.F. (Claudio)Pattern Mining for Label Ranking
Rijn, J.N. (Jan) van Massively Collaborative Machine Learning
Tleis, M. (Mohamed)Image Analysis for Gene Expression Based Phenotype Characterization in Yeast Cells
Vis, J.K. (Jonathan)Algorithms for the Description of Molecular Sequences
Weber, C.R.M. (Christina)Real-time foresight: preparedness for dynamic innovation networks
Wu, S. (Song)Large Scale Visual Search
Yang, Z. (Zhiwei)Meta-Heuristics for Vehicle Routing and Inventory Routing Problems

Student Thesis Content
Gard, J. (Jérôme)Corporate Venture Management in SMEs: Evidence from the German IT Consulting Industry
Jong, A.P.A. (Staas) deComputed Fingertip Touch for the Instrumental Control of Musical Sound
Larios Vargas, E. (Enrique)Design and Development of a Comprehensive Data Management Platform for Cytomics
Osman, M.H.B. (Mohd)Interactive Scalable Condensation of Reverse Engineered UML Class Diagrams for Software Comprehension
Rot, J.C. (Jurriaan)Enhanced Coinduction
Stettina, C.J. (Christoph)Governance of Innovation Project Management: Necessary and Neglected
Vespier, U. (Ugo)Mining Sensor Data from Complex Systems
Viana de Carvalho, R. (Rafael)Computational Modelling of Mycobacterium Infection and Innate Immune Response in Zebrafish
Vliet, R. (Rudy) vanDNA Expressions: A Formal Notation for DNA
Zhai, J.T. (Teddy)Adaptive Streaming Applications: Analysis and Implementation Models
Zhao, Y. (Yuanyuan)Modelling the Dynamics of the Innovation Process

Student Thesis Content
Bamakhrama, Mohamed A.M.On Hard Real-Time Scheduling of Cyclo-Static Dataflow and its Application in System-Level Design
Cao, L. (Lu)Biological Model Representation and Analysis
Etemadi Idgahi, R. (Ramin)Quality-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization of Software Architecture Design: Method, Tool, and Application
Gaida, D. (Daniel)Dynamic Real-Time Substrate Feed Optimization of Anaerobic Co-Digestion Plants
Helvensteijn, M. (Michiel)Abstract Delta Modeling: Software Product Lines and Beyond
Holzmann, T.O. (Thomas)Matchmaking for Open Innovation: Perspectives on Multi-sided Markets
Kieft, N. (Nataša)Evaluation of Different Design Space Description Methods for Analysing Combustion Engine Operation Limits
Miao, S. (Shengfa)Structural Health Monitoring Meets Data Mining
Rietveld, K.F.D. (Kristian)A Versatile Tuple-Based Optimization Framework
Schraagen, M.P. (Marijn)Aspects of Record Linkage
Takes, F.W. (Frank)Algorithms for Analyzing and Mining Real-world Graphs

Student Thesis Content
Balevic,A. (Ana)Exploiting Multi-level Parallelism in Streaming Applications for Heterogeneous Platforms with GPUs
Duivesteijn, W. (Wouter)Exceptional Model Mining
Gouw, C.P.T. (Stijn) deCombining Monitoring with Run-time Assertion Checking
Haastregt, S.J.J. (Sven) vanEstimation and Optimization of the Performance of Polyhedral Process Networks
Holm, C.W.M. (Mattias)Optimizing Pointer Linked Data Structures
Koch, P. (Patrick)Efficient Tuning in Supervised Machine Learning
Nezhinsky, A.E. (Alexander)Pattern Recognition in High-throughput Zebrafish Imaging
Reehuis, E.J.J. (Edgar)Guiding Evolutionary Search towards Innovative Solutions
Yan, K. (Kuan)Image Analysis and Platform Development for Automated Phenotyping in Cytomics
Zhou, Z. (Zhao)Technology Entrepreneurship A Process Framework

