Students supervised by Eiben, prof.dr. A.E. (Agoston)

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

6 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
Master Computer Science1998supervisorJong, M.B. (Michiel) deAdaptive Sampling on the Similarities Between Learning and Evolving
Master Computer Science1998second supervisorKerstholt, J.M.C. (Janine)AWENS Artificial Worls for Evolving New Species. An Investigation to C...
Master Computer Science1997first supervisorM.E. VinkHet oplossen van combinatorische problemen met evolutionaire algoritme...
Master Computer Science1997first supervisorThijssen, B. (Bjorn)Adaptive Genetic Algorithms with Multiple Subpopulations and Multiple ...
Master Computer Science1996first supervisorHauw, K. (Koen) van derEvaluating and Improving Steady State Evolutionary Algorithms on Const...
Master Computer Science1996first supervisorNadema, D.M. (Doutie)Heuristic Genetic Algorithm for the Knapsack Problem