Students supervised by Hermans, F.F.J. (Felienne)

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

36 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
Master Computer Science2023second supervisorBolt, JuliaAn approach to describing the semantics of Hedy, a gradual programming...
Bachelor Informatica & E...2023first supervisorAmerongen, R. van (Roos)Error message needs of novice programmers in gradual programming langu...
Bachelor Informatica & E...2023first supervisorSedigi, K. (Kousar)Evaluating a New Javascript Feature for a Thesis Evaluating
Bachelor Informatica2023second supervisorSimpeh, J. (Jeremiah)A New Way of Learning English: Integration of Computational Thinking T...
Bachelor Informatica2023first supervisorNasrat, O. (Omid)Hedy: De implementatie van een syntax highlighter
Master Media Technology2022first supervisorGroot, Nicole de“What's in a Chunk?”: A Recall Study of Quantitative Chunking in S...
Master ICT in Business a...2022first supervisorBakker, TimonHedy programming language introducing the Gradual Feedback Model (GFM)
Master Computer Science2022second supervisorLikhi, T.Effects of the power distance index on multicultural software engineer...
Bachelor Bioinformatica2022first supervisorLin, D. (David)Gradual OverPy: A Proof of Concept of Applying a Gradual Method on the...
Bachelor Informatica & E...2022second supervisorHörchner, F. Het gebruik van Sonic Pi door kinderen met een visuele beperking
Bachelor Informatica & E...2022first supervisorKeijzer, M. deAn exploratory research on Reading Code
Bachelor Informatica & E...2022first supervisorRedelaar, F. Designing and implementing a debugger for the Hedy programming languag...
Bachelor Informatica2022second supervisorHamdi, A. (Akram)Fault Analysis for a New MsC Course using the ChipWhisperer
Bachelor Informatica2022second supervisorRooij, M. (Michael) deHandling of Abstraction by Children using the Hedy Programming Languag...
Bachelor Informatica2022first supervisorMarosvölgyi, C. (Charlotte)Parsons Problems in Hedy
Bachelor Informatica2022first supervisorÖzbay, A.E. (Ali Esat)An Interactive Program Visualisation Tool for Hedy
Master Media Technology2021second supervisorÖberg, H.The Importance of Nothingness
Master Computer Science2021second supervisorTang, ShangyiIdentification of Scratch projects’ Similarity using Clustering Algo...
Bachelor Bioinformatica2021first supervisorFaas, M. (Marije)Training Logical Operations through Gameplay
Bachelor Informatica & E...2021first supervisorSchaaf, R.Programmeermisconcepties in Hedy
Bachelor Informatica2021second supervisorBolt, J. (Julia)Blind leren programmeren: Een studie naar de Computational Practices v...
Bachelor Informatica2021second supervisorBurghoorn, G. (Gijs)Exploration of the ChipWhisperer Lite ARM board for education on Side-...
Bachelor Informatica2021second supervisorMoison, O. (Okke)Scratch of Scottie Go!: een vergelijking tussen twee manieren om te le...
Bachelor Informatica2021first supervisorMalkoç, M. (Melda)Prestatietest Ontwikkeling voor de Evaluatie van Python Vaardigheden v...
Bachelor Informatica2021first supervisorOttevanger, L. (Laura)Continuing levels of the programming language Hedy
Bachelor Informatica2021first supervisorSmit, T. (Thera)Creating a Framework for Sublevels in Hedy
PhD Computer Science2020copromotorSoltani, M. (Mozhan)Exploring Means to Facilitate Software Debugging
Master Media Technology2020second supervisorSpek, S.Different Instruction Methods for Learning Programming Concepts in Scr...
Master Computer Science2020first supervisorJonkman, JacobThe effects of music listening on program comprehension
Bachelor Informatica & E...2020second supervisorHuijs, W.P.Het Effect van een Programmeerzomerkamp op Self-efficacy, Stereotype e...
Bachelor Informatica & E...2020first supervisorBosdijk, B. (Benjamin)Dfficulties of Screen Readers in Primary School Computer and Typing Ed...
Bachelor Informatica & E...2020first supervisorBruin, L.M.W. deAnalyse van de Kennis en Opvattingen van Docenten in het Nederlands Ba...
Bachelor Informatica & E...2020first supervisorTurner, B.Misconcepties van Onervaren Programmeurs over While Loops
Bachelor Informatica & E...2019first supervisorKrabbendam, T.S.Programming Misconceptions of Children from Ages 8 to 11
Bachelor Informatica2019first supervisorDubbeldam, S. (Stef)Using Program Animation to resolve misconceptions in K-12 students.
Bachelor Informatica2019first supervisorStrating, M.W. (Martijn)Analysis of Submissions of the Dutch Olympiad for Informatics with a S...