Student Thesis Content
Bertens, L.M.F. (Laura)Computerised Modelling for Developmental Biology: An Exploration with Case Studies
Grabe, I. (Immo)Static Analysis of Unbounded Structures in Object-Oriented Programs
Heijstek, WernerArchitecture Design in Global and Model-centric Software Development
Heinle, I.M. (Ingo)Application of Evolutionary Strategies to Industrial Forming Simulations for the Identification and Validation of Constitutive Laws
Kallergi, A. (Amalia)Connecting the Dots: Playful Interactions with Scientific Image Data in Repositories
Kruisselbrink, J.W. (Johannes)Evolution Strategies for Robust Optimization
Minh, T.N. (Tran)Workload Modeling and Performance Evaluation in Parallel Systems
Mulinski, K. (Xav)Designing Structural Supply Chain Flexibility
Nadezhkin, D. (Dmitry)Parallelizing Dynamic Sequential Programs using Polyhedral Process Networks
Rahmani, H. (Hossein)Analysis of Protein-Protein Interaction Networks by Means of Annotated Graph Mining Algorithms
Van Thieu, V. (Vu)Opportunities for Performance Optimization of Applications through Code Generation
Witsenburg, M.D.J. (Tijn)Hybrid Similarities: A Method to Insert Relational Information into Existing Data Mining Tools

Student Thesis Content
Aştefănoaei, L. (Lăcrămioara)An Executable Theory of Multi-Agent Systems Refinement
Dmitrieva, J.B. (Julia)Aspects of Ontology Visualization and Integration
Izadi, M. (Mohammad)Model Checking of Component Connectors
Kemper, S. (Stephanie)Modelling and Analysis of Real-time Coordination Patterns
Krause, C. (Christian)Reconfigurable Component Connectors
Mensink, W.H. (Wouter)Subject of Innovation or: How to Redevelop 'the Patient' with Technology
Moon, Y.-J. (Young-Joo)Stochastic Models for Quality of Service of Component Connectors
Oerlemans, A.A.J. (Ard)Content-based Retrieval of Visual Information
Proença, J.M.P. (José)Synchronous Coordination of Distributed Components
Stupka, E. (Elia)Fish Genomes: A Powerful Tool to Uncover New Functional Elements in Vertebrates
Wang, J. (Jun)Spiking Neural P Systems
Zhang, Y. (Yanju)Heterogeneous Data Analysis for Annotation of MicroRNAs and Novel Genome Assembly

Student Thesis Content
Breukelaar, R. (Ron)Interaction and Evolutionary Algorithms
Bruin, J.S. (Jeroen) deService-oriented Discovery of Knowledge: Foundations, Implementations and Applications
Grüner, A. (Andreas)Testing Object Interactions
Jaghoori, M.M. (Mohammad)Time at Your Service: Schedulability Analysis of Real-time and Distributed Services
Kaplan, M.J.G.P. (Maxime)Commercieel Onderhandelen: Een Transdisciplinaire Aanpak
Lameijer, E.M.W. (Eric-Wubbo)Interactive Evolutionary Algorithms and Data Mining for Drug Design
Meijer, S. (Sjoerd)Transformations for Polyhedral Process Networks
Nugroho, A. (Ariadi)The Effects of UML Modeling on the Quality of Software
Putten, P.W.H. (Peter) van derOn Data Mining in Context: Cases, Fusion and Evaluation
Spek, H.L.A. (Harmen) van derTransparent Restructuring of Pointer-Linked Data
Thomée, B. (Bart)A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Content-based Image Retrieval Techniques

Student Thesis Content
Belmamoune, M. (Mounia)Spatio-Temporal Framework for Integrative Analysis of Zebrafish Developmental Studies
Cocx, T.K. (Tim)Algorithmic Tools for Data-Oriented Law Enforcement
Colas, F. (Fabrice)Data Mining Scenarios for the Discovery of Subtypes and the Comparison of Algorithms
Laros, J.F.J. (Jeroen)Metrics and Visualisation for Crime Analysis and Genomics
Li, R. (Rui)Mixed-Integer Evolution Strategies for Parameter Optimization and Their Applications to Medical Image Analysis
Nikolov, H.N. (Hristo)System-Level Design Methodology for Streaming Multi-Processor Embedded Systems
Rohling, J.H.T. (Jos)Network Properties of the Mammalian Circadian Clock
Röttmer, N. (Nicole)Innovation Performance and Clusters: A Dynamic Capability Perspective on Regional Technology Clusters
Stam, A.W. (Andries)Interaction Protocols in PARADIGM: Extensions to a Modeling Language through Tool Development

