Students supervised by Uta, dr. A. (Alex)

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

14 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
Bachelor Informatica2023second supervisorLim, X.N. (Nuan) Parallel code generation using SIMD on multi-core CPUs
Master Computer Science2022second supervisorGroot, M. deModelling Startup Growth and Spending by using Markov Decision Process...
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorHasenoot, J.The Performance of Distributed Applications: A Traffic Shaping Perspec...
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorIJpelaar, M.Investigating End-to-End Arrow-based operations in Apache Spark
Master Computer Science2022first supervisorKleingeld, D.[GovFS, a scalable control plane using groups of metadata nodes]
Bachelor Informatica & E...2022second supervisorHulsker, K.A first draft for an evaluation method for SMEs to select a SIEM solut...
Bachelor Informatica2022second supervisorAllison, L. (Lucas)Proxy Caching in Accenture’s Employee Evolution Tree Project
Bachelor Informatica2022first supervisorHoltrop, S. (Sjors)Linker-Directive Based File System in Userspace: Introducing LDP FUSE
Master Computer Science2021second supervisorHuijben, MarcelParallel Code Generation on the GPU
Master Computer Science2021second supervisorVoetter, RobinParallel Lexing, Parsing and Semantic Analysis on the GPU
Master Computer Science2021first supervisorAlvarez Rodriguez, SebastiaanGeneric, End-to-end Computation Offloading between Processing and Stor...
Master Computer Science2021first supervisorZhao, YuxuanWould Rather be More than Less: On-Demand Container Resizing
Bachelor Bioinformatica2021first supervisorBoonstra, N.J.L. (Niels)Is the Linux Completely Fair Scheduler Ready for Serverless Workloads?
Bachelor Informatica2020second supervisorIJpelaar, M. (Mariska)An Initial Exploration of the Importance of Program Instruction Order ...