Students supervised by Kononova, dr. A.V. (Anna)

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

19 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
Master Computer Science2024first supervisorBoel, MarcOnline Mutation Strategy Selection in Differential Evolution through D...
Master Computer Science2024first supervisorBouwman, KoenSolving multi-agent reinforcements learning problems using Differentia...
Master Computer Science2023second supervisorLi, YingjieApplication of Automated Machine Learning Pipeline for the Classificat...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorGao, YaqiongCross-Modal Food Retrieval with Vision-Language Pre-training
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorVanmosuinck, ErnestSubpopulations with adaptive population size and search space partitio...
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorWoerdings, VirgilNetwork-driven analysis of evolving populations in genetic algorithms
Master Computer Science2023first supervisorYin, H. (Haoran) Landscape Analysis of CEC’ 2022 Basic Benchmark Problems - CONFIDENT...
Bachelor Informatica2023first supervisorReijalt, P. (Petter)Effect of Initial Sampling on Short-term Behaviour of Differential Evo...
Master Computer Science2022second supervisorRooij, L. vanExplainable AI for ship design analysis with AIS and static ship data
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorHuang, Q.Multi-surrogate Assisted Efficient Global Optimization: A Positional S...
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorLi, H.Standardizing Nature-inspired Algorithms — a unified framework UNIOA...
Bachelor Informatica2022second supervisorNouweland, L. (Luuk) van denAutomating the Process of Defining the Aesthetic Quality of an Image i...
Bachelor Informatica2022second supervisorStoffels, L. (Luca)Autolayout of UML Diagrams using Metaheuristic Algorithms and Natural ...
Master Computer Science2021second supervisorPiaskowski, BartoszBenchmarking for Efficient Global Optimization Algorithms on Mixed-Int...
Master Computer Science2021second supervisorSantamaria Hernandez, PedroAutomated Regression Pipeline for Time-Series problems with Real-World...
Master Computer Science2021first supervisorBoks, RickDynamic Configuration of Operators and Parameters in Differential Evol...
Master Computer Science2021first supervisorZeng, ShutongLocating multiple local minima in the “optical lens deign problem”...
Bachelor Informatica & E...2021second supervisorPonse, K.Automated Rotational and Localised Symmetry Detection from Global Refl...
Bachelor Informatica2021first supervisorHonert, N. (Nils) van derBenchmarking default implementations of pseudorandom number generators...