Student Thesis Content
Brijder, R. (Robert)Models of Natural Computation: Gene Assembly and Membrane Systems
Cristea, M.L. (Mihai-Lucian)Parallel and Distributed Processing in High Speed Traffic Monitoring
Graaf, E.H. (Edgar) deMining Semi-Structured Data
Jacob, J.F. (Joost)Domain Specific Modeling and Analysis
Kazius, J. (Jeroen)Computers and Drug Discovery: Construction and Data Mining of Chemical and Biological Databases
Khedr, A.E. (Ayman)Adoption of New Technologies in a Highly Uncertain Environment
Lemaitre, J. (Jérôme)Model-based Specification and Design of Large-Scale Embedded Signal Processing Systems
Li, H. (Hui)Workload Characterization, Modeling, and Prediction in Grid Computing
Ma, X. (Xiaofeng)Patterns of Enterprise System Implementation: The Case of Chinese Aerospace Corporate Transformation
Shir, O.M. (Ofer)Niching in Derandomized Evolution Strategies and its Applications in Quantum Control
Zissulescu-Ianculescu, C. (Claudiu)Synthesis of a Parallel Data Stream Processor from Data Flow Process Networks
Živković, V.D. (Vladimir)Execution Platform Modeling for System-Level Architecture Performance Analysis

Student Thesis Content
Broekens, D.J. (Joost)Affect and Learning: A Computational Analysis
Guillen Scholten, J.V. (Juan)Mobile Channels for Exogeneous Coordination of Distributed Systems
Turjan, A. (Alexandru)Compiling Nested Loop Programs to Process Networks
Welten, M.C.M. (Monica)Spatio-temporal Gene Expression Analysis from 3D in Situ Hybridisation Images

Student Thesis Content
Berk, V.H. (Vincent)Process Query Systems: Advanced Technologies for Process Detection and Tracking
Haneda, M. (Masayo)Statistical Compiler Tuning
Kyas, M. (Marcel)Verifying OCL Specifications of UML Models
Mark, P.J. (Paul) van derCode Generation for Large Scale Applications
Nijssen,S.G.R. (Siegfried)Mining Structured Data

Student Thesis Content
Ábrahám, E. (Erika)An Assertional Proof System for Multithreaded Java: Theory and Tool Support
Eggermont, J. (Jeroen)Data Mining using Genetic Programming: Classification and Symbolic Regression
Gelsema, T.E. (Tjalling)Effective Models for the Structure of pi-Calculus Processes with Replication
Henkel, C.V. (Christiaan).Experimental DNA computing

Student Thesis Content
Frisco, P. (Pierluigi)Theory of Molecular Computing. Splicing and Membrane Systems
Maneth, S. (Sebastian)Models of Tree Translation
Stefanov, T.P. (Todor).Converting Weakly Dynamic Programs to Equivalent Process Network Specifications

Student Thesis Content
Alliot, S. (Sylvain)Architecture Exploration for Large Scale Array Signal Processing Systems
Beek, M.H. (Maurice) terTeam Automata: A Formal Approach to the Modeling of Collaboration Between System Components
Bohte, S.M. (Sander)Spiking Neural Networks
Cheresiz, D. (Dmitry)Complex Streamed Media Processor Architecture

Student Thesis Content
Hemert, J.I. (Jano) vanApplication of Evolutionary Computation to Constraint Satisfaction and Data Mining
Kisuki, T. (Toru)Iterative Compilation in Program Organization
Rijpkema, E. (Edwin)Modelling Task Level Parallelism in Piece-wise Regular Programs
Stee, R. (Rob) vanOn-line Scheduling and Bin Packing
Tauritz, D.R. (Daniel)Adaptive Information Filtering: Concepts and Algorithms
Vugt, N. (Nike) vanModels of Molecular Computing
Wezel, M.C. (Michiel) vanNeural Networks for Intelligent Data Analysis: Theoretical and Experimental Aspects

