These webpages contain theses and reports by students affiliated with the various bachelor and master programmes offered at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
the computer science and artificial intelligence department of Leiden University.
Note: this thesis repository might be incomplete for certain programmes.
263 entries found.
Student | Thesis | Content |
Dijk, B.M.A. (Bram) van | Theory of Mind in Language, Minds, and Machines: a Multidisciplinary Approach | |
Haastrecht, M.A.N. (Max) van | Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Validity; Bridging the Gap Between Design and Implementation for Technology-Enhanced Learning Systems | |
Vermetten, (Diederick) | From Benchmarking Optimization Heuristics to Dynamic Algorithm Configuration | |
Vinkhuijzen, (Lieuwe) | Data Structures From Quantum Circuit Verification And How To Compare Them | |
Yang, (Zhao) | Enhancing Autonomy And Efficiency In Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Chen, W. (Wei) | Exploring Deep Learning for Intelligent Image Retrieval | |
Chen, W. (Wei) | Exploring Deep Learning for Intelligent Image Retrieval | |
Georgiou, T. (Theodoros) | Multi-Dimensional Feature and Data Mining | |
Hagg, A. (Alexander) | Discovering the Preference Hypervolum: an Interactive Model for Real World Computational Co-Creativity | |
Holanda, P.T.T. (Pedro) | Progressive Indexes | |
Pi, L. (Lei) | External Knowledge Absorption in Chinese SMEs | |
Proenca, H.M. (Hugo) | Robust Rules for Prediction and Description | |
Samaeemofrad, N. (Negin) | Business Incubators: The Impact of their Support | |
Selig, C.J. (Christoph) | Understanding the Heterogeneity of Corporate Entrepreneurship Programs | |
Stork, L. (Lise) | Knowledge Extraction from Archives of Natural History Collections | |
Wang, H. (Hui) | Searching by Learning |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Azadbakht, K. (Keyvan) | Asynchronous Programming in the Abstract Behavioural Specification Language | |
Blom, K. (Koen) van der | Multi-objective Mixed-integer Evolutionary Algorithms for Building Spatial Design | |
Fuchs, C.M. (Christian) | Fault-Tolerant Satellite Computing with Modern Semiconductors | |
Kuindersma, E.C. (Esther) | Cleared for Take-off: Game-based Learning to Prepare Airline Pilots for Critical Situations |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Bezirgiannis, N. (Nikolaos) | Abstract Behavioral Specification: Unifying Modeling and Programming | |
Fernández Sáez, A.M. (Ana) | Studying the Benefits of using UML on Software Maintenance: an Evidence-Based Approach | |
Gouveia da Costa Cachucho, R. E. (Ricardo) de | Methods and Tools for Mining Multivariate Time Series | |
Liu, Y. (Yu) | Exploring Images with Deep Learning for Classification, Retrieval and Synthesis | |
Maulana, A. (Asep) | Many Objective Optimization and Complex Network Analysis | |
Schraffenberger, H.K. (Hanna) | Arguably Augmented Reality, Relationships Between the Virtual and the Real | |
Stein, B. (Bas) van | Data Driven Modeling & Optimization of Industrial Processes | |
Wang, H. (Hao) | Stochastic and Deterministic Algorithms for Continuous Black-Box Optimization |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Cai, F. (Fuyu) | Fuzzy Systems and Unsupervised Computing: Exploration of Applications in Biology | |
Guo, Y. (Yanming) | Deep Learning for Visual Understanding | |
Guo, Y. (Yuanhao) | Shape Analysis for Phenotype Characterization from High-Throughput Imaging | |
Liu, D. (Di) | Latency, Energy, and Schedulability of Real-Time Embedded Systems | |
Radosavljevik, D. (Dejan) | Applying Data Mining in Telecommunications | |
Ruijl, B.J.G. (Ben) | Advances in Computational Methods for Quantum Field Theory Calculations | |
Spasic, Jelena | Improved Hard Real-Time Scheduling and Transformations for Embedded Streaming Applications | |
Yang, K. (Kaifeng) | Multi-Objective Bayesian Global Optimization for Continuous Problems and Applications |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Cannella, E. (Emanuele) | Semi-partitioned Scheduling and Task Migration in Dataflow Networks | |
Jongmans, S.-S.T.Q (Sung-Shik) | Automata-Theoretic Protocol Programming | |
Karasneh, B.H.A. (Bilal) | An Online Corpus of UML Design Models: Construction and Empirical Studies | |
Nobakht, B. (Behrooz) | Actors at Work | |
Pinho Rebelo de Sá, C.F. (Claudio) | Pattern Mining for Label Ranking | |
Rijn, J.N. (Jan) van | Massively Collaborative Machine Learning | |
Tleis, M. (Mohamed) | Image Analysis for Gene Expression Based Phenotype Characterization in Yeast Cells | |
Vis, J.K. (Jonathan) | Algorithms for the Description of Molecular Sequences | |
Weber, C.R.M. (Christina) | Real-time foresight: preparedness for dynamic innovation networks | |
Wu, S. (Song) | Large Scale Visual Search | |
Yang, Z. (Zhiwei) | Meta-Heuristics for Vehicle Routing and Inventory Routing Problems |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Gard, J. (Jérôme) | Corporate Venture Management in SMEs: Evidence from the German IT Consulting Industry | |
Jong, A.P.A. (Staas) de | Computed Fingertip Touch for the Instrumental Control of Musical Sound | |
Larios Vargas, E. (Enrique) | Design and Development of a Comprehensive Data Management Platform for Cytomics | |
Osman, M.H.B. (Mohd) | Interactive Scalable Condensation of Reverse Engineered UML Class Diagrams for Software Comprehension | |
Rot, J.C. (Jurriaan) | Enhanced Coinduction | |
Stettina, C.J. (Christoph) | Governance of Innovation Project Management: Necessary and Neglected | |
Vespier, U. (Ugo) | Mining Sensor Data from Complex Systems | |
Viana de Carvalho, R. (Rafael) | Computational Modelling of Mycobacterium Infection and Innate Immune Response in Zebrafish | |
Vliet, R. (Rudy) van | DNA Expressions: A Formal Notation for DNA | |
Zhai, J.T. (Teddy) | Adaptive Streaming Applications: Analysis and Implementation Models | |
Zhao, Y. (Yuanyuan) | Modelling the Dynamics of the Innovation Process |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Bamakhrama, Mohamed A.M. | On Hard Real-Time Scheduling of Cyclo-Static Dataflow and its Application in System-Level Design | |
Cao, L. (Lu) | Biological Model Representation and Analysis | |
Etemadi Idgahi, R. (Ramin) | Quality-Driven Multi-Objective Optimization of Software Architecture Design: Method, Tool, and Application | |
Gaida, D. (Daniel) | Dynamic Real-Time Substrate Feed Optimization of Anaerobic Co-Digestion Plants | |
Helvensteijn, M. (Michiel) | Abstract Delta Modeling: Software Product Lines and Beyond | |
Holzmann, T.O. (Thomas) | Matchmaking for Open Innovation: Perspectives on Multi-sided Markets | |
Kieft, N. (Nataša) | Evaluation of Different Design Space Description Methods for Analysing Combustion Engine Operation Limits | |
Miao, S. (Shengfa) | Structural Health Monitoring Meets Data Mining | |
Rietveld, K.F.D. (Kristian) | A Versatile Tuple-Based Optimization Framework | |
Schraagen, M.P. (Marijn) | Aspects of Record Linkage | |
Takes, F.W. (Frank) | Algorithms for Analyzing and Mining Real-world Graphs |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Balevic,A. (Ana) | Exploiting Multi-level Parallelism in Streaming Applications for Heterogeneous Platforms with GPUs | |
Duivesteijn, W. (Wouter) | Exceptional Model Mining | |
Gouw, C.P.T. (Stijn) de | Combining Monitoring with Run-time Assertion Checking | |
Haastregt, S.J.J. (Sven) van | Estimation and Optimization of the Performance of Polyhedral Process Networks | |
Holm, C.W.M. (Mattias) | Optimizing Pointer Linked Data Structures | |
Koch, P. (Patrick) | Efficient Tuning in Supervised Machine Learning | |
Nezhinsky, A.E. (Alexander) | Pattern Recognition in High-throughput Zebrafish Imaging | |
Reehuis, E.J.J. (Edgar) | Guiding Evolutionary Search towards Innovative Solutions | |
Yan, K. (Kuan) | Image Analysis and Platform Development for Automated Phenotyping in Cytomics | |
Zhou, Z. (Zhao) | Technology Entrepreneurship A Process Framework |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Aştefănoaei, L. (Lăcrămioara) | An Executable Theory of Multi-Agent Systems Refinement | |
Dmitrieva, J.B. (Julia) | Aspects of Ontology Visualization and Integration | |
Izadi, M. (Mohammad) | Model Checking of Component Connectors | |
Kemper, S. (Stephanie) | Modelling and Analysis of Real-time Coordination Patterns | |
Krause, C. (Christian) | Reconfigurable Component Connectors | |
Mensink, W.H. (Wouter) | Subject of Innovation or: How to Redevelop 'the Patient' with Technology | |
Moon, Y.-J. (Young-Joo) | Stochastic Models for Quality of Service of Component Connectors | |
Oerlemans, A.A.J. (Ard) | Content-based Retrieval of Visual Information | |
Proença, J.M.P. (José) | Synchronous Coordination of Distributed Components | |
Stupka, E. (Elia) | Fish Genomes: A Powerful Tool to Uncover New Functional Elements in Vertebrates | |
Wang, J. (Jun) | Spiking Neural P Systems | |
Zhang, Y. (Yanju) | Heterogeneous Data Analysis for Annotation of MicroRNAs and Novel Genome Assembly |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Breukelaar, R. (Ron) | Interaction and Evolutionary Algorithms | |
Bruin, J.S. (Jeroen) de | Service-oriented Discovery of Knowledge: Foundations, Implementations and Applications | |
Grüner, A. (Andreas) | Testing Object Interactions | |
Jaghoori, M.M. (Mohammad) | Time at Your Service: Schedulability Analysis of Real-time and Distributed Services | |
Kaplan, M.J.G.P. (Maxime) | Commercieel Onderhandelen: Een Transdisciplinaire Aanpak | |
Lameijer, E.M.W. (Eric-Wubbo) | Interactive Evolutionary Algorithms and Data Mining for Drug Design | |
Meijer, S. (Sjoerd) | Transformations for Polyhedral Process Networks | |
Nugroho, A. (Ariadi) | The Effects of UML Modeling on the Quality of Software | |
Putten, P.W.H. (Peter) van der | On Data Mining in Context: Cases, Fusion and Evaluation | |
Spek, H.L.A. (Harmen) van der | Transparent Restructuring of Pointer-Linked Data | |
Thomée, B. (Bart) | A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words: Content-based Image Retrieval Techniques |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Belmamoune, M. (Mounia) | Spatio-Temporal Framework for Integrative Analysis of Zebrafish Developmental Studies | |
Cocx, T.K. (Tim) | Algorithmic Tools for Data-Oriented Law Enforcement | |
Colas, F. (Fabrice) | Data Mining Scenarios for the Discovery of Subtypes and the Comparison of Algorithms | |
Laros, J.F.J. (Jeroen) | Metrics and Visualisation for Crime Analysis and Genomics | |
Li, R. (Rui) | Mixed-Integer Evolution Strategies for Parameter Optimization and Their Applications to Medical Image Analysis | |
Nikolov, H.N. (Hristo) | System-Level Design Methodology for Streaming Multi-Processor Embedded Systems | |
Rohling, J.H.T. (Jos) | Network Properties of the Mammalian Circadian Clock | |
Röttmer, N. (Nicole) | Innovation Performance and Clusters: A Dynamic Capability Perspective on Regional Technology Clusters | |
Stam, A.W. (Andries) | Interaction Protocols in PARADIGM: Extensions to a Modeling Language through Tool Development |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Broekens, D.J. (Joost) | Affect and Learning: A Computational Analysis | |
Guillen Scholten, J.V. (Juan) | Mobile Channels for Exogeneous Coordination of Distributed Systems | |
Turjan, A. (Alexandru) | Compiling Nested Loop Programs to Process Networks | |
Welten, M.C.M. (Monica) | Spatio-temporal Gene Expression Analysis from 3D in Situ Hybridisation Images |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Berk, V.H. (Vincent) | Process Query Systems: Advanced Technologies for Process Detection and Tracking | |
Haneda, M. (Masayo) | Statistical Compiler Tuning | |
Kyas, M. (Marcel) | Verifying OCL Specifications of UML Models | |
Mark, P.J. (Paul) van der | Code Generation for Large Scale Applications | |
Nijssen,S.G.R. (Siegfried) | Mining Structured Data |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Ábrahám, E. (Erika) | An Assertional Proof System for Multithreaded Java: Theory and Tool Support | |
Eggermont, J. (Jeroen) | Data Mining using Genetic Programming: Classification and Symbolic Regression | |
Gelsema, T.E. (Tjalling) | Effective Models for the Structure of pi-Calculus Processes with Replication | |
Henkel, C.V. (Christiaan). | Experimental DNA computing |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Frisco, P. (Pierluigi) | Theory of Molecular Computing. Splicing and Membrane Systems | |
Maneth, S. (Sebastian) | Models of Tree Translation | |
Stefanov, T.P. (Todor). | Converting Weakly Dynamic Programs to Equivalent Process Network Specifications |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Alliot, S. (Sylvain) | Architecture Exploration for Large Scale Array Signal Processing Systems | |
Beek, M.H. (Maurice) ter | Team Automata: A Formal Approach to the Modeling of Collaboration Between System Components | |
Bohte, S.M. (Sander) | Spiking Neural Networks | |
Cheresiz, D. (Dmitry) | Complex Streamed Media Processor Architecture |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Hemert, J.I. (Jano) van | Application of Evolutionary Computation to Constraint Satisfaction and Data Mining | |
Kisuki, T. (Toru) | Iterative Compilation in Program Organization | |
Rijpkema, E. (Edwin) | Modelling Task Level Parallelism in Piece-wise Regular Programs | |
Stee, R. (Rob) van | On-line Scheduling and Bin Packing | |
Tauritz, D.R. (Daniel) | Adaptive Information Filtering: Concepts and Algorithms | |
Vugt, N. (Nike) van | Models of Molecular Computing | |
Wezel, M.C. (Michiel) van | Neural Networks for Intelligent Data Analysis: Theoretical and Experimental Aspects |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Breg, F. (Fabian) | Java for High Performance Computing | |
Hage, J. (Jurriaan) | Structural Aspects for Switching Classes | |
Hoen, P.J. (Pieter Jan) 't | Towards Distributed Development of Large Object-Oriented Models | |
Jelasity, M. (Mark) | The Shape of Evolutionary Search: Discovering and Representing Search Space Structure | |
Lamers, M. (Maarten) | Neural Networks for Analysis of Data in the Environmental Epidemiology | |
Sebe, N.W. (Nicu) | Improving Visual Matching. Similarity Noise Distribution and Optimal Metrics |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Soest, E.T.M. (Erwin) van | Determination of Vessel Location, Diameter and Flux from Magnetic Resonance Flow Data for Angiography |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Kamsteeg, G. (Gertjan) | Formalization of Process Algebra with Data in the Calculus of Constructions with Inductive Types | |
Kemenade, C.H.M. (Cees) van | Recombinative Evolutionary Search |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Chaudron, M.R.V. (Michel) | Separating Computation and Coordination in the Design of Parallel and Distributed Programs | |
Duin, A.C.N. (Arno) van | Parallel Sparse Matrix Computations | |
Engelen, R.A. (Robert) van | Ctadel: A Generator of Efficient Numerical Codes |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Juurlink, B.H.H. (Ben) | Computational Models for Parallel Computers |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Andries, M.A.A. (Marc) | Graph Rewrite Systems and Visual Database Languages | |
Bik, A.J.C. (Aart) | Compiler Support for Sparse Matrix Computations | |
Keesmaat, N.W. (Iko) | Vector Controlled Concurrent Systems |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Pas, P. (Paulien) ten | Trees and Texts |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Hoogers, P.W. (Peter) | Behavioural Aspects of Petri Nets | |
Ramackers, G.J. (Guus) | Integrated Object Modelling |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Morssink, P.J.A. (Pieter Jan) | Behaviour Modelling in Information Systems Design: Application of the Paradigm Formalism |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Corthout, M.E.A. (Marc) [joint with Pol] | Point Containment and the PHAROS Chip | |
Jong, E. (Edwin) de | Transaction-based Programming | |
Pol, E.J.D. (Evert-Jan) [joint with Corthout] | Point Containment and the PHAROS Chip |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Jense, H. (Hans ) | Interactive Inspection of Volume Data |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Herman, I. (Ivan) | The Use of Projective Geometry in Computer Graphics | |
Leih, G. (George) | Graph Grammers and Petri Nets with References | |
Oosterom, P. (Peter) van | Reactive Data Structures for Geographic Information Systems | |
Schouten, H.J. | Graphical Interaction in a User Interface Management System | |
Zuidweg, J. (Han) | Concurrent System Verification with Process Algebra |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Nat, M. (Theo) van der | Quicker than Quicksort: An Appraisal of Linear Time Sorting Methods | |
Steen, M. (Maarten) van | Modelling Dynamic Systems by Parallel Decision Processes | |
Teunissen, W.J.M. (Wim) | A Hierarchical Modelling System for Raster Graphics |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Aalbersberg, IJ.J. (IJsbrand Jan) | Studies in Trace Theory | |
Hoogeboom, H.J. (Hendrik Jan) | Coordinated Pair Systems |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Kleijn, H.C.M. (Jetty) | Selective Substitution Grammars based on Context-Free Productions |
Student | Thesis | Content |
Osinga, M. (Michiel) | Documentation of Chemical Reactions | |
Weide, Th.P. (Theo) van der | Datastructures: An Axiomatic Approach and the Use of Binomial Trees in Developing and Analyzing Algorithms |