Students supervised by Verrijn Stuart, prof.dr. A.A. (Xander)

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

5 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
PhD Computer Science1994promotorRamackers, G.J. (Guus)Integrated Object Modelling
PhD Computer Science1993promotorMorssink, P.J.A. (Pieter Jan)Behaviour Modelling in Information Systems Design: Application of the ...
PhD Computer Science1988promotorNat, M. (Theo) van derQuicker than Quicksort: An Appraisal of Linear Time Sorting Methods
PhD Computer Science1988promotorSteen, M. (Maarten) van Modelling Dynamic Systems by Parallel Decision Processes
PhD Computer Science1980promotorOsinga, M. (Michiel)Documentation of Chemical Reactions