Students supervised by Nijssen, dr. S.G.R. (Siegfried)

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

10 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
PhD Computer Science2022copromotorLatour, A.L.D. (Anna)Optimal Decision Making under Constraints and Uncertainity
Master Computer Science2021second readerRook, JeroenCaching in Model Counters: A Journey through Space and Time
Master Computer Science2017third supervisorLatour, A.L.D. (Anna)Incremental Algorithms for Solving Stochastic Constraint Optimisation ...
Master Computer Science2016second supervisorBurgh, B. (Benjamin) van derEntity Resolution in Unstructured Data
Bachelor Informatica2016first supervisorWubben, S.J. (Sander)Predicting the Risk of Overload in Overcommitted Server Clusters
Bachelor Informatica2015second supervisorMcGlinn, T. (Tama)Analysing the Difficulty of Mazes using a Web Application
Bachelor Informatica2015first supervisorBoekhout, H. (Hanjo)Combining Graph Mining and Deep Learning in Molecular Activity Predict...
Bachelor Informatica2015first supervisorKanhai, S. (Soeradj)Mining a Scientific Conference
Master Computer Science2014second supervisorHekke, P. (Piet) vanTime-interval Sequential Patterns in Insurance Data
Bachelor Informatica2014first supervisorObbens, W. (Willem)Inference in Markov Networks [IW]