17 entries found.
Program | Year | Role |
Student |
Thesis |
Content |
PhD Computer Science | 2023 | promotor | Bruin, G.J. (Gerrit Jan) de | Network Analysis Methods for Smart Inspection in the Transport Domain | |
PhD Computer Science | 2023 | promotor | Pereira Barata, A.P. (Antonio) | Fair and Reliable Machine Learning for Risk Assessment | |
PhD Computer Science | 2021 | promotor | Pi, L. (Lei) | External Knowledge Absorption in Chinese SMEs | |
PhD Computer Science | 2021 | promotor | Samaeemofrad, N. (Negin) | Business Incubators: The Impact of their Support | |
PhD Computer Science | 2021 | first supervisor | Selig, C.J. (Christoph) | Understanding the Heterogeneity of Corporate Entrepreneurship Programs | |
PhD Computer Science | 2020 | promotor | Blok, B.Z. (Bob) | CreatIef, Creatiever, CreaTiefst? | |
PhD Computer Science | 2020 | promotor | Mirsoleimani, S.A. (Ali) | Structured Parallel Programming for Monte Carlo Tree Search | |
PhD Computer Science | 2020 | promotor | Toubman, A. (Armon) | Calculated Moves: Generating Air Combat Behaviour | |
PhD Computer Science | 2019 | first supervisor | Kuindersma, E.C. (Esther) | Cleared for Take-off: Game-based Learning to Prepare Airline Pilots fo... | |
Master Media Technology | 2018 | second supervisor | Paardekoper, M. | The Influence on Attitude Towards Piracy: A Sentiment Analysis of Dutc... | |
Master ICT in Business a... | 2018 | second supervisor | Slothouwer, Nicky | Novel Techniques to Detect and Classify Suspicious Human Behavior usin... | |
PhD Computer Science | 2017 | second supervisor | Ruijl, B.J.G. (Ben) | Advances in Computational Methods for Quantum Field Theory Calculation... | |
PhD Computer Science | 2017 | promotor | Guo, Y. (Yuanhao) | Shape Analysis for Phenotype Characterization from High-Throughput Ima... | |
PhD Computer Science | 2016 | promotor | Weber, C.R.M. (Christina) | Real-time foresight: preparedness for dynamic innovation networks | |
Master Media Technology | 2016 | first supervisor | Frings, B. | Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields Produced By Wireless Technologi... | |
Bachelor Informatica | 2016 | second supervisor | Staalduinen, J.H. (Jan) van | Gathering and Managing Spatiotemporal Data | |
PhD Computer Science | 2015 | promotor | Gard, J. (Jérôme) | Corporate Venture Management in SMEs: Evidence from the German IT Cons... | |