These webpages contain theses and reports by students affiliated with the various bachelor and master programmes offered at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science
the computer science and artificial intelligence department of Leiden University.
Note: this thesis repository might be incomplete for certain programmes.
Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.
65 entries found.
Program | Year | Role | Student | Thesis | Content |
Master Computer Science | 2024 | first supervisor | Rooij, M. de (Michael) | Video-Based Tracking of a Speed Skater in the Corner | |
Bachelor Informatica & E... | 2024 | first supervisor | Haasdijk, C. (Cas) | Quantifying and Analyzing the Load on a Day of an Athlete | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2024 | second supervisor | Visser, M. (Max) | Using Image Captioning Model for Event and Object Recognition in Footb... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2024 | first supervisor | Roos, R. (Renz) | Ice Skater Detection Using Computer Vision | |
PhD Computer Science | 2023 | promotor | Meijer, D.W.J. (Dirk) | Machine Learning and Computer Vision for Urban Drainage Inspection | |
Master Computer Science | 2023 | second supervisor | Meulen, Frederick van der | Augmenting existing activity recognition classifiers for inactivity de... | |
Master Computer Science | 2023 | first supervisor | Aarnoutse M.F.A. | Automatic Pass Detection in Soccer Tracking Data | |
Master Computer Science | 2023 | first supervisor | Broughton, N. (Nathan) | Exploring the Relationship Between Behaviour and Health: A Comparative... | |
Master Computer Science | 2023 | first supervisor | Noordover, Kevin | Player tracking in water polo | |
Bachelor Informatica & E... | 2023 | second supervisor | Fransen, T. (Tess) | Would you unconsciously go green? A research about which factors influ... | |
Bachelor Informatica & E... | 2023 | second supervisor | Hessels. F. (Floris) | Modelling Gentrification in Dutch Neighbourhoods: Investigating the Ro... | |
Bachelor Informatica & E... | 2023 | second supervisor | Koçak, Y. (Yasin) | The Correlation between Market and Public Sentiment; the Intercommunic... | |
Bachelor Informatica & E... | 2023 | second supervisor | Putten, W. (Wessel) van | Predicting football matches with the use of weather conditions | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2023 | first supervisor | Hayat, A.A. (Aras Aslam) | An aggregrative approach to time series classification | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2022 | first supervisor | Nijhuis, Jasper | Effective Police Checks at Internal Schengen Borders using Information... | |
Master Computer Science | 2022 | first supervisor | Akshat, A. | Mining Physical Activity Behaviours in Older Adults | |
Master Computer Science | 2022 | first supervisor | Dimitrov, T. | Parkinson’s Disease Pull Test Proxy Model Development using Daily Li... | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2021 | second supervisor | Bosch, Michael | An adoption framework to improve the adoption of BI, emphasing the rol... | |
Master Computer Science | 2021 | second supervisor | Chander, Ankita | Human Activity Recognition under Free-Living Conditions using Smartpho... | |
Master Computer Science | 2021 | first supervisor | Drogtrop, Jimmy | Predicting Successful Sequences in Soccer using Boosted LSTM Networks | |
Master Computer Science | 2021 | first supervisor | Zandbelt, Rik | Tracking long track ice skaters in the bend | |
Bachelor Informatica & E... | 2021 | second supervisor | Schrijver, L. | Modeling of the rating of perceived exertion for training sessions in ... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2021 | second supervisor | Vrins, M. (Michiel) | Querying Frequent Itemsets in the Browser | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2020 | second supervisor | Robijn, Jonathan | Pass Outcome Prediction in Football | |
Bachelor Informatica & E... | 2020 | second supervisor | Cheng, T.Y. | Delivery Optimisation Through Data Mining for Micro-sized Restaurants ... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2020 | first supervisor | Rooij, L (Lucas). van | Predicting the Characteristics of Successful Cyclists in Multi-week Ra... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2020 | first supervisor | Simons, T. (Thijs) | Training Optimization in Professional Road Cycling through Time Series... | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2019 | second supervisor | Anastasiou, George | Automated Detection of Performance Regression in New Versions of PostG... | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2019 | second supervisor | Michael Ayas, Hamdi | Decision Support Systems and Business Intelligence for agile portfolio... | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2019 | second supervisor | Wildvank, Tonny | An integrated multi-faceted system approach for improving the developm... | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2019 | first supervisor | Rasenberg, Mark | Automatic classication of handguns in CT images of cabin baggage usin... | |
