15 entries found.

Bachelor Informatica & Economie

Student Thesis Content
Brinke, W. ten (Wouter)Secure Software Development at BDO Today and Tomorrow: The Current Methodology and How it Can Be Enhanced Following the Relevant Standards and Regulations.
Driel, C. (Christiaan) vanMore Human, Less Bot: How Social Presence Impacts Satisfaction, Trust, and Reuse Intention in Customer Support Chatbots
Fietelaars, C.L.T.E. (Claire)Increasing the Effectiveness of Communicating Release Notes to Users: A Case Study in Salesbuildr
Hesselink, S. (Sander)Accessibility through Acceleration: A Fast and Fair Random Forest Algorithm
Kuipers, S.L. (Shanti Lorena)From DevOps to DataOps: The Adoption of DevOps Practices in Data Integration
Laar, D. (Dean) vanAccelerating Value Propagation Interpolation for Large Satellite Images
Lokin, R. (Rutger)Multi-criteria optimization for sustainable last-mile delivery with flexible time-windows
Mutijima, A.S. (Ange)Using LLMs for Data-Driven Business Decisions
Ommen, B. van (Bram) Machine Learning for Football Player Scouting
Otten, R.M. (Roan)What Different Business Models Can Be Identified in the Market for AI for Music Creation?
Owee, B.J. (Bryan Joseph)Open-source Large Language Models for Named Entity Recognition
Steenbergen, A.M.E. (Anna Maria Elizabeth)Unravelling the Connections Between CEO’s Online Social Networks and Firm Innovation: An X-Based Analysis
Visser, J. (Jort)Fairness in the Use of AI-based Algorithms in Justice Systems
Weert, J.S. (Justin Simon)Designing an Artificial Intelligence Auditing Framework
Zia, K. (Kalsoom)Improving the Software Requirements Elicitation Process by Integrating AI-Driven Speech Functionalities