Students supervised by Rietveld, dr. K.F.D. (Kristian)

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

74 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
Bachelor Informatica2025first supervisorStokkermans, V. (Valentijn)Optimizing and Profiling the Preprocessing Speed of the Contraction Hi...
Master Computer Science2024second supervisorKroes, B. (Brandon)DAS-BR: a Tool for Heterogeneous and Distributed Blender Renders
Master Computer Science2024second supervisorShi, X. (Xudong)Safe, Fast and Elegant Communication in Rust
Master Computer Science2024first supervisorDofferhoff, R. (Rens)Exhaustive Performance Exploration of Instruction Ordering on OOO-Proc...
Master Computer Science2024first supervisorGurbuz, D.O. (Dervis Onur)Cross-provider Serverless Trigger Benchmarking
Master Computer Science2024first supervisorPutten, S. van der (Stephan)Towards a Testbed for Evaluating Microservice Architecture Performance
Master Computer Science2024first supervisorSundar, S. (Srishankar)MLDep: A Testbed for Performance Exploration of Machine Learning Infer...
Bachelor Informatica2024second supervisorHofstra, T. (Tobias)Developing an Auto-Tunable GEMM Kernel that Utilizes Tensor Cores
Bachelor Informatica2024first supervisorBaron, B.R. (Björn Roy)Exception Handling Support for the Cranelift Code Generator
Bachelor Informatica2024first supervisorJong, T. (Tim) deOptimizing RISC-V Binaries Using LLVM-based Same-Architecture Binary T...
Master Computer Science2023second supervisorHorokhovskyi, I. (Ivan) Jarvis: A cloud-based multi-purpose data quality library - CONFIDENTIA...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorDofferhoff, RensExhaustive Performance Exploration of Instruction Ordering on 000-Proc...
Bachelor Bioinformatica2023second supervisorOnderwater, J. (Jurian)High throughput acquisition of zebrafish larvae using VAST
Bachelor Informatica2023second supervisorRuigrok, L. (Lars)Benchmarking Lightweight Cryptography for TLS
Bachelor Informatica2023first supervisorKling, A. (Alano)Automatically Deriving Sorting Algorithms in tUPL
Bachelor Informatica2023first supervisorLim, X.N. (Nuan) Parallel code generation using SIMD on multi-core CPUs
Bachelor Informatica2023first supervisorMassa, R. (Rajeck)Implementation and Evaluation of a Detection Tool for Data Hiding Tech...
Master Computer Science2022second supervisorHasenoot, J.The Performance of Distributed Applications: A Traffic Shaping Perspec...
Master Computer Science2022second supervisorKleingeld, D.[GovFS, a scalable control plane using groups of metadata nodes]
Master Computer Science2022second supervisorVos, L.Automatically testing libraries symbolically
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorBlom, M.AMOOSE: A Domain Specific Language for the Astrophysical Multipurpose ...
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorHertogh, M.Hypervisor Isolation
Bachelor Informatica2022second supervisorHoltrop, S. (Sjors)Linker-Directive Based File System in Userspace: Introducing LDP FUSE
Master Computer Science2021first supervisorHuijben, MarcelParallel Code Generation on the GPU
Master Computer Science2021first supervisorVoetter, RobinParallel Lexing, Parsing and Semantic Analysis on the GPU
Bachelor Bioinformatica2021second supervisorBoonstra, N.J.L. (Niels)Is the Linux Completely Fair Scheduler Ready for Serverless Workloads?
Bachelor Informatica2021second supervisorSevingil, C. (Cem)A Comparison of Breadth-First Search Implementations for Real-World Ne...
Bachelor Informatica2020second supervisorDriessen, W.A.M. (Wampie)How Example Set Size Influences the Effectiveness of the AFL Fuzzer
Bachelor Informatica2020first supervisorDoesburg, M. (Max)Optimization of the Reconstruction of Zebrafish on the LLSC Using the ...
Bachelor Informatica2020first supervisorIJpelaar, M. (Mariska)An Initial Exploration of the Importance of Program Instruction Order ...
Master Computer Science2019first supervisorZwaan, Dennis van der A Data Structure Optimizing Compiler for tUPL
Bachelor Bioinformatica2019second supervisorBoer, W.F.H. (Wilco) deEvaluation and Improvement of Methods and Models for Segmentation of Z...
Bachelor Bioinformatica2019second supervisorDekker, L. (Loes)Optimization of High-Throughput Zebra sh Imaging on a Distributed Comp...
Bachelor Informatica2019second supervisorDofferhoff, R.M.J. (Rens)A Performance Evaluation of Platform-Independent Methods to Search for...
Bachelor Informatica2019second supervisorGöebel, M.A. (Michael)Developing and Verifying Methods to Search for Hidden Instructions on ...
Bachelor Informatica2019second supervisorHamer, V. (Vincent) denHiding in Plain Sight: How Location affects Memory Error Detectability...
