Students supervised by Vliet, dr. R. (Rudy) van

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

16 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
Bachelor Informatica2024first supervisorStaal, R. (Robin)Decoding the Code-breaking Game of Symble
Bachelor Informatica2024first supervisorVerwaal, T. (Thomas)Analysing the Maximum and Minimum Scores in Azul and the Orders in Whi...
Bachelor Data Science an...2023first supervisorBraam, I. (Isaac)BlockStep, An A* Algorithm toward Minecraft Optimal World Traversal fo...
Bachelor Informatica2023first supervisorBerg, P. van den (Perri)Exploring Optimal Strategies for Dice of Doom
Bachelor Informatica2023first supervisorKooistra, S. (Sara)Achieving the Maximal Score in Azul
Bachelor Informatica2021first supervisorBurgh, R. (Rogier) van den Bomb-r-cover Expanding the difficulties of Bomberman
Bachelor Informatica2020second supervisorBak, R. (Romke)Finding Shortest Paths in Parallel
Bachelor Informatica2019first supervisorGraaf, S. (Sylvester) deCracking the Mastermind Code
Bachelor Informatica2019first supervisorJonckheere, L.S. (Luc) deEfficiently Generating the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets
Bachelor Informatica2019first supervisorVlasakker, R.A. (Rintse) van de Bomb-cover Een verzamelingenoverdekkings-probleem in de Bombermanwerel...
Bachelor Informatica2018first supervisorDrogtrop, J. (Jimmy)Comparing Different Agents in the Game of Risk
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorHeijungs, S. (Simon)Tape-quantifying Turing Machines in the Arithmetical Hierarchy
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorMuusse, I.J. (Ivo)An Algorithm for Balancing a Binary Search Tree
Bachelor Informatica2017first supervisorKlijn, M. (Michel)A Perfect Information Scrabble Game
Bachelor Informatica & E...2016second supervisorLopes Carreiro, V. (Vanessa)Examining Different Strategies for the Card Game Sueca
Bachelor Informatica2016first supervisorHuybers, R. (Richard)Mario (of hoe je een Programmeerwedstrijd kunt Winnen)