Student Thesis Content
Breg, F. (Fabian)Java for High Performance Computing
Hage, J. (Jurriaan)Structural Aspects for Switching Classes
Hoen, P.J. (Pieter Jan) 'tTowards Distributed Development of Large Object-Oriented Models
Jelasity, M. (Mark)The Shape of Evolutionary Search: Discovering and Representing Search Space Structure
Lamers, M. (Maarten)Neural Networks for Analysis of Data in the Environmental Epidemiology
Sebe, N.W. (Nicu)Improving Visual Matching. Similarity Noise Distribution and Optimal Metrics

Student Thesis Content
Soest, E.T.M. (Erwin) van Determination of Vessel Location, Diameter and Flux from Magnetic Resonance Flow Data for Angiography

Student Thesis Content
Kamsteeg, G. (Gertjan)Formalization of Process Algebra with Data in the Calculus of Constructions with Inductive Types
Kemenade, C.H.M. (Cees) van Recombinative Evolutionary Search

Student Thesis Content
Chaudron, M.R.V. (Michel)Separating Computation and Coordination in the Design of Parallel and Distributed Programs
Duin, A.C.N. (Arno) van Parallel Sparse Matrix Computations
Engelen, R.A. (Robert) van Ctadel: A Generator of Efficient Numerical Codes

Student Thesis Content
Juurlink, B.H.H. (Ben)Computational Models for Parallel Computers

Student Thesis Content
Andries, M.A.A. (Marc)Graph Rewrite Systems and Visual Database Languages
Bik, A.J.C. (Aart)Compiler Support for Sparse Matrix Computations
Keesmaat, N.W. (Iko)Vector Controlled Concurrent Systems

Student Thesis Content
Pas, P. (Paulien) tenTrees and Texts

Student Thesis Content
Hoogers, P.W. (Peter)Behavioural Aspects of Petri Nets
Ramackers, G.J. (Guus)Integrated Object Modelling

Student Thesis Content
Morssink, P.J.A. (Pieter Jan)Behaviour Modelling in Information Systems Design: Application of the Paradigm Formalism

Student Thesis Content
Corthout, M.E.A. (Marc) [joint with Pol]Point Containment and the PHAROS Chip
Jong, E. (Edwin) deTransaction-based Programming
Pol, E.J.D. (Evert-Jan) [joint with Corthout]Point Containment and the PHAROS Chip

Student Thesis Content
Jense, H. (Hans )Interactive Inspection of Volume Data

Student Thesis Content
Herman, I. (Ivan)The Use of Projective Geometry in Computer Graphics
Leih, G. (George)Graph Grammers and Petri Nets with References
Oosterom, P. (Peter) van Reactive Data Structures for Geographic Information Systems
Schouten, H.J. Graphical Interaction in a User Interface Management System
Zuidweg, J. (Han)Concurrent System Verification with Process Algebra

Student Thesis Content
Nat, M. (Theo) van derQuicker than Quicksort: An Appraisal of Linear Time Sorting Methods
Steen, M. (Maarten) van Modelling Dynamic Systems by Parallel Decision Processes
Teunissen, W.J.M. (Wim) A Hierarchical Modelling System for Raster Graphics

Student Thesis Content
Aalbersberg, IJ.J. (IJsbrand Jan)Studies in Trace Theory
Hoogeboom, H.J. (Hendrik Jan)Coordinated Pair Systems

Student Thesis Content
Kleijn, H.C.M. (Jetty)Selective Substitution Grammars based on Context-Free Productions

Student Thesis Content
Osinga, M. (Michiel)Documentation of Chemical Reactions
Weide, Th.P. (Theo) van derDatastructures: An Axiomatic Approach and the Use of Binomial Trees in Developing and Analyzing Algorithms