Students supervised by Heide, E. (Edwin) van der

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

45 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
Master Media Technology2024first supervisorScheeres, H. (Hendrik) The Influence of Menthol-Induced Trigeminal Stimulation on Colour-Odo...
Master Media Technology2024first supervisorVliet, T. van (Thijs)Coordinating with Machines - The Effects of a Pre-task Coordination Ex...
Master Media Technology2024first supervisorWisselink, O. (Olaf)Bar, Rope, String: An Exploratory Study into Relationships between Phy...
Master Computer Science2024first supervisorKhan, R. (Raashid)Optimizing Realism & Interaction in Augmented Reality Head-Mounted Dis...
Bachelor Informatica2024first supervisorJong, C. (Casper) deCan the Waves of the Sea Speak to Us?
Bachelor Data Science an...2023first supervisorPaqué, S. (Sven) The Generation of Evolving Drum Sequences Using Artificial Intelligenc...
Master Media Technology2023first supervisorLind, TiesSound Logos: Investigating the Saliency of Melody and Timbre
Master Media Technology2023first supervisorWisselink, OlafBar, Rope, String: An Exploratory Study into Relationships between Phy...
Master Media Technology2022second supervisorLammertink, Simone Presence in 360-Degree Video
Master Media Technology2022second supervisorMartin Roman, CarlosCollective Speech in the Hybrid Urban Space. Intervention in a Residen...
Master Media Technology2022second supervisorOosting, Titus Power Scheming Creating a Data Approach to Playful Politics
Master Media Technology2022second supervisorPierrot, PieterShapes and Staffs: A Qualitative Exploration of the Ontology of Comput...
Master Media Technology2022first supervisorMemelink, MarissaTracing Autonomy & Artistic Significance: Towards an Alternative Frame...
Master Media Technology2022first supervisorRui, Rebecca Forking the Docuverse: A Digital Document System Developed For Mapping...
Master Media Technology2022first supervisorWoord, Carlo terThe Design of AA-RO, an Abstract Robotic Object, and the Development o...
Master Media Technology2021first supervisorBruijn, M. deThe Effect of Added Sounds on Urban Soundscape Evaluation and Listenin...
Master Media Technology2021first supervisorMaheen, A.Perhaps, Essences. Practice Based Exploration on the Perception of Spa...
Master Media Technology2021first supervisorVellekoop, O.The Recognition and Disturbance of Notification Sounds Integrated into...
Master Media Technology2020second supervisorSalvodelli, F.Smartphone Notifications’ Distractions During a Full-attention Activ...
Master Media Technology2020first supervisorInsing, J.Thumb-to-Finger Gestural Peripheral Interaction Design for Everyday Sm...
Master Media Technology2020first supervisorVerzier, A.Sensing Virtual Space: Perceptual Interaction Between Acoustic and Vis...
Master Media Technology2020first supervisorWebb, G.Eat Your Grains: Artificial Ecosystems, Granular Synthesis and Generat...
Bachelor Informatica2020first supervisorDonkers, J. (Jeroen)Real-time Melody Harmonization in an Improvisational Context
Bachelor Informatica2020first supervisorTubergen, J. (Jeroen) vanAssessing the Fitness of Web-applications within the Context of Mobile...
Master Media Technology2019first supervisorKoningsveld, M. vanApplying Passive Haptic Learning to Induce Associative Motor Memory wi...
Master Media Technology2018second supervisorSzabo, M.Sound and Shape: Implementing Findings from Crossmodal Research
Master Media Technology2018first supervisorBouzias, G.Uniqueness in Air-Drawing of Symbols
Master Media Technology2018first supervisorGurbanzadeh, M.Trust Me If You Can: Exploratory Study on the Effects of Anthropomorph...
Master Media Technology2018first supervisorKoyuncu, K.An Analysis of Artistic Research Published in Online Journals Based on...
Master Media Technology2018first supervisorSilvester, C.Music as Strategy for Memorizing Objective Time
Master Media Technology2018first supervisorTienhoven, S. vanMelodic Swarms: Generation of Melody in Harmonic Context using Swarm A...
Master Media Technology2017second supervisorTian, N.The Influence of Non-diegetic UI Elements in 3D Touch Controlled Games
Master Media Technology2017first supervisorGeerlings, D.Representing Flavours with Sound: Using Combinations of Sine Waves to ...
Master Media Technology2017first supervisorGhafoerkhan, A.Mood Journaling - An Exploration of Real Time Mood Developments as a F...
Master Media Technology2017first supervisorKroese, J.An Interactive Plant as a Learning Interface - Embodying Environmental...
Master Media Technology2017first supervisorMartorana, R.Representation of Silence in Soundscape Perception
Master Media Technology2017first supervisorRohrbach, P.How Passively Listening to Music Can Create an Atmosphere for Social B...
Master Media Technology2017first supervisorXu, D.Sonifying standing: An exploration of different mapping strategies of ...
Master Media Technology2016first supervisorLiu, D.Navigation in an Audio Maze Game with Quadraphonic and Octophonic Spea...
Master Media Technology2016first supervisorOldenhof, D.Can a Physical 3-Dimensional Display Improve the Understanding of Topo...
Master Media Technology2016first supervisorTeunisse, C.CloseHR: An Experimental Study on the Effects of Interpersonal Touch o...
Master Media Technology2015first supervisorSchut, AliceHow We Influence Our Creativity: Speaking is Silver, Writing is Golden...
Master Media Technology2014second supervisorBraake, Thomas teThe Simultaneous Perception of Music via the Tactile and Auditory Sens...
Master Computer Science2014first supervisorSpruit, W. (Wouter)A Low-cost Electrocutaneous Stimulator
Bachelor Informatica2010first supervisorEverts, H. (Harma)Art or Artificial