Student |
Thesis |
Content |
Assal, W. (Wadie) | Deep Learning for Emotional Analysis | |
Barbanson B.A. (Buys) de | Tracing Scar-lineages and Collapsing Read Error | |
Bismpikos, N. (Nikolaos) | Estimating Tool Damage and Remaining Useful Life of a CNC Milling Cutter by Applying Time-Frequency Analysis, Machine Learning and Evolutionary Optimization | |
Carbajo Martinez, M. (Manuel) | Aneuploid Chromosome Copy Number Estimation with Dynamic Coverage Analysis: Steps towards Improved Short Read Aneuploid Assembly | |
Dijke, N.T. (Niels) ten | Convolutional Neural Networks for Regulatory Genomics | |
Griffioen, K.T. | 3D Reconstruction Techniques to Aid Biological Research | |
Heuvel, J. (Jeroen) van den | Finding Business Processes in Computer Usage Data using Frequent Sequence Mining | |
Hommelberg, A.G.M. (Anne) | Using the Forelem Framework to Express and Optimize K-means Clustering | |
Latour, A.L.D. (Anna) | Incremental Algorithms for Solving Stochastic Constraint Optimisation Problems with Probabilistic Logic Programming | |
Liang, C. (Chao) | Classification of Wood from Wood Anatomy using Deep Learning | |
Liu, Y. (Yazhou) | RNNs of Heart Rate Modeling as a Function of Body Movement | |
Lucchesse, R. (Roberto) | Analyzing the Resilience of Board Interlock Networks Under Imperfect Data | |
Mokveld, T.O. (Tom) | Improving Sequence Alignment through Population Graph Inference | |
Nieboer, M.M. (Marleen) | Reconstructing the Subclonal Evolution of Tumors from Targeted Sequencing Data | |
Ozir, J.K.F. (Jordi) | Adaptive Recombination Weighting Schemes Applied to the CMA-ES | |
Parag, R.M. (Raymond) | Sequential Recognition and Scoring of Archery Shots | |
Parschiakos, S. (Stylianos) | Comparing Sensor Networks for Activity Recognition | |
Partodikromo, E. | A Metalearning Approach to the Chip Production Scheduling Problem | |
Rijn, F.W. (Frank) van | Learning to Play Hearthstone using Machine Learning | |
Sevastakis, D. (Dimitrios) | Gene Prediction using Unsupervised Deep Networks | |
Spierenburg, M.J. (Manuel) | Virtual Machine for Secure Embedded Systems | |
Strien, B.E. (Bart) van | Deriving Highly Efficient Implementations of Parallel PageRank | |
Treurniet, F.P. (Florian) | Transposition Driven Scheduling: Back to the Future? A Study on Vectorization and Shared CPU Programming | |
Versteeg, A.A.B. | Integrating the Microbiome and Metabolome using Dataming and Network Analysis Approaches | |
Wang, Y. (Yali) | A New Approach to Target Region Based Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms | |
Witte, B. (Boyd) | Algorithms for Detecting and Analyzing Multiplex Motifs in Large-scale Corporate Networks | |
Yuan, Y. (Yuan) | Medical Entity Recognition from Patient Forum Data | |
Zuure, N.B. (Niek) | An Automated Pipeline for Face Recognition and Classification of Affect | |