Students supervised by Haring, prof.dr. S. (Bas)

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

28 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
Master Media Technology2025first supervisorZijl, L. van (Lieke)Sceptics as Vigilantes of Science - An Exploration of Boundary Work of...
Master Media Technology2024first supervisorDriessen, I. (Ilse)Can the City Be Restorative? Creating a Virtual Built Environment Base...
Master Media Technology2024first supervisorOu, Z. (Zizhu) DJing for fish: exploring animal attraction through acoustic manipula...
Master Media Technology2022first supervisorAvgen, Lal Scripts of Realization For the Dualist – A Scientific Reflection
Master Media Technology2022first supervisorBosch, Mitchell Exposing Scientists: Exploring the Effects of Communicating Research P...
Master Media Technology2022first supervisorJi, Xiaoqing Analogy Game
Master Media Technology2022first supervisorLeeuwenburgh, Pien Waste Misplaced: An Exploratory Study on Waste Disposed Around Semi-un...
Master Media Technology2022first supervisorLefferts, Melle Eat Yourself Happy
Master Media Technology2022first supervisorRoberts, ShaniqueSecret Student: Investigating Eros in Teacher’s Pet Relationships
Master Media Technology2022first supervisorRodrigues de Senna, Vitor JacobTindergration: A Fun Way to Study for the Dutch Civic Integration Exam
Bachelor Informatica2022first supervisorRaziuddin, S. (Shabnam)The ProgRamifications on Society, where COMPAS Guides us
Master Media Technology2021first supervisorRijswijck, J. vanSinger Magazine: A Speculative Creation to Spark Reflection on Animal ...
PhD Computer Science2020promotorBlok, B.Z. (Bob)CreatIef, Creatiever, CreaTiefst?
Master Media Technology2020second supervisorRoos, N.On Being a Scientist with Scientifically Controversial Beliefs: An Exp...
Master Media Technology2019first supervisorKolster, A.Amateurish Detectives or Expert Investigators? Analysing the Use of So...
Master Media Technology2019first supervisorMira, M.Extrapolating Lessons for Future Cinematic Virtual Reality Creators by...
PhD Computer Science2018promotorSchraffenberger, H.K. (Hanna)Arguably Augmented Reality, Relationships Between the Virtual and the ...
Master Media Technology2018first supervisorBergman, R.Exploring Technological Futures: The Use of Different Media, Text, Phy...
Master Media Technology2018first supervisorBont, A. deOnline Persuasive Learning: A Study into the Effectiveness of Social-p...
Master Media Technology2018first supervisorBrinkman, C.The Truth, the Whole Truthiness and Nothing But Alternative Facts
Master Media Technology2017first supervisorLeenen, L. vanLecture by Girls
Master Media Technology2017first supervisorPiët, D.Objects in the Margins - Marginal Items in Sleutelbakjes
Master Media Technology2017first supervisorSatyukov, G.RAM-Z: Chef of the Robot Cuisine. Effects of Asking Questions in Conve...
Master Media Technology2016first supervisorRijntjes, T.An Experiment in Engineering a Synthetic Organism-Enterprise
PhD Computer Science2015promotorJong, A.P.A. (Staas) deComputed Fingertip Touch for the Instrumental Control of Musical Sound
Master Media Technology2015first supervisorLavroechina, JelenaMore Carton, Less Milk, Less Waste
Master Computer Science2004first supervisorVerbeek, M.L. (Marie Louise)Goudvissen
Master Computer Science2002first supervisorRosengarten, G.H. (Gijs)Random Creatie van Plaatjes ter Ondersteuning van het Creatieve Proces...