15 entries found.

Master ICT in Business and the Public Sector

Student Thesis Content
Bogumila SobolewskaBusiness value of online communities in public sector
Christian SchoutenThe search for a set of relevant KPI's
Clemens TimmermansThe changing laws of business agility, A case study on improving business agility in case of legislative change
Gengsi SunIntroducing RPB model for stakeholder management in ING lending transformation programme
Hofman, M. (Marco)Text Mining in Dutch Reports with a Specific Vocabulary
Jelle de GrootIncorporating Software Quality in the Capitalization of Software as an Asset
Kas RamjiawanWat Is de toegevoegde waarde van Enterprise Architectuur bij het realiseren van bedrijfsdoelstellingen?
Kentsch, A. (Adrian)Exploratory Recommendations Using Wikipedia's Linking Structure
Matthijs BiermanEmpirical research into Gateway-reviews at the Dutch national government -CONFIDENTIAL
Michael de GrootVirtual Collaborative Work as Weak Ties
Petr HylInstability Evolution in International Joint Ventures
Robbert van EijkWeb Tracking Detection System (TDS) An effective strategy to reduce systematic monitoring and profiling of user habits across websites
Ruben van de WoudenHow does the relationship between behavioral uncertainty and trust evolve in an interorganizational relation?
Sjaak KootApplying the Capability Approach to ICT4D Projects, an Organisational Perspective
Soerin BipatHow can the adaptation behavior of IT project managers, within the Dutch government, be explained in situations of political involvement?