Students supervised by Boer, prof.dr. F.S. (Frank) de

Note: the overview per supervisor is likely partially incomplete.

27 entries found.

ProgramYearRole Student Thesis Content
PhD Computer Science2024second supervisorChu, W. (Wenjing)Automata Learning: from Probabilistic to Quantum
PhD Computer Science2024first supervisorBian, J. (Jinting)Reasoning about Object-Oriented Programs: From Classes to Interfaces
PhD Computer Science2024first supervisorHiep, H.A. (Hans-Dieter)New Foundations for Separation Logic
PhD Computer Science2020promotorSerbanescu, V.-N. (Vlad)Software Development by Abstract Behavioural Specification
PhD Computer Science2019promotorAzadbakht, K. (Keyvan)Asynchronous Programming in the Abstract Behavioural Specification Lan...
PhD Computer Science2018promotorBezirgiannis, N. (Nikolaos)Abstract Behavioral Specification: Unifying Modeling and Programming
Bachelor Informatica2017second supervisorMuinck Keizer, D. (David) deA Control Flow Graph Generator for Java Code
PhD Computer Science2016promotorNobakht, B. (Behrooz)Actors at Work
Bachelor Informatica2016second supervisorWerf, U.M. (Ulbo) van derDescribing Heaps using Kleene algebra with Tests
PhD Computer Science2015promotorRot, J.C. (Jurriaan)Enhanced Coinduction
PhD Computer Science2014promotorHelvensteijn, M. (Michiel)Abstract Delta Modeling: Software Product Lines and Beyond
PhD Computer Science2013promotorGouw, C.P.T. (Stijn) deCombining Monitoring with Run-time Assertion Checking
PhD Computer Science2012promotorGrabe, I. (Immo)Static Analysis of Unbounded Structures in Object-Oriented Programs
PhD Computer Science2011promotorKemper, S. (Stephanie)Modelling and Analysis of Real-time Coordination Patterns
PhD Computer Science2011first supervisorAştefănoaei, L. (Lăcrămioara)An Executable Theory of Multi-Agent Systems Refinement
Master Computer Science2011supervisorRot, J.C. (Jurriaan)Automated Verification of Pointer Programs
Master Computer Science2011second supervisorNobakht, B. (Behrooz)Deploying Active Objects onto Multicore
PhD Computer Science2010promotorGrüner, A. (Andreas)Testing Object Interactions
PhD Computer Science2010promotorJaghoori, M.M. (Mohammad)Time at Your Service: Schedulability Analysis of Real-time and Distrib...
Bachelor Informatica2010second supervisorRot, J.C. (Jurriaan)A Pushdown System Representation for Unbounded Object Creation
Master Computer Science2009second supervisorGouw, S. (Stijn) de and Helvensteijn, M. (Michiel)Automatic Program Verification in Mist
PhD Computer Science2008promotorJacob, J.F. (Joost)Domain Specific Modeling and Analysis
Master Computer Science2008first supervisorLi, X. (Xuan)Java Interaction Testing
Bachelor Informatica2008first supervisorPouw, M. (Michiel)Aspect-oriented Programming in PHP
PhD Computer Science2007copromotorGuillen Scholten, J.V. (Juan)Mobile Channels for Exogeneous Coordination of Distributed Systems
PhD Computer Science2006copromotorKyas, M. (Marcel)Verifying OCL Specifications of UML Models
PhD Computer Science2005copromotorÁbrahám, E. (Erika)An Assertional Proof System for Multithreaded Java: Theory and Tool Su...