Master Computer Science | 2019 | second supervisor | Ramgolam, Renuka | Data Visualization Without Privacy Violation | |
Master Computer Science | 2019 | first supervisor | Okai, Jeremiah | Building Robust Prediction Models for Activity Recognition and Energy ... | |
Bachelor Informatica & E... | 2019 | first supervisor | Toussaint, G. | The Risks and Rewards of Pressure in Football. | |
Bachelor Informatica & E... | 2019 | first supervisor | Zetten, W. van | Analysis of Tactical Behavior in Soccer: Capturing and Analysing Space | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2019 | second supervisor | Tijssen, L. (Lars) | Analyzing Offensive Player- and Team Performance in Soccer Using Posit... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2019 | first supervisor | Neuteboom, V.O. (Victor) | Personalized Modeling of Training Load and Physical Capacity of an Eli... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2019 | first supervisor | Poslavsky, V.J.A. (Victor) | System for Analysing Off-the-ball Performance of Individual Football P... | |
PhD Computer Science | 2018 | copromotor | Gouveia da Costa Cachucho, R. E. (Ricardo) de | Methods and Tools for Mining Multivariate Time Series | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2018 | second supervisor | Bankras, Stijn | Essential Security Factors for SaaS Applications | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2018 | second supervisor | Buitelaar, Ruben | Building the Data-Driven Organization: a Maturity Model and Assessment | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2018 | second supervisor | Naron, Alexandra | Cybercrime as a Driver to Security Innovations in Dutch SMEs: A Compar... | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2018 | first supervisor | Taounza, Abdessamad | Exploring new Channels of Public Service Delivery via Chatbots | |
Bachelor Informatica & E... | 2018 | first supervisor | Groot, Maurits. de | Het Verbeteren van het Proces rond de Evaluatie van Zorgaanbieders | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2018 | second supervisor | Rook, J. (Jeroen) | Characteristics of Dangerous Passes in Soccer at Women’s EURO 2017 | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2018 | first supervisor | Verhoef, D. (Davey) | Determining Good Tactics for a Football Game using Raw Positional Data | |
Master Computer Science | 2017 | second supervisor | Liu, Y. (Yazhou) | RNNs of Heart Rate Modeling as a Function of Body Movement | |
Master Computer Science | 2017 | first supervisor | Parag, R.M. (Raymond) | Sequential Recognition and Scoring of Archery Shots | |
Master Computer Science | 2017 | first supervisor | Parschiakos, S. (Stylianos) | Comparing Sensor Networks for Activity Recognition | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2017 | second supervisor | Hal, R.M. (Roy) van | Finish Photo Analysis for Athletics Track Events using Computer Vision... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2017 | second supervisor | Kesteloo, M.E. (Mitchell) | Using Convolutional Autoencoders to Detect Anomalies in Sewer Images | |
PhD Computer Science | 2016 | copromotor | Pinho Rebelo de Sá, C.F. (Claudio) | Pattern Mining for Label Ranking | |
PhD Computer Science | 2016 | copromotor | Rijn, J.N. (Jan) van | Massively Collaborative Machine Learning | |
Master Computer Science | 2016 | first supervisor | Burgh, B. (Benjamin) van der | Entity Resolution in Unstructured Data | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2016 | second supervisor | Boom, B. (Bernard) van den | Dutchism Detector | |
PhD Computer Science | 2015 | copromotor | Vespier, U. (Ugo) | Mining Sensor Data from Complex Systems | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2015 | first supervisor | Marsdon, B. (Bob) | A Generalized Hough Transform for the Recognition of Cars in Images [I... | |
PhD Computer Science | 2014 | copromotor | Miao, S. (Shengfa) | Structural Health Monitoring Meets Data Mining | |
Master Computer Science | 2014 | first supervisor | Baggio, A. (Alberto) | Interactive Visualization and Mining of Massive Time Series | |
PhD Computer Science | 2013 | copromotor | Duivesteijn, W. (Wouter) | Exceptional Model Mining | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2013 | first supervisor | Vos, M. (Michiel) | Self-Tracking with Multiple Sensor Systems | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2012 | second supervisor | Haas, E. (Erwin) | Automated Classification of Skin Diseases using Tile-Based Texture Fea... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2012 | second supervisor | Witteveen, J. (Jouke) | Minng Hyperintervals: Getting to Grips with Real-Valued Data | |
Master Computer Science | 2010 | first supervisor | Schiopu, G. (Gratian) | Datamining of Sensory Datastreams in Complex Systems | |
Master Computer Science | 2007 | first supervisor | Strijbosch, L. (Luc) | Speeding up Ozone Profile Retrieval using Machine Learning Techniques |