Bachelor Informatica2019second supervisorJonckheere, L.S. (Luc) deEfficiently Generating the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets
Bachelor Informatica2019second supervisorMaan, G.C. (Gijsbert)Hardware Acceleration of Matrix Multiplication
Bachelor Informatica2019second supervisorZande, E.R. (Elgar) van derExamining out of Bounds Defense Systems' Performance against Independe...
Bachelor Informatica2019first supervisorVoetter, R.F. (Robin)Volumetric Ray Tracing with Vulkan
Master Computer Science2018first supervisorBrinkmann, G.G. Interactive Visualization of Large Networks on a Tiled Display System
Bachelor Bioinformatica2018second supervisorSpaink, H.A.J. (Hermes)Age Classification of Zebrafish Larvae using Machine Learning from HOG...
Bachelor Informatica2018supervisorSmeding, T.J. (Tom)Fast Large-Integer Matrix Multiplication [IW]
Bachelor Informatica2018second supervisorRijn, V. (Vincent) vanQuantifying Fuzzer Performance on Spatial and Temporal Memory Errors
Bachelor Informatica2018second supervisorVos, L. (Levi)Quantifying the Performance of Fuzzers in the Detection of Security Th...
Bachelor Informatica2018first supervisorBeinema, E. (Emiel)Energy Efficiency across Programming Languages Revisited
Bachelor Informatica2018first supervisorVoogt, M.A. (Mick)Optimization of Metagenomics Analysis using Distributed Computing on L...
Master Computer Science2017third supervisorSpierenburg, M.J. (Manuel)Virtual Machine for Secure Embedded Systems
Master Computer Science2017second supervisorHommelberg, A.G.M. (Anne)Using the Forelem Framework to Express and Optimize K-means Clustering
Master Computer Science2017second supervisorStrien, B.E. (Bart) vanDeriving Highly Efficient Implementations of Parallel PageRank
Master Computer Science2017second supervisorTreurniet, F.P. (Florian) Transposition Driven Scheduling: Back to the Future? A Study on Vector...
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorBolster, Y. (Yorick)Automatically finding the best blocking size for matrix multiplication
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorDekkers, C.H.J. (Cas)Creating Models of Interaction for a Video Wall
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorJansen, B.A. (Bernardus)The state of Bufferbloat in the Netherlands
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorJonkman, J.L. (Jacob)Interacting with BigEye: Using Gesture-Based Input Methods to control ...
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorKhalass, N. (Nouri)Metaprogramming in Modern Programming Languages
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorMeerkerk, R. (Ruben)Design, Analysis, and Optimization of an Embedded Processor
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorMeeuwsen, J. (Juliette)Design and Implementation of 3D reconstruction from axial views on the...
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorPeters, L.J. (Bert)Utilizing a Tuple-Based Optimization Framework for Graph Algorithms
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorSuanet, L. (Lars)Finding Anomalies in Sequential Data using Local Outlier Factor
Bachelor Informatica2017first supervisorVerweij, G.J.W. (Geerten)Comparison of the Effectiveness of Shared Memory Optimizations for Ste...
Bachelor Informatica2017first supervisorZandvliet, J.J.M. (Jos)Vectorized Sparse Matrix Kernels using Hybrid Data Layouts
Bachelor Informatica2016second supervisorPersoon, R. (Ricardo)Design and Implementation of Website Backup as a Service
Bachelor Informatica2016first supervisorFaas, M. (Micky)Sparse Voxel Mip-Maps: Versatile Lossy Compression of Volumetric Data
Bachelor Informatica2016first supervisorNibbeling, J. (Joost)Implementation of A Parallel Back Substitution Solver on GPUs
Bachelor Informatica2016first supervisorZwaan, D. (Dennis) van derDeveloping an Integrated Environment for OPT Image Reconstruction
Bachelor Informatica2015second supervisorEs, D. (David) vanDeploying Phenotype Analysis on LLSC
Bachelor Informatica2015second supervisorKlaver, S. (Simon)Analysing Electron Tomography with IMOD on the LLSC
Bachelor Informatica2015first supervisorVeenman, C. (Christian)A Framework for Cross-Platform Dynamically Loaded Libraries
Bachelor Informatica2014second supervisorLuik, L. (Lars) vanImplementing I/O Infrastructure Improvements for S.M.A.C.K.
Bachelor Informatica2014second supervisorVeen, N. (Neal) vanDeploying Single Particle Analysis on the LLSC
Master Computer Science2013second supervisorDal, G. (Giso)On GPU Fourier Transformations
Bachelor Informatica2013second supervisorTreurniet, F. (Florian)The Leiden Zipper: A Bridging Architecture
Bachelor Informatica2012third supervisorDrunen, M. (Matthijs) vanPorting S.M.A.C.K. to the x86